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The Black Ops Assassins (A.K.A. Boas) are an urban based army. Split into squads,(Red Green and Blue) they are ideal for every situation, but they excel at urban warfighting. There is a small group, however that specializes in Jungle Fighting. Under the rigorous training of Lt. Riokus and Commissar Xela, these men have no fear. Weather the mission to siege a xenos planet, or to defend one of their own, these men are ideal for the job.

Army List


13 Jungle Fighters Armed with flamers, lasguns, laspistols, sword and knife

1 Sentinel Armed with flamer and chainsword

1 Sgt. Sebastian Church Armed with plasma pistol and power sword

3 Heavy weapon teams (2 converted to one manned), Missile launcher, Heavy Bolter and Lascannon

3 Snipers Armed with.... Hmmm.. What are they armed with again???

1 Converted Biker armed with twin linked bolterguns and sword

2 Heavy Flamers armed with... Ooo a butterfly! I don't have ADH- Oh my god a chicken! Wait what are they armed with again???

MAIN FORCE (urban):

20 Jungle Fighters with: Lasguns, Laspistols, Boltguns, Boltpistols, Lasguns with bayonets, Boltguns with bayonets, Chainbolters, swords, chainsaws, knives, plasma pistols, flamers, flamers with bayonets(HEHE UBER DEADLY!!!) etc. Basically anything I can glue together and find/scavenge/make. It'll be pretty epic.

1 Sentinel armed with (not so sure yet... *)

1 Command Squad Armed with Melta gun, Plasma gun, Banner, Plasma pistol and probably converted chainbolters. **

3 Heavy Weapon Teams Armed with: Missile Launcher, Missile Launcher, and (not so sure yet ***)

1 Shadowstorm (slightly converted) Armed with: Big cannon thingy. Twin linked heavy Bolters on each side, Twin linked heavy bolters on front, 1 Lascannon on each 2 Autocannons(conversion)

13 Cadians with: Lasguns, Laspistols, Boltguns, Boltpistols, Lasguns with bayonets, Boltguns with bayonets, Chainbolters, swords, chainsaws, knives, plasma pistols, flamers, flamers with bayonets(HEHE UBER DEADLY!!!) etc. Basically anything I can glue together and find/scavenge/make. It'll be pretty epic.

I think thats it. Whew that was a mouthf- ooo look a cow!

I was going to originally make this an all Catachan army (really?????) but then got sick of painting skin all the time. Its going to be anything Imperial Guard I can find. Those 13 Cadians are old Imperial Guard I just played with, without really making an army. I got the Catachan Battleforce (really?) recently, although it still has to be shipped, and while I was waiting I decided to make it urban. The only things that I had before the shipment that are to be Urban is the Shadowstorm and the Cadians. Those I'm going to repaint (cadians) and the Shadowstorm I'm starting once I get my grey paints. Can anyone tell me about how many points that is without upgrades? I think its like 2k but I havent gotten my codex yet


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