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I’m Maciej ‘Nazroth’ Kulesza from Poland. I have been painting miniatures and models since 1996′ and started taking first commissions after 2000′. Totally different times for painters back then with no fancy techniques and only small range of paints to choose from. All in all I am a painter for quite some time now with more than 10,000 miniatures from many different games and ranges painted by my hands. As a testimony to these quantities and lack of caution my hands are scarred like those of a Space Marine veteran’s. It is a blessing that they still work fine with the brush as otherwise I wouldn’t had any means to heed a painter’s calling.

Due to studies and a regular job which lasted more than ten years, i lost some time as a painter. The world moved on and all these airbrushes, washes, glazes and a variety of different products appeared. I struggle to catch up with my esteemed fellow painters. This state of being changed pace in late 2014 when I decided to start building a portfolio in hope to ‘live by the brush’ one day. It happened sooner than I have imagined. Half a year later I quit my job and jumped head on into ‘Scar_hand Painting’ project. Before I noticed I was already head to toe in commission painting as many interesting people from all around the globe entrusted me with their miniatures. So that’s my story.

I sincerly hope to bring life to yet more miniatures with commission painting. In meantime I try both to share my experience throughout tutorials and to learn from awesome painters present in the web. Might happen that one day I will become a great painter too. If you will stay a while and observe maybe you will witness either my great success or a moment of my fall. Either way – see you around.

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