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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


That canoness power sword is gorgeous.
Made in fr
Regular Dakkanaut

For this edition, they seem to really have a pattern of locking new models in Battleforces, no ? I seem to remember the previous edition having a bit more variation in this, with new models on their own, in small boxes (Lion + Bladeguard), in Boarding Patrols (Farsight) or "dual faction boxes" (GSC vs Custodes...).
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

CorwinB wrote:
For this edition, they seem to really have a pattern of locking new models in Battleforces, no ? I seem to remember the previous edition having a bit more variation in this, with new models on their own, in small boxes (Lion + Bladeguard), in Boarding Patrols (Farsight) or "dual faction boxes" (GSC vs Custodes...).

For single model releases with new codices. Otherwise it is army box with new models plus book and cards, then seperate additional models with standalone codex release for larger rage updates.
Made in gb
Disassembled Parts Inside a Talos

So for 40K the last 5 codex releases has produced 6 single character releases. It would be nice to see some actual new kits for units.
Made in fi
Courageous Space Marine Captain

zanzibarthefirst wrote:
So for 40K the last 5 codex releases has produced 6 single character releases. It would be nice to see some actual new kits for units.

You need to wait till it is the time for Blood Angels and Space Wolves!

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

zanzibarthefirst wrote:
So for 40K the last 5 codex releases has produced 6 single character releases. It would be nice to see some actual new kits for units.


Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Tyranids
Codex: Ad Mech*
Codex: Necrons*
Codex Supplement: Dark Angels
Codex: Tau
Codex: Orks*
Codex: Adeptus Custodes*
Codex: Chaos Space Marines**

They're the books either out or on pre-release at the minute. We're at an almost 50/50 split between "books with at least one unit" and "books with one or two characters" (indicated from memory with asterisks), and Tyranids and Tau both got meaty releases. Tau might be out of position in the other, but Orks and AC don't show on the Wikipedia page for some reason - which month did they come out in?

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

zanzibarthefirst wrote:
So for 40K the last 5 codex releases has produced 6 single character releases. It would be nice to see some actual new kits for units.

Kroot, HH, and new AoS are probably taking up the production slots.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Plus aren't there rumours of a fairly good sized Eldar update with a bunch of characters and the last few Aspect troop updates.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 Overread wrote:
Plus aren't there rumours of a fairly good sized Eldar update with a bunch of characters and the last few Aspect troop updates.

Yeah: Eldar, Blood Angels, Kreig, and possibly another votann wave too. Plus inevitably EC.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Yep though it almost sounds like EC will either be pulling last position this edition or coming next edition.

Honestly the only line-up thing that seems missing ot me is a new warrior kit for Tyranids with wings on the sprue. Winged Prime wants some winged friends!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/18 22:01:29

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Sword-Bearing Inquisitorial Crusader

Exeter, UK

dienekes96 wrote:
That canoness power sword is gorgeous.

It's nice, but that fleur-de-Lys-studded power maul is a true thing of beauty. I wonder if the hand flamer is her only ranged option, since that's the one weapon a foot Canoness CANNOT take...
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Nothing tickled my fancy, although Necromunda nearly had me there for a moment...

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

 Dysartes wrote:
zanzibarthefirst wrote:
So for 40K the last 5 codex releases has produced 6 single character releases. It would be nice to see some actual new kits for units.


Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Tyranids
Codex: Ad Mech*
Codex: Necrons*
Codex Supplement: Dark Angels
Codex: Tau
Codex: Orks*
Codex: Adeptus Custodes*
Codex: Chaos Space Marines**

They're the books either out or on pre-release at the minute. We're at an almost 50/50 split between "books with at least one unit" and "books with one or two characters" (indicated from memory with asterisks), and Tyranids and Tau both got meaty releases. Tau might be out of position in the other, but Orks and AC don't show on the Wikipedia page for some reason - which month did they come out in?

It's also worth mentioning that Drukhari got Mandrakes and Eldar got Scorpions via KT and their dexes haven't even dropped yet.

Made in us
Audacious Atalan Jackal

there's also the night lords, which may or may not end up getting their own datasheet at some point (since gw is trying to make sure each kit has its own datasheet)

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Scorpions and Mandrakes also reinforce that GW isn’t limiting releases to Codex Window anymore.

Sure that’s when you’re most likely to get a substantial addition, but far from the only time now.

Made in gb
Sword-Bearing Inquisitorial Crusader

Exeter, UK

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Scorpions and Mandrakes also reinforce that GW isn’t limiting releases to Codex Window anymore.

So long as they're tied to Kill Team, to 'count as' a release for that system. So we're not going to see any vehicles or independent characters flying solo away from a codex release.
Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Huh, 90% of that preview does nothing for me. Glad I didn't waste my time on the stream.

I like the mutant cannibal hillbilly Genestealers, but I don't think I have any use for mutant cannibal hillbilly Genestealers.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Disassembled Parts Inside a Talos

 Dysartes wrote:
zanzibarthefirst wrote:
So for 40K the last 5 codex releases has produced 6 single character releases. It would be nice to see some actual new kits for units.


Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Tyranids
Codex: Ad Mech*
Codex: Necrons*
Codex Supplement: Dark Angels
Codex: Tau
Codex: Orks*
Codex: Adeptus Custodes*
Codex: Chaos Space Marines**

They're the books either out or on pre-release at the minute. We're at an almost 50/50 split between "books with at least one unit" and "books with one or two characters" (indicated from memory with asterisks), and Tyranids and Tau both got meaty releases. Tau might be out of position in the other, but Orks and AC don't show on the Wikipedia page for some reason - which month did they come out in?

Once you include Sisters and GSC then you get 5 on the bounce with very little added to them.
Having such short editions is the problem, it’s creating a constant churning of booksand the model designers can’t keep up.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

On the accompanying model release, I’m not entirely sure, but is this not the inverse of who got the lion’s share of model releases in 9th?

Made in gb
Gore-Drenched Khorne Chaos Lord

zanzibarthefirst wrote:
 Dysartes wrote:
zanzibarthefirst wrote:
So for 40K the last 5 codex releases has produced 6 single character releases. It would be nice to see some actual new kits for units.


Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Tyranids
Codex: Ad Mech*
Codex: Necrons*
Codex Supplement: Dark Angels
Codex: Tau
Codex: Orks*
Codex: Adeptus Custodes*
Codex: Chaos Space Marines**

They're the books either out or on pre-release at the minute. We're at an almost 50/50 split between "books with at least one unit" and "books with one or two characters" (indicated from memory with asterisks), and Tyranids and Tau both got meaty releases. Tau might be out of position in the other, but Orks and AC don't show on the Wikipedia page for some reason - which month did they come out in?

Once you include Sisters and GSC then you get 5 on the bounce with very little added to them.
Having such short editions is the problem, it’s creating a constant churning of booksand the model designers can’t keep up.

Not really true, it's not like longer editions meant all armies got something in the past.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Armpit of NY

Another throughly underwhelming snoozer of a ‘reveal’. I can’t be disappointed, though, since my expectations for these ‘events’ are already so low…
Made in gb
Sword-Bearing Inquisitorial Crusader

Exeter, UK

Dudeface wrote:
Not really true, it's not like longer editions meant all armies got something in the past.

*Dark Eldar and Sisters wail at the memory of the Dark Times*
Made in gb
Disassembled Parts Inside a Talos

Whilst there were occasions in the early days where some books didn’t get updated like the aforementioned Dark Eldar and Sisters but a codex release was a much bigger occasion than it is now.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


zanzibarthefirst wrote:
Whilst there were occasions in the early days where some books didn’t get updated like the aforementioned Dark Eldar and Sisters but a codex release was a much bigger occasion than it is now.

Yes that did happen. There was even a time where armies got nothing until a codex update and then BOOM you got everything in that and then nothing at all between those updates. And you wouldn't always get a big update with a codex. That was partly GW's approach to dealing with the 3rd party market (way before 3D printing was even a thing in the market). These days GW likes to drip feed more models out through expansions, side games and single hero releases so things have improved a fair bit on that front. I feel like BIG releases area touch rarer now, but we are getting more models than ever from GW; just spread out more and it certainly feels like GW aren't leaving armies alone entirely. Though there are always a feel that feel it worse. eg Tyranids went on a fairly long gap without anything much; though on the flipside they had a good number of fairly modern to modern plastics in their range then. So it didn't feel as bad as Eldar or some AoS armies running around with metals and finecast and first generation plastics

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Infiltrating Broodlord


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
On the accompanying model release, I’m not entirely sure, but is this not the inverse of who got the lion’s share of model releases in 9th?

Genestealer Cults also got a single model in 9th.

Having said that they did get substantive releases in 7th and 8th.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Funny enough, I looked into the game around 4th or 5th at one point but wanted to play Black Templars and someone suggested I wait until they got their codex updated. Eventually turned into a running gag.
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Dark Eldar had 12 years between their codexes from 3rd to 5th. Everyone got a codex in 3rd, but 4th and 5th editions were pretty bad for not giving codexes. The pace picked up again in 6th and 7th.

I'm not bothered if there is no model release to be honest. If a range is complete, and looks good, what's the need for more models? I understand if core parts of a range are not covered, but that's not the case any more. Every faction is fully covered these days.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Da Boss wrote:
Dark Eldar had 12 years between their codexes from 3rd to 5th. Everyone got a codex in 3rd, but 4th and 5th editions were pretty bad for not giving codexes. The pace picked up again in 6th and 7th.

I'm not bothered if there is no model release to be honest. If a range is complete, and looks good, what's the need for more models? I understand if core parts of a range are not covered, but that's not the case any more. Every faction is fully covered these days.

Wasn't it 4th or 5th that also started a trend of adding models in the rules that never got models?

I agree I think one reason Tyranids were doing ok before 10th edition is that they had a pretty darn good roster of models. Even things like Termagaunts were decent quality (just annoying for their split heads mostly). It was strange to see things like the bio and pyrovores go so long without an updated kit though.

However right now Tyranids are sitting there with an army in a very complete, very well rounded style. They are not in the need but the want stage of models, with the possible exception of winged warriors because of GW's choice on releasing a winged prime.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

 Overread wrote:

Wasn't it 4th or 5th that also started a trend of adding models in the rules that never got models?

That was always a thing until Chapterhouse. There were plenty of units without official models in 2nd and 3rd.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/21 14:15:09

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Platuan4th wrote:
 Overread wrote:

Wasn't it 4th or 5th that also started a trend of adding models in the rules that never got models?

That was always a thing until Chapterhouse. There were plenty of units without official models in 2nd and 3rd.

Yeah I just get a feeling it got a lot worse.
I think also it shifted a bit from being weapons options on models that did exist not being enough t ocover all the options in the codex; to whole models and units that just didn't appear as models ever.

But yeah one of the good things we got from Chapterhouse from GW was the end of them putting stuff in the codex and then never making the model. Granted "no models no rules" has been taken a little extreme in the last edition or two I'd say (eg cutting out options from Tyranid models that you easily got as parts on other existing kits - RIP oh Dakka-Tyrant with wings); but in general I'm behind the idea of at least making sure we can build things the codex lets us take

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
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