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Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

The problem with multilasers isn't the sturdiness, it's the power supply and cooling.

Crusaders aren't Guard.
Rough Riders were, initially, debuted as a non-regimental asset. They were effectively "specialist" assets. Bumping them to be regimental assets was a huge mistake and should be reverted.

We don't need to "reflect penal guard, conscripted hive gangers, and the like". It's conscripts. It's done. We don't need to cater to some nonsense for the "different types of conscripts". It's a catch-all term, and the unit needs to be BS5+ with a 6+ save at this point. The only reason it's the same as Guardsmen is because it uses the kit.

It's bizarre the kinds of things people feel "need to happen" with Guard, but somehow some Jump Pack Guardsmen is a bridge too far?

This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Bristol (UK)

In fairness it's only been me that's objected to jump pack guardsman.

I like the Guard's current aesthetic. I think they need some of the stuff they've lost getting re-added and they definitely need to do something with conscripts, a 6+ save would be great (iirc they had that in 5th).

A reboot isn't going to happen though, sure as sure.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 kirotheavenger wrote:
In fairness it's only been me that's objected to jump pack guardsman.

No actually, it isn't. Any time the subject gets brought up it gets objected to with some ridiculous nonsense that usually gets followed by "...so bring Rough Riders back!".
They're both poor concepts, but one at least does not require carting horses across a galaxy-spanning Imperium.

I like the Guard's current aesthetic. I think they need some of the stuff they've lost getting re-added and they definitely need to do something with conscripts, a 6+ save would be great (iirc they had that in 5th).

The Guard's "current aesthetic" is Cadian, but unfortunately the rules are Valhallan. That's the best description I can give for why the book has been garbage since Cruddace's turn.

Conscripts have been 5+ since Eye of Terror and the Youth Army Squads(which were locked at 10 models I might add), which were Cadian specific.

A reboot isn't going to happen though, sure as sure.

Maybe, maybe not.

It just needs to not have Robin Cruddace involved. Like even tangentially. Because his purported obsession with Guard being an "early 20th century" force is downright harmful to the game.
It's why Guard lost lasguns for Sergeants and Officers(a thing which Guard lore has continually reinforced as a thing!), it's why we keep getting the focus on conscripts rather than the professional soldiery, and the nonsense that is "Command Squads".

There are so, so many ways to make the Guard book good without being broken. There is so much room for actually creating the forces that people claim to want to see without overwhelming the game. There is so much room for bringing in some of the offshoot concepts that people like to bring up(Arbites, PDF, Inquisition) without it being a thing that just takes over the army.

There just needs to be the actual motivation to do it and to take advantage of the "Auxilia" tag that we have cluttering our book.
Made in it
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

 Kanluwen wrote:
 kirotheavenger wrote:
I wouldn't want to see Guard jump pack units, that's completely at odds with their 20th century military aesthetic.

Right, because 20th century militaries are known for their elite sniper-cook cadres and brutes with grenade launcher gloves and tank armor shields.

That's not what he said and you know it.

Those units you mentioned still have a modern army aesthetic, just juxtaposed with them being worn with fantastical races (or in that case abhumans).

I personally hope they bring back Rough Riders, as they rustle your jimmies so much.

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

I've said before(admittedly, it's been awhile since the main argument constantly thrown out is always "they just need to come back for reasons" while I can't have Kasrkin "for reasons"..and what do you really say to that? there's no room for a conversation--it's just "I want what I want") that I'd be happy with them coming back as Auxilia, bringing back the concept of the Attillan Rough Riders(an outsized 'regiment' that gets assigned as assets to a warzone). I just don't think the current concept(horses+lances) belong as a Regimental asset. Same thing goes for Conscripts.

And I quoted what he said. There's nothing stopping small, boxy jump packs(or whatever "20th century military aesthetic" even means in this context, outside of "they wear uniforms" I guess?) from being a thing to contrast with the big round jump packs of Marines or whatever the big deal really is.

If the big problem is just "we don't want mobile, melee potential guardsmen that aren't Rough Riders"...then there's no real discussion to be had. It's two different approaches to the same concept, just coming down to a difference of preference. Some people are happy with Ratlings, I want to see actual Guardsman sniper teams being a thing. There's zero reason that both cannot exist in the Guard book thanks to the fact that the concepts have some room for different weapon types/special rules.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/02/15 15:51:28

Made in es
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

Vigo. Spain.

Don't Elysians are a full jump pack infantry regiment?

 Crimson Devil wrote:

Dakka does have White Knights and is also rather infamous for it's Black Knights. A new edition brings out the passionate and not all of them are good at expressing themselves in written form. There have been plenty of hysterical responses from both sides so far. So we descend into pointless bickering with neither side listening to each other. So posting here becomes more masturbation than conversation.

ERJAK wrote:
Forcing a 40k player to keep playing 7th is basically a hate crime.

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

No, Elysians have Grav-Chutes.

And that's where one of the big problems has always been with regards to the 'Airborne Guard' concept. Grav-Chutes, to the outside observer, look like jump packs...which they kinda/sorta are? But it's one-use. They're there to slow descent.
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Bristol (UK)

D-99 used to have Guardsman sniper squads.
I'd like to see the return of Elysian and D-99 rules, although given that they've been axed by Forgeworld it's unlikely to ever happen.
You can already sort of do it with Command Squads iirc. But snipers just generally suck atm, because most characters are too swol to die to that sort of fire.

Part of the reason I object to Guardsman jump pack squads is because they need to be a little unique.
Guardsman-Sisters-Marines shouldn't all just follow the same rules but a sliding scale of better stats.
But it's not my only objection. I don't think it fits the 20th century aesthetic at all.
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

I don't think AM needs new units they just need updated models for the largest part of most armies, the infantry. The biggest issue is that it's not a streamlined organisation in lore and unlike Marines, you can't easily convert Cadians into Vostroyans, and providing basic infantry for the "main" regiments means either 6 separate kits for each infantry unit or a new updated kit that is released alongside upgrade packs, which I think everyone would agree would not go down well.

The best option would probably be to go the Bolt Action route with basic one-piece bodies but numerous head and weapon options, the British Infantry kit is a brilliant example because it comes with enough heads to represent the basic infantry alongside notable regiments/divisions such as Sikh or Scottish soldiers.
Made in us
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy

I wish that Guard would get a "Heavy" Tank in plastic.

As it stands right now, a Leman Russ is very much like a Churchill had a baby with a Sherman/T-34 which resulted in them getting an Infantry/Medium tank hybrid.

I wish they'd get like a previous poster said, a Malcador or Macharius heavy tank in plastic, designed to assert that they should be among the kings of armored warfare in terms of sheer scale.

Mostly I wish that cannons were given better rules. A Vanquisher should not be akin to a slightly stronger Lascannon, make it like sticking a Sherman Firefly on the battlefield relative to the 75s (Battlecannon Russes).

Slap it with a d6 plus 5 damage shot. Make those guns feel like a solid punch. A true tank killer. Tank cannons do not need to be rapid fire machine guns but massive blasts that rip things apart. Drop the fire twice rule, just buff their cannons to be hilariously powerful for their 1 shot per turn. Something like a battlecannon should be taking chunks of my Black Templar's Crusader Squads, it does, but it also shouldn't be better than the Vanquisher at blasting my Dreadnoughts and Landraiders.

I honestly think that the Guard Range is pretty good but need better rules on the tabletop, just like my tyranids.

Though I do like those gas weapons that were mentioned before. Maybe an aerosolized Acid or something really nasty to eat through the seals on gas masks and into things like a Necron or the toughened biology of Tyranids and Orks, a configurable cocktail of weapons, maybe a handful of utility shells designed for various effects. Perhaps stratagems involving utilizing high explosives to drive enemy into cover, followed by a dropping of chemical weapons to rip into exposed soldiers.

I would prefer Officers to be more than buff bots, but rather introduce more regimental "Advisors" which would allow more coordination between assets, which, along with planning is the job of Officers IRL.

In addition to those, perhaps giving certain weapons an option similar to what missile launchers have, such as giving battle cannons a Frag shell and a Krak Shell. Separate the HE from AP, instead of trying to mix the two roles. Something like 2d6 Strength 6 AP-1 D1 shots for a Frag Shell, and an Strength 10 AP -3 D6+2 Krak Shell. Make these tanks cheap so they reflect that the Imperium should outnumber most foes. To my understanding the BC Russ with HB Sponsons and hull Lascannons costs about 195 points, with the following change, I'd suggest dropping it to about 160 points. You're losing power on individual russes, but they should be on the cheaper side. Let other more exotic russes take up the high end, with things like Vanquishers being the go to AT Russ, the Demolisher the go to close range heavy target tank, the Eradicator, Executioner and Exterminator all variations on heavy and super heavy infantry/light vehicles.

In terms of a new unit, some armored troops who are not Ogryns but are capable of standing on an objective, call them "Armored Assault Troops, but with a fancy name. Let them load up on heavy flamers/regular flamers and other close range weapons. The IG should know that their soldiers cannot physically stand up to a lot of threats out their without some sort of heavy firepower/armor. Slap these guys with carapace armor and bring back Hellguns, make them more focused on ROF vs Hotshot Lasguns having armor penetration. Think Assault 3, AP-1 Las Guns. Two special weapons and perhaps 1 heavy flamer per squad. Let them come in sizes from 5 to 10.

Another thing would be a servitor kit, to act as assistance for artillery vehicles, perhaps with a different effect depending on which one they're assisting. An additional shot for a Basilisk, more reliable Deathstrike, though I'm uncertain of what they could do for a Wyvern or a Manticore...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/02/15 17:14:18

Made in gb
Lord of the Fleet


Penal Legions would be good from a fluff perspective rather than as a competitive unit. I can't imagine it'd be too difficult to port over the old 5th Ed rules:

- Limit of 1 per detachment
- Unit of 10-30 Legionnaires led by an Overseer.
- If the Overseer is alive, can inflict (x) Mortal Wounds to auto-pass Morale.
- Can't hold objectives but don't give up points for losing the unit (big maybe on this one).
- Some sort of minor upgrade like the 5th Ed version?

Would be good to get Rough Riders back, or some equivalent such as bikers.

It'd also be good to have some variation between Lasguns, Autoguns and Shotguns. While this only really applies to Vets and a few select units, at the moment it seems a bit useless to take Autoguns (no FRFSRF) and Shotguns (unlikely to get close enough for +1S to make a difference).
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

 Kanluwen wrote:

We don't need to "reflect penal guard, conscripted hive gangers, and the like". It's conscripts. It's done. We don't need to cater to some nonsense for the "different types of conscripts". It's a catch-all term, and the unit needs to be BS5+ with a 6+ save at this point. The only reason it's the same as Guardsmen is because it uses the kit.

Besides, in general how else would you arm them? You scoop up 10k conscripts - be they gangers, criminals, random civvies, etc, hand each of them a standard pattern lasgun/helmet/uniform, assign a few Commissar to mind them & ship them of to the front....
Congratulations, you're in the Imperial Guard now. Shoot those aliens.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

So long as your nuking doesn't invalidate anything in my collection.
Made in us
Powerful Pegasus Knight

They aren't nuking it and never will.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

I always wanted to see sappers/combat engineers. Make it a five man squad that can infiltrate and gets crazy bonuses against fortifications. Have it as a 1-per-platoon sort of deal.

Also, drop troops with grav-chutes (with actual plastic model support) as Elite would be nice.

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

 Kanluwen wrote:
The problem with multilasers isn't the sturdiness, it's the power supply and cooling.

I refered to the fluff mentioning ripper guns as armament because they are "sturdy enough to be Ogrynproof". I don't believe that you could not make a Multilaser Ogrynproof and I think a weapon with more than maybe 10-20 shots is better for an Abhuman with little fire discipline.

 Kanluwen wrote:

Crusaders aren't Guard.

last time I looked they were Astra Militarum?

Regarding Kanluwens comment on Jumppack infantry/ Rough Riders: As someone who also objected: I'm not really against jump pack infantry. I just (like some other poster I don't find at the moment) would like to not go the same route as SoB and Marines (and Tau and Eldar for that matter) who all use some form of jump pack. Cavalry on the other hand is currently only used by the AdMech. That's my main reason for prefering them
The same with Ogryns: currently IG is the only army with Abhumans. I think that's great and might be further explored.
But I respect everyone that has another opinion and would prefer Jumppacks. You do you.

@ Conscripts: I personally (again that is only my preference and everyone can disagree) would find it nice to have the option of arming light infantry for CC. Not as Elite fighters but as poorly equipped rubble. Nobody is forced to use that, as nobody is forced to add elite Infantry like Scions to their army. My proposition targetted the Conscripts as the armament option (they could still be fielded with Lasguns) would differentiate them from normal Infantry squads. Also they might (!) become an interesting option for custom regiments with the melee traits. And finally from a lore perspective: in a setting were almost everything is better in CC, if one has not enough lasguns for everyone I would give those I have to my best troops and the rest would have to make due with pistols and clubs until someone else drops a real gun.

Edit: to clarify: that would not necessarily be a new kit. Just edit the datasheet. It's not that hard to glue some pistol and Chainsaw holding arms to a cadian body.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/15 18:33:57

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

ccs wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:

We don't need to "reflect penal guard, conscripted hive gangers, and the like". It's conscripts. It's done. We don't need to cater to some nonsense for the "different types of conscripts". It's a catch-all term, and the unit needs to be BS5+ with a 6+ save at this point. The only reason it's the same as Guardsmen is because it uses the kit.

Besides, in general how else would you arm them? You scoop up 10k conscripts - be they gangers, criminals, random civvies, etc, hand each of them a standard pattern lasgun/helmet/uniform, assign a few Commissar to mind them & ship them of to the front....
Congratulations, you're in the Imperial Guard now. Shoot those aliens.

And this is part of where the problem lies.

If you're "scooping up 10k conscripts and shipping them off to the front"? They ain't Guardsmen. They're Conscripts. You've sourced them locally, they've received no training, and the Munitorum likely is not the one arming them but rather the local Imperial authorities.

Autoguns, which can be produced locally alongside of ammo, maybe a Flak Vest for a 6+ save. Lower Leadership or a "Rabble" rule, actually necessitating a Commissar being involved. Auxilia keyword instead of <Regiment>.

Remember that the Guard have Lasguns instead of Autoguns because of the lack of local infrastructure. If you've got Conscripts? Local infrastructure's there.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

So long as your nuking doesn't invalidate anything in my collection.

And this is why we can't have nice things. There needs to be a dramatic shift at times, and "no invalidate" is going to keep the status quo.

It sucks, but oh well. I lost 30+ Sergeants/Officers with Lasguns. You can handle it too.

The biggest thing that needs to happen in any regards? Removal of Heavy Weapon Teams from Infantry/Veteran/Command Squads. Add man-portable Heavy Weapons as an additional "Special Weapon" choice, things like Heavy Stubbers or Heavy Lasguns.

HWTs either need to be able to be deployed separate from an Infantry Squad if they are to remain in Infantry Squads or remain the purview of Heavy Weapons Squads, becoming a pseudo 'vehicle squadron' of buy more than one and deploy across things.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/02/15 18:37:08

Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

What's your justification for such a small change, I don't see that as particularly ground breaking, but I also don't see the point of it... Let squads have heavy weapons if they want them, for the most part, most don't use them in squads now anyway because they want the guard squads to be mobile to capture objectives, but I don't see the harm in having them for someone who does want them.

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
My Shroud of Vigilance Hobby update blog for me detailed updates and lore on the faction:
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 Pyroalchi wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
The problem with multilasers isn't the sturdiness, it's the power supply and cooling.

I refered to the fluff mentioning ripper guns as armament because they are "sturdy enough to be Ogrynproof". I don't believe that you could not make a Multilaser Ogrynproof and I think a weapon with more than maybe 10-20 shots is better for an Abhuman with little fire discipline.

You can't make a Multilaser Ogryn-proof. The whole reason they're vehicle mounted is the sensitive alignment for the laser housing and cooling systems plus the power consumption. It's also not like the Ripper Guns cannot be reloaded.

 Kanluwen wrote:

Crusaders aren't Guard.

last time I looked they were Astra Militarum?

Keyword: Adeptus Ministorum.
They're in the book, but they are not Guardsmen. No more than Ministorum Priests or Techpriest Enginseers are.

Regarding Kanluwens comment on Jumppack infantry/ Rough Riders: As someone who also objected: I'm not really against jump pack infantry. I just (like some other poster I don't find at the moment) would like to not go the same route as SoB and Marines (and Tau and Eldar for that matter) who all use some form of jump pack. Cavalry on the other hand is currently only used by the AdMech. That's my main reason for prefering them

Cavalry is also used by Daemons of Chaos.

If they were to restrict things based on "two or more" factions having things, we wouldn't have anything for GSC. Nothing stops us from getting Jump Pack infantry for Guard.

The same with Ogryns: currently IG is the only army with Abhumans. I think that's great and might be further explored.
But I respect everyone that has another opinion and would prefer Jumppacks. You do you.

Chaos has Abhumans, even ignoring FW. BSF brought in the Traitor Command(Commissar+Ogryn) and the Beastmen.

@ Conscripts: I personally (again that is only my preference and everyone can disagree) would find it nice to have the option of arming light infantry for CC. Not as Elite fighters but as poorly equipped rubble. Nobody is forced to use that, as nobody is forced to add elite Infantry like Scions to their army. My proposition targetted the Conscripts as the armament option (they could still be fielded with Lasguns) would differentiate them from normal Infantry squads. Also they might (!) become an interesting option for custom regiments with the melee traits. And finally from a lore perspective: in a setting were almost everything is better in CC, if one has not enough lasguns for everyone I would give those I have to my best troops and the rest would have to make due with pistols and clubs until someone else drops a real gun.

Edit: to clarify: that would not necessarily be a new kit. Just edit the datasheet. It's not that hard to glue some pistol and Chainsaw holding arms to a cadian body.

Or we do the sensible thing and make Conscripts into actual Conscripts. Lesser armor save, lesser leadership, and no <Regiment> tag while toting autoguns or pistols or whatever. There's room for an actual, flexible Cultist-esque unit...but it is NOT with the <Regiment> tag handy.

End. Of. Story.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 endlesswaltz123 wrote:
What's your justification for such a small change, I don't see that as particularly ground breaking, but I also don't see the point of it... Let squads have heavy weapons if they want them, for the most part, most don't use them in squads now anyway because they want the guard squads to be mobile to capture objectives, but I don't see the harm in having them for someone who does want them.

"Heavy Weapons Teams" are things that, fluffwise, are supposed to be set up either distinct from the squad or assigned to support the squad from another element within the Company/Regiment.

By stripping HWTs out of Infantry Squads, we open up room for things like Heavy Stubbers and Heavy Lasguns to be added to the Special Weapons list and Infantry Squads to get two Special Weapons per squad.

There's a few things that really should be "Special Weapons" instead of "Heavy Weapons", and there's a few things from the lore that would also fit the bill. Things like the 'Treadfethers' from the Gaunt's Ghost books, for example, were distinct from Missile Launchers. Launchers can be reloaded while the others were one-shot disposables.

There's a ton of little things that can be done to keep Guard from being ridiculous while also showcasing that Infantry Squads aren't "veterans".

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/15 19:16:31

Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

Fair enough, I sort of like it, especially if you could split off the heavy weapons from the squad, though how that would work with morale etc would have to be carefully considered.

On the flip side, I also don't think that just because it is more fluffy to do it, doesn't mean it makes sense in the game mechanics. Imagine if you could split off the heavy weapon teams for every squad to become their own little area denial island to deep strike?

I know that isn't your only suggestion mind, with the other more extreme one being to just take HWT's away from squads wholesale but that is just one potential problem with that specific suggestion, it could be used in a gamey way quite quickly.

The idea of expanding the scope of special weapons is cool though, I actually don't like that guard can spam so much plasma and melta (for fluff reasons) but good alternatives can negate that.

However, I do not want guard jump infantry... As I said earlier, nearly all imperium factions have them, guard need to be different rather than marines in flak armour. I also like the bonkers grim dark aesthetic of bioengineered super steeds to be used as cavalry, it's the flavour of the setting as I see it. Opinions will differ on that, but I don't really want to see guard lose their schtick of the equipment being more important than the man using it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/15 21:25:33

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
My Shroud of Vigilance Hobby update blog for me detailed updates and lore on the faction:
Made in nl
Inquisitorial Keeper of the Xenobanks

your mind

ccs wrote:
I want:
RT era human bombs to return.
Rough Riders on horse.
Rough Riders on bikes.
a mix & match rules system for making & equipping ab-humans

I just wish that they would do the core units well.
New plastic Vostroyans for instance, Valhallans, some exciting troops reflecting human diversity yada.

And sure, dudes on bikes and various mounts (for which one might also count horses) would be great.
Rough riders should return updated, certainly.

Perhaps a new set of artillery with the return of templates...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Gert wrote:
I don't think AM needs new units they just need updated models for the largest part of most armies, the infantry. The biggest issue is that it's not a streamlined organisation in lore and unlike Marines, you can't easily convert Cadians into Vostroyans, and providing basic infantry for the "main" regiments means either 6 separate kits for each infantry unit or a new updated kit that is released alongside upgrade packs, which I think everyone would agree would not go down well.

The best option would probably be to go the Bolt Action route with basic one-piece bodies but numerous head and weapon options, the British Infantry kit is a brilliant example because it comes with enough heads to represent the basic infantry alongside notable regiments/divisions such as Sikh or Scottish soldiers.

This ^^ basically.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/02/15 19:54:01

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

And there's the reason why I make the suggestion.

It's time we stop treating every single Guard army as "just massive numbers of models". Horde armies can just mean "lots of targets on the field"...and having HWTs being their own unit allows for that. It also becomes a trade-off that someone has to be willing to make: do I keep the squad at 10 models or go for 8+2?
Conscripts are the horde unit. Not Guard Infantry Squads.

Guard Jump Infantry, if done properly, could be worked in a manner that will not detract from Marines or Sisters. Seraphim are different to Assault Marines enough that nobody has ever really complained.
Shotgun equipped 'pioneers' with demo charges in the Guard wouldn't really be stepping on anyone else's toes.

Also worth mentioning that it's basically Krieg's schtick to use the engineered 'supersteeds'(which were basically just bad tempered and able to survive the toxic hellscape that was Krieg). And the Death Riders are considered an elite formation, not just schmucks on horses.
The Attillan and Tallarn Rough Riders just had regular ol' creatures for all intents and purposes.
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

 endlesswaltz123 wrote:
Marines, Custodes and Sisters all have jump troops, I don't really want guard to have the same units as there with the only difference being power armour and having las instead of bolt weapons...

Guard jump units, back when they existed, were kind of weird.
Just a normal guardsman, a jump pack and two laspistols.
I don't remember ever seeing them on the table, though I bought a single blister at some point.

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in us
Powerful Pegasus Knight

Attilans had regiments of attached companies of Rough Riders same as Tallarn. Guards deserves to get said option again.
Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

Voss wrote:
 endlesswaltz123 wrote:
Marines, Custodes and Sisters all have jump troops, I don't really want guard to have the same units as there with the only difference being power armour and having las instead of bolt weapons...

Guard jump units, back when they existed, were kind of weird.
Just a normal guardsman, a jump pack and two laspistols.
I don't remember ever seeing them on the table, though I bought a single blister at some point.

Drop in grav chutes that can give a once per game movement boost once landed I'm all for, that could work, but proper jump assault troops.

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
My Shroud of Vigilance Hobby update blog for me detailed updates and lore on the faction:
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

We don't need gunslingers, kthx.
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

 endlesswaltz123 wrote:
Voss wrote:
 endlesswaltz123 wrote:
Marines, Custodes and Sisters all have jump troops, I don't really want guard to have the same units as there with the only difference being power armour and having las instead of bolt weapons...

Guard jump units, back when they existed, were kind of weird.
Just a normal guardsman, a jump pack and two laspistols.
I don't remember ever seeing them on the table, though I bought a single blister at some point.

Drop in grav chutes that can give a once per game movement boost once landed I'm all for, that could work, but proper jump assault troops.

Those _were_ the proper jump assault troops in RT and 2nd for guard.

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

Guard already have drop troops, they're just called Scions.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


I love the look of the Genestealer Cult Bikers and ATVs. Since it would unfair to steal those, a recce jeep for the AM made by the same designer could be cool.

Otherwise a refresh of the plastic infantry kits (without necessarily changing the loadouts and organization) is something I could get excited about.

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
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Storm Trooper with Maglight

 Gert wrote:
Guard already have drop troops, they're just called Scions.

Yes and no, since 6th edition GW has been separating Stormtroopers/Scions/Kasrkin out from the army, making it its own thing (though with very little model support). In the current book you can either have Scions in your regular guard regiment, but not get any doctrine bonuses on them, or you need to take a specifically Scion detachment to get a bonus on them but then cannot take anything else in the codex aside from Scions and Auxilia. So long story short in order to have good stormtroopers in your army, you need minimum 2 detachments.

 fraser1191 wrote:
Not new units but I'd really appreciate a separation of characters from the command squad like marines. Medic, banner bearer, I don't think anyone takes these characters cause they don't get a chance to do anything, and if they could people would just shoot the unit because they're just unit upgrades and not separate characters.

See, I've been mentally thinking lately that it might be interesting to give the Command Squads a [Character] key word, and then limit it to 1 special and 1 heavy weapon. That way they can give their minor buffs without worry of being immediately killed, but they also wouldn't be able to fire off a ton of plasma from safety. I've never liked the fact that Command Squads are basically a special weapon unit and not a coordination unit. Hell, going this route it might be interesting to just roll Company/Platoon Commanders back into Command Squads. I doubt a 5 man unit with a Standard, a Vox Castor, a medi kit, a single Plasma Gun, and a Commander with a Plasma Pistol / Power Sword would break the game overmuch if it had the [Character] keyword.
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Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Stormtroopers/Scions are not Kasrkin/Grenadiers.

Kasrkin and Grenadiers had Stormtrooper equipment but no alternate deployment methods.
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