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1000 points of White Scars  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

Hey guy's i used to play white scars before i took an 18 month hiatus from 40k and now i come back and i see we have a new codex but it seems my white scars have not been treated too kindly. Now i used to use a list very near to this one (1000 points) and it wasn't always very effective but i played it for fun because the white scars special rules were cool. Now i'm wondering whether this is even worth taking under the new codex rules (using the traits for white scars.)

Captain:130 points
Bike, Terminator honours, power weapon, melta bombs

5 Bikes: 185 points
1 melta gun

5 Bikes: 185 points
1 melta gun.

5 assault Marines: 150 points
2 plasma pistols, vet seargent with melta bombs and power weapon.

5 assault Marines: 146points
flamer, vet seargent with melta bombs and power weapon.

2 attack bikes: 100 points
2 heavy bolters

whirlwind: 85 points

TOTAL: 982 points (thats 18 points for other stuff)
Made in ph
Fresh-Faced New User

My two cents,
Don't bother with the assault squads and pack more bikes instead.
Beef up your regular bike squads by attaching attack bikes to them (bringing their number to 6 per squad, and increasing their wounds by 2).
I'd also go with a static unit that can fire directly, since your bikes will probably be turbo-boosting in your first turn. I'd recommend a predator destructor w/ lascannon sponsons over that whirlwind.
Lastly, I'd go with a chaplain, instead of a captain...might be a little pricier, but hey, you're going into assault right?
And yeah, White Scars still work...you just need to pack tons of bikes (coz' if you're using landspeeders aplenty, you'd be playing Ravenwing, yes? ).

Here's more or less what I had in mind for 1,000 pts:
-Reclusiarch w/ bolt pistol & crozius, bike, frags, melta bombs - 122 pts
-2x SM bikes, 2x SM bikes w/ flamers, SM bike vet. sgt. w/ power weapon, bolt pistol, and melta bomb, attack bike w/ heavy bolter; all with furious charge - 270 pts
-2x SM bikes, 2x SM bikes w/ meltaguns, SM bike vet. sgt. w/ power fist, bolt pistol, attack bike w/ heavy bolter - 260 pts
-2x SM bikes, 2x SM bikes w/ meltaguns, SM bike vet. sgt. w/ power fist, bolt pistol, attack bike w/ heavy bolter - 260 pts
Fast Attack
-Landspeeder Tornado (heavy bolter & assault cannon)
Total points: 992
Model count: 20

If you want a static shooty unit, like a predator destructor w/ lascannon sponsons, you could remove the Tornado, the chaplain's melta bomb, and one biker from one of the troops choices. (sorry, I just don't like whirlwinds...I mean, if its indirect fire, and it isn't a battle cannon, earthshaker or a D-cannon, then I don't think I'd bother...but that's me)

Hope this helps,

Farseer Iakobos
Craftworld Iyanden

"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength." - 1984

"For Tanith! For the Emperor!" - Gaunt's Ghosts 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Westchester, NY

I would also buy expert rider for the bikers.


Grey Knights--7000 W13 L9 D1
Beasts of Chaos--4000
"We own the Night" 
Made in ph
Fresh-Faced New User

Expert Rider, IMHO, isn't necessary...and shouldn't be bothered with unless you have tons of free points (unlikely if you're playing an army like White Scars).
That and you'd only find that skill useful in really terrain-heavy scenarios/games.

"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength." - 1984

"For Tanith! For the Emperor!" - Gaunt's Ghosts 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

I think in larger games skilled rider does help because your opponet doesn't expect you to drive thru terrain to get to him.

I only put it on squads that are setup for assault.
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