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Made in de
Dakka Veteran

I am playing against Thousand Sons today and will try an Unending Swarm. I am not very experienced but got obliterated already once by them. Imho they might be tough to handle with lots of bodies. I will still try it.

Adrenalised Onslaught

3x 20 Termagants
2x 20 Hormagaunts
1x 22 Neurogaunts
3x 1 Ripper Swarms
3 Zoanthropes

The Neurotyrant into the Neurogaunts. They are supposed to stay back and provide synapse. Same for the Zoanthropes and they maybe help with the 6++ but mostly with being synapse. Half of the army probably must arrive from reserves, because I cannot field them all in my deployment zone
The Shadow in the warp is used in the turn of the TS heaviest alpha strike to prevent them from boosting too many of their mass shooting attacks.
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

I played against 1k Thousand Sons and lost. Until round 4 I was leading score wise and then got tabled in round 4. He took over and won the match.

I think I did play too aggressively with Engage on all fronts and Deploy teleport homer as secondaries. I should have just stayed on the objectives and avoided overwatch.
You don't do much with the unending swarm list above except for standing around waiting and getting killed. I removed about 7 models from his army in total...
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