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Made in ca
Been Around the Block

I was just about to pull the trigger on buying one of these but there seem to be so many negative reviews on Reddit that I decided to take some more time to consider. Does anyone here have any experience with using them and how do they compare with Terra Firma which is priced ridiculously.
Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


JadeDoo wrote:
I was just about to pull the trigger on buying one of these but there seem to be so many negative reviews on Reddit that I decided to take some more time to consider. Does anyone here have any experience with using them and how do they compare with Terra Firma which is priced ridiculously.

To be fair, this is stated on the page:


This is not a standard table. Do not use as a standard table. Maximum weight load up to 25kg. Do not use to sit your children or yourself on top. Should be used only for purpose of playing board games with miniatures, terrain and battle mat. Aluminum construction creates edging around playing area and middle frames of 1mm height (0.0393701 inch).

Are the Reddit reviews based around it not being a standard table?

For 199 Euro, is there a folding 'actual table' table, available rather than a 'gaming table'?

Much the same way one could buy Games Workshop PVA glue but it's actually cheaper to buy PVA glue from a DIY store.

Try this old thread for ideas.


Made in us
Commanding Lordling

I really like my Alpha gaming table. Were there cheaper options? Sure. But I have easily gotten my money's worth from it in the 3 years I've had it and it will definitely last beyond my gaming life span.
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