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Made in se
Executing Exarch

Yeah I was looking at what I missed out on in the first kickstarter. It seems to be 6 new heroes and a buttload of zombies. I don't really care about the heroes, but I'm wondering if the extra zombies you got add anything to the game? Do you ever need the extra stuff or is the base game sufficient in all situations? Considering buying the game but I want to know what I'm missing out on

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/28 08:47:40

Made in au
Norn Queen

I'm planning on getting one of each of the additioonal packs. Both Walk of the Dead packs, Angry Zombies and Toxic Zombies. They each seem to have some unique sculpts, and also different encounter cards, which is a huge plus for me. Also the Dogs and any readily available survivor packs, so the Guest Artist packs.

But I'm not interested in hunting kickstarter exclusives unless it's somthing I really want. Some of them are going for $40au plus shipping, which for two plastic one peice models is a little rich for my blood.

Out of interest I downloaded the companion app, and it's exactly what I wanted when we were playing. Keeping track of equipment with cards on those dashboards and little tokens to track experience and everything was getting a bit much. So much space needed.

A couple of questions.

Do Fatties and Abominations also only deal 1 damage to one actor they're in a zone with when they attack? If so, does that mean the only thing that differentiates them is how much damage a weapon needs to do to be able to kill one?

Are you supposed to keep food items in the deck? I figured they might be stuff put in the deck to make Searching a bit of a risk/reward type thing. Search, and potentially get nothing to a zombie in your face, or maybe get an Automatic Shotgun.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/28 09:40:30

Made in gb
Wolf Guard Bodyguard in Terminator Armor

Just got the base set from my Mum for Christmas, had a 6 player game with my inlaws and my parents and everyone had a great time

Is there a recommended expansion to get first or is it really anything you fancy?

Made in au
Norn Queen

Another question - some missions start with zombies on the board, and even Abominations. Do they immediately make a beeline for the survivors in the zombie turn?
Made in us
Lead-Footed Trukkboy Driver

Olympia, WA

-Loki- - Fatties and Abominations only do one damage, they're just hard to get rid of because of being tough and later in the shooting order. Any zombie on the board moves, but scenarios often start with them locked in a room so they can't go anywhere.

Daston - In my opinion the "best" purchase order is Season 1, Toxic City Mall, Season 2, and then some extra zombies if you like huge games. Season 3 is just now out for KS backers in the USA and looks great (as in right after Season 1 great, but I haven't actually gotten a chance to play it yet) so maybe wait and get that when it's released.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/12/28 16:55:25

If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay 
Made in us
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster


I'm actually liking season three the best, to be completely honest. Great survivor variety, I like how they all look (I'm weird, it's important to me) and skinner zombies are really cool. I have all my previous equipment and zombie spawn cards sleeved, so currently we pick to play either Rue Morgue or an amazing amalgamation season one/Prison/Mall. I really need to get to the hobby store so I can sleeve season three.

As someone who's really big on the actual tile look too, the tiles from Morgue are great.

Kingdom Death Fanatic. Dark Eldar: Kabal of the Fragile Breath. Dark Elves: Allegiance to the Black Crown. Also, Masons, Cygnar, and Legion of Everblight. All unnamed.

Manchu wrote:
The Fragile Breath wrote: . . . something but I was distracted by the username.
Holy gak that is an awesome username. Please tell me your army is called Kabal of the Fragile Breath. Morathi's Darkest Sin has some competition here for best handle, I think.
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Mymearan wrote:
Yeah I was looking at what I missed out on in the first kickstarter. It seems to be 6 new heroes and a buttload of zombies. I don't really care about the heroes, but I'm wondering if the extra zombies you got add anything to the game? Do you ever need the extra stuff or is the base game sufficient in all situations? Considering buying the game but I want to know what I'm missing out on

It's a complete game, you don't need anything else. You can merrily play the game over and over and have a blast with it.

However, since each survivor's abilities lets them do different things, additional survivors change it up and provide a new expereince.

Additional zombies allow for huge hordes of zombies to be on the board at once. Ironically, this makes the game slightly easier, which no one in my gaming group has ever complained about.

Made in au
Norn Queen

ecurtz wrote:
-Loki- - Fatties and Abominations only do one damage, they're just hard to get rid of because of being tough and later in the shooting order. Any zombie on the board moves, but scenarios often start with them locked in a room so they can't go anywhere.

Thought so. It makes Abominations and Fatties not such a massive threat, but more of a persistent threat.

In Season 2 Mission 1, there's an Abomination in a basketball court, and Abominations break chainlink fences. So we wound up with an Abomnination stomping it's way (rather quickly due to being a Berzerker) to our survivors.

We were lucky that someone managed to scrounge gasoline and a bottle really early and we nuked it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/28 22:01:54

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

The extra zombies are not needed. Also, if you want the alternate sculpts, you can buy the appropriate box of zombies. Thus the Toxic Walker box has some alternate sculpts that are not in Toxic City mall, (as well as new Toxic Spawn cards). The benefit to the S2 KS backer is we got the alternate Berzerker & Toxic sculpts as part of our pledge so we don't need to buy the boxes.
Mymearan wrote:
Yeah I was looking at what I missed out on in the first kickstarter. It seems to be 6 new heroes and a buttload of zombies. I don't really care about the heroes, but I'm wondering if the extra zombies you got add anything to the game? Do you ever need the extra stuff or is the base game sufficient in all situations? Considering buying the game but I want to know what I'm missing out on

Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarves, Dwarves, Elves, Undead, Northern Alliance [WiP], Nightstalkers [WiP]
Dropzone Commander: PHR
Kill Team: Deathwatch AdMech Necron
My Games Played 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

 -Loki- wrote:
ecurtz wrote:
-Loki- - Fatties and Abominations only do one damage, they're just hard to get rid of because of being tough and later in the shooting order. Any zombie on the board moves, but scenarios often start with them locked in a room so they can't go anywhere.

Thought so. It makes Abominations and Fatties not such a massive threat, but more of a persistent threat.

In Season 2 Mission 1, there's an Abomination in a basketball court, and Abominations break chainlink fences. So we wound up with an Abomnination stomping it's way (rather quickly due to being a Berzerker) to our survivors.

Yeah, that was some really poor scenario design. Mission ONE, first time you play. Way too much complexity and challenge for a new player.

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

I remember that misison, we hid indoors until we got something that could kill the Abomination.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

 -Loki- wrote:
My fiancée got me Season 2 for Christmas, and yesterday Iocal store was having a 20% off board games post Christmas sale so I grabbed Toxic City Mall. Played mission 1 from Season 2 with my nephew and had an absolute blast.

Do many people paint their sets? I've been considering it. The zombies look like they will paint up quickly with washes and some GW technical paints.

I've painted all of my stuff and yes, it paints up nicely. Check out the Army painter website, they give some good advice for painting lots of figures quickly using their spray paints.

I uploaded images of everything to the DakkaDakka gallery.
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
The extra zombies are not needed.

They aren't 100% necessary, but do delay the extra action effect when you run out of a zombie type. The one we seem to run out of first is always the Toxics, so I picked up a couple of extra boxes to delay the inevitable.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/01 14:09:38

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Yeah, having extra boxes of Zombies makes the game oddly easier for the Survivors. Extra activations can be lethal, so having a few more models to throw at the board can save your entire team.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

The game seems to have been written with that sort of thing in mind, though - since they've been piling on the extra Zombies since the initial S1 KS.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

The extra boxes of Zombies also add new/different spawn cards to the deck. The design notes in the Zombicide Compendium explains exactly what each deck of cards from the various boxes do to the spawn rates.

If you haven't picked up the compendium I recommend it, I like having hard copies of the scenarios and as a I said, the design notes are an interesting read.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

 -Loki- wrote:
Do many people paint their sets? I've been considering it. The zombies look like they will paint up quickly with washes and some GW technical paints.

I posted some paint tutorials on BGG's Zombicide and Toxic Mall forums, including 3D rubble markers using Secret Weapon Miniatures bases. If you can't find them, send me a PM!

EDIT: Check out BGG for advice in buying sets and expansions. My two bits are to wait for a sale and buy whatever's there! The S3 miniatures apparently are better quality (eg. mold lines) than the other seasons, but their color is too close to toxics for some boardgamers.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/03 02:54:46

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Link 'em here in this thread!

On a similar note. One of the guys in the group I've been playing Zombicide with lately has started going on about how "the rules say there should only be one Abomination." Most likely because of the description on Page 9.

Luckily, there’s only one Abomination on the board at any given time. If a second Abomination is drawn, replace it with a Fatty and its two Walkers.

Naturally, due to expansions and such, I've got 3 base-game abominations. Since we're playing through the initial boxed game levels with these guys right now, any thoughts on using more than one? Seems more fun to me, and we're already using the extra runners, walkers and fatties that I have, so..

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Pfft !! We spawn Abominations every time they come up.

The worst I remember is 4 on the board at once. (2 Regular, 1 Toxic, 1 Beserker)

Made in us
Been Around the Block

 adamsouza wrote:
Pfft !! We spawn Abominations every time they come up.

The worst I remember is 4 on the board at once. (2 Regular, 1 Toxic, 1 Beserker)

I'm with you, if you have the figures to place on the board do it. I mean what is the point of owning the figures if you're not going to use them. Also, if you play the Switch City Campaign I think the last mission starts with two on the board.
Made in au

 Azazelx wrote:

Naturally, due to expansions and such, I've got 3 base-game abominations. Since we're playing through the initial boxed game levels with these guys right now, any thoughts on using more than one? Seems more fun to me, and we're already using the extra runners, walkers and fatties that I have, so..

One of tbe great things about zombicide is that it is so easy to modify to suit your group. Play it both ways and see which you prefer or just see if the players have a preference.

Neither way is wrong, its your game
Made in us
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster


One Abomination isn't even scary! Definitely spawn as many as you have models for.

I'm looking forward to that when wave two of the Kickstarter comes, having the capability to spawn two regular, one berserker, one toxic, and three A-bomb variants. Now that is intense.

Kingdom Death Fanatic. Dark Eldar: Kabal of the Fragile Breath. Dark Elves: Allegiance to the Black Crown. Also, Masons, Cygnar, and Legion of Everblight. All unnamed.

Manchu wrote:
The Fragile Breath wrote: . . . something but I was distracted by the username.
Holy gak that is an awesome username. Please tell me your army is called Kabal of the Fragile Breath. Morathi's Darkest Sin has some competition here for best handle, I think.
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Well, that's my preference as well. Now I'll just go to the group with "consensus on the internet says" which I think will work.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Yay, wave 2 is inbound! I'm really looking forward to the various goodies, like the dice tower and RM Zombivors to supplement my PO box.

Plus, Alice...

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Ah if only I got one of the messed up orders along with a lot of other Irish backers (46 of us on the list) - my name is on the shipping label but someone else's order and invoice is in the box. I'm short about $230 worth of stuff basically the other person whose order I have, got a basic Patient 0 where as I ordered one of everything.

Terrance is working on it at the moment, it's not actually CMoN fault the German company Ludo Packt put the wrong shipping labels on the wrong boxes and have messed up an entire countries worth of orders (well not all some got the correct order). It looks like they will just send on the missing parts separately as they can't track who got what and I'd say if someone got a large order with stuff they didn't pay for they will stay quiet about it. I currently have the other persons order sitting here all still sealed as we haven't been told yet exactly what the solution is so we don't know if we can keep and open that part of the order we got that matches our own order. Ah well it will get sorted CMoN might be a bit slow on the customer service front but they always come through in the end. it won't affect me backing Black plague.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2015/04/16 19:57:01

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Wow, that's completely ridiculous. Basically, anybody can ask for almost anything short of the automatic stuff, because nobody tracked who got what?

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

I gave them my order number and the order number of the pledge I actually received so they can see what I got and what I should have got and send on the missing stuff I guess this is how they will work it out as everyone received a pledge just not their own pledge. As I said it's more likely that only those of us who are short will report it to get our missing stuff anyone that's over unless they are very honest will probably say nothing and there is nothing CMoN can do about it the tracking numbers we received through the pledge manager don't even match the tracking number on the shipping labels, so I have a tracking number, a shipping label with a different number and a box with a different order none of which match up. They aren't even head to head errors as I contacted the guys whose order I got and he doesn't have mine he has someone else's again. If it was just a straight head to head I'd hop in the car, drive over and do the swap but no joy there as things stand.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/04/16 21:06:01

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

At least CMoN will make it right for you. That's good. And why I'm OK to back their projects.

Made in us
Sniping Reverend Moira

Cincinnati, Ohio

 DaveC wrote:
I gave them my order number and the order number of the pledge I actually received so they can see what I got and what I should have got and send on the missing stuff I guess this is how they will work it out as everyone received a pledge just not their own pledge. As I said it's more likely that only those of us who are short will report it to get our missing stuff anyone that's over unless they are very honest will probably say nothing and there is nothing CMoN can do about it the tracking numbers we received through the pledge manager don't even match the tracking number on the shipping labels, so I have a tracking number, a shipping label with a different number and a box with a different order none of which match up. They aren't even head to head errors as I contacted the guys whose order I got and he doesn't have mine he has someone else's again. If it was just a straight head to head I'd hop in the car, drive over and do the swap but no joy there as things stand.

Sweet jeebus that's a hot mess.

Like you said, while it may take a little bit since their CS department consists of Terrance and Terrance alone, you'll definitely get taken care of.

Oi Vey.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

 DaveC wrote:
I gave them my order number and the order number of the pledge I actually received so they can see what I got and what I should have got and send on the missing stuff I guess this is how they will work it out as everyone received a pledge just not their own pledge. As I said it's more likely that only those of us who are short will report it to get our missing stuff anyone that's over unless they are very honest will probably say nothing and there is nothing CMoN can do about it the tracking numbers we received through the pledge manager don't even match the tracking number on the shipping labels, so I have a tracking number, a shipping label with a different number and a box with a different order none of which match up. They aren't even head to head errors as I contacted the guys whose order I got and he doesn't have mine he has someone else's again. If it was just a straight head to head I'd hop in the car, drive over and do the swap but no joy there as things stand.

A buddy of mine received excess S2 stuff (PO and TM boxes) and contacted them about it, he told them he'd send it back to them if they sent him a shipping label. In exchange, they sent him the S1 promo character set which he didn't own. CMON are good people, my dealing with customer service have always been good.
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