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Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Thanks lordB.
rather pleased with him myself.

So, its sanguinalia!
and new recruits for the 151st are in;

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/25 13:08:04

Made in us
Splattered With Acrylic Paint

New York State

A continuing source of inspiration. Looking forward to the dogs turn out. Lovely idea with the paw prints in the mud.

"Freedom consists, for a large part, in having a good-humoured belly." - Montaigne

Hige sceal pe heardra, heorte pe cenre, mod sceal pe mare, pe ure maegen lytla. 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Actually that's my usual bootprints I put on all my trench bases... But thanks nonetheless.

Figured the tiny pawprints would just get lost once the Debris and crackle is added...

But yeah, looking at mastewieler colours on the sniffy pup and perhaps Grey or even traditional mastif tan/brown on the alert doggie. But that might change later...
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Those are some lovely little pooches. Where are they from?

I also thought they were paw prints at first glance!
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

They're a couple of the hounds from the wildercorps from the hunter and hunted warcry set...

meanwhile work continues on getting the last (minus the dogs that is) of the 151st done:

that's the last two guardsmen and the other three of the 3rd ed style stormtrooper conversions.

yes, I know I said I wouldn't be doing batches again, but call this an exercise in patience and discipline.

In all honesty, my back is a bit knackered again, and this coupled with how busy I am with family etc... and the lack of good daylight hours at this time of year means I only get about two or so hours of good painting time in any one session.
So I figured I'd do these over a longer period, getting stage at a time done and also generally taking the pressure off myself to get models done.
the clearout of t'other stuff is helping on that , no end and these being the last minis of a particular faction make me feel less ocd about cracking them out fast. (Not sure why I get like that anyway)

I've already a new regiment in mind for this coming year's painting and of course, theres the competition termie to do, not to mention two vehicles, an inquisitor conversion and those two dogs to do too. As well as the final character for the 80's crimson fists.
so yup, 2024 will be off to a busy start methinks...

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2023/12/30 16:07:31

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

The OSJC's :
Great Christmas giveaway 2023!

Results are in;

The winner is... Guardling!

Well done to you sir! Classic blood angels is an inspired idea! They were the original termie colours afterall. But as you say, the definitive blood angels are second edition's scheme, as such the terminator will be the classic bright red and yellow scheme. God what a challenge for the purveyor of darkness and grittiness I've come to be known for eh?

Will be worth the challenge though and a great start to the new year.

Now this is where I'd normally commiserate the losers but as I've only had two entries, I figure that a beakie painted up in the classic RT salamander scheme should hit the spot for our runner up.
So, well done olthannon for the fantastic suggestion. A colourscheme destined to drive me insane, I can only conclude you are punishing me for not getting enough of my models done this last year!

Don't feel you've missed out. As there were only two of you in this, I've decided to send you a consolation prize (you'll see when it arrives)

check your pm inboxes for details guys.

Thanks again for participating!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/01/01 18:39:53

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

So not only a RT camo beakie (love me them beakies) but a BA in OSJC's style?

It's like christmas all over again!
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Thats a nice thing to say!

heres a WIP/swatch of some camo schemes I'm playing with for the new regiment for 2024!

Autumn - is bugmans glow, deathkorps drab and jokero orange.
Spring - is bugmans glow, deathkorps drab and loren forest
Splinter - is zandri dust, waagh flesh and mornfang brown

who can it possibly be on the way to the Eoforwich sysytem now, then?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/01/14 20:57:33

Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


All those schemes look brilliant. Great brush control!

Can't wait to see them on some minis.

t z you are k 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Looking forward to seeing them on a model, especially the autumnal pattern. Your conversions are always a treat to look at.

Have a look at my P&M blog - currently working on Sons of Horus

Have a look at my 3d Printed Mierce Miniatures

Previous projects
30k Iron Warriors (11k+)
Full first company Crimson Fists
Zone Mortalis (unfinished)
Classic high elf bloodbowl team 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

thanks guys.
to be honest, this new project is a bit of a return to peadot, but done properly.

the three camoschemes above are based on proper german camo. not just inspired by but actually copied as closely as I can in form and colour.

the peadot on the 39th was a bit of a copout. A quick way of replicating erbsenmuster camo. The colours were there but they were really just a bunch 'o' dots on a plain background. which is fine bause I wanted it to look like it was painted by hand onto the fabric. just like how the first real camo patterns were done many many years ago, in fact quite some years before erbsenmuster was even invented...

however, with the 151st I wanted a better shaped and formed camo that was predominantly green but indeterminate as to which of the two greens was the basecoat. somewhat loosely based on us 'duck hunter' camo (just without the brown tone or the specific overlap/gap pattern) this was achived with a big 'cowprint' splotch pattern of loren forest over castellan green, then highlighted with deathworld forest and zandri dust.

this time I've combined both methods. simple three tones only. (for ease of paint and less redundant mess on the eyes) do the slotches of colours over the basecoat , then the dots of each colour over the other colours to replicate the integral design.

both peadots are intended to replicate the german waffen oak reversible tunics for spring/autumn. hence the matching tones in all but the light green and orange which swap for the season.

the splinter is another matter entirely, and will likely be saved for large areas like camo-capes or bedrolls or whathaveyou, essentially whererver I want something thats camo, but not a peadot! LOL

you'll see soon enough. not sure I can resist doing a test-piece soon, dispite the current backlog... time will tell...

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2024/01/16 20:30:51

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I recognized the autumn pattern as the SS autumnal camo gear. That pattern has always stood out to me from others for some reason. It's a very unusual colour mix, but works really well.

Have a look at my P&M blog - currently working on Sons of Horus

Have a look at my 3d Printed Mierce Miniatures

Previous projects
30k Iron Warriors (11k+)
Full first company Crimson Fists
Zone Mortalis (unfinished)
Classic high elf bloodbowl team 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

indeed it does...

"we heard you have a trench or two here in the Eoforwich system in dire need of some reinforcements..."
- Commander Kessler of the 22nd Krieg Sappers.

Yes, as a guard collector, its about time I got some kriegsmen done, I know.
This is Vogel, combat engineer of the Krieg 22nd.

you probably all knew I'd get round to them eventually, but in order to sate the conversion demons that prowl in the darkest and most depraved crevicies of my deranged mind, I could not just do fw resins or the plastic 'veteran guardsmen' and be happy.
Instead, I went for the cadian/krieg conversion kit from https://tinylegend.eu/.
What a fabulous set of 3d printed bits they are, these being parts from the engineers conversion bundle, on a cadian shocktrooper. (only the hatchet is from the plastic krieg set)
It gives all the vibes of a forgeworld engineer but with the sensibilities of the new krieg minis (minus the fugly new masks, the classic FW styled ones are much better) and also the added size and proportional improvements that are the new cadian bodies!

more will most definately follow soon.
I aim to flesh out the engeineer's squad to a five man team (any more and I'll likely loose interest, LOL) and also will be doing some infantrymen, but not the usual krieg you know in the full winter greatcoats.
No, these will also be based on nuCadians but will feature the krieg lucius lasguns allbeit mostly as carbines (just like on my filey 42nd) to keep with the cqb theme of the engineers.
Essentially they will be an extention of the engineer theme; short-coats, close quarters, its a sapper's regiment afterall, but that doesn't mean its comprised solely of shotgun-sporting combat-engineer squads.
The 22nd also features a riflemen company or two, it's just that these guys will be somewhat designed to match.
To visually differentiate the minis (engineers/riflemen) the line-infantry will be wearing their smocks the other way round, sporting the greener toned spring colour variant of the peadot camo.
A little odd, I know, to feature both autumn and spring colours in one army but this is 40k, not bolt action, as such the reversible jacket's colourschemes made a bit of sense somehow, plus, it fits with the obvious need (as gaming pieces) to be obviously different on the table.

To be honest, the whole project its a cool way of showing what krieg wear when not being constantly used in winter-like conditions off-world.

"springtime for Krieg and the Emperor!"

As with my other armies, I will delve into all the wartime movie stereotypes i see fit and also lean heavily for inspiration from rtcw. That game left a hell of mark on my memory and I like to hark back to it's ott themes of occult, sci-fi and world-war-wierd that combines to make it the ideal muse for 40k guard armies everywhere...

hmm, even as I write this, visions of Kasrkin's converted to resemble the paratroopers from rtcw are swirling in the old brainbox, drop-lids, goggles and fg42 inspired hellguns, all wrapped up in black carapce armour and peadot camo...


...venom troopers!

...Helga's Elite guard!

...emperor's guts, what have I started this time..?

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2024/01/19 12:11:30

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

 osjclatchford wrote:
"springtime for Krieg and the Emperor!"
Superb first Krieger, very in line with your other guard but with plenty of Krieg flair. Speaking of, awesome bits from Tiny Legend! I've not seen these before - great webstore too.

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


He looks fantastic.

Have a look at my P&M blog - currently working on Sons of Horus

Have a look at my 3d Printed Mierce Miniatures

Previous projects
30k Iron Warriors (11k+)
Full first company Crimson Fists
Zone Mortalis (unfinished)
Classic high elf bloodbowl team 
Made in au
12th Cadian Mech Regt Orphan Brigade


Excellent IG Army and vehicles mate.

Colonel Jacka
12th Cadian Mech Regt
Orphan Brigade
All Hail St Pius
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Very cool, the autumn camo is very striking!

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


osjclatchford wrote: I figure that a beakie painted up in the classic RT salamander scheme should hit the spot for our runner up.
So, well done olthannon for the fantastic suggestion. A colourscheme destined to drive me insane, I can only conclude you are punishing me for not getting enough of my models done this last year!

definitely not a punishment! I thought you'd be able to do a brilliant job.

That autumn camo is fantastic, great work!

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Thanks guys!

@olthannon, I jest of course but in truth I'm rather looking forward to both your yellerun and guardlings bloodangel I've also yet to do.

however, time has been a premium of late, its a case of everything going on and nothing happening.
also daylight hours are still not quite up to scratch for me to get a good long modelling/painting session in, in one sitting, yet.
This, in conjunction to my obligitory duties, mean that I'm not able to dedicate the time needed to work on these minis and do them justice.
Thats also the reason I've still not done the last crimson fist.

however, on my guard, which at this point are all but a 'paint-by-existing-standard' method, I'm able to do the different sections at a time, batching them in fours/fives and getting bits done as and when I can. As I've said, not somehing I usually enjoy, but this time I've found my comfort zone and its ok.

the only exception to this was, of course, the preliminary kriegsman, of which I was too desperate to see in the colourscheme and-all-that-jazz not to do it. but they are surprisingly fast to knock out, faster even than my other guard so I shall get those done in no time methinks...

anyway, what has the longs weeks of chipping away hith and yon got me?

Major Sterling

sgt Basilone

yup, the last of the Selby 151st troopers! seems like an age since I started them and there's only ten troopers! came out really nice in the end.
Simple conversions that ended up looking really effective and managed to evoke that second era flavour but all brought up to modern standards... yummy!
can't say we've entirely seen the back of these though... a few one-offs may yet still occur, the same can be said for any of the previous regiments you've seen featured in here!

but that's not all:

Stormtrooper with Shotgun

Stormtrooper demolitions expert

Stormtrooper Commander

Geez, these were a long haul getting done, but damn if it wasn't worth it.
They scream 3rd ed stormtroopers and yet still have all the cool of the new kasrkin and even some references to the 'actual' scions kit. very very happy with these guys.

have a groupshot of all five as a parting gesture:

what next? who can say... I don't want to say the other krieg as I feel I should really get the competition minis done first.
but the dogs might still happen first...

because they're good boys...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/27 16:44:16

Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

Looks fantastic imo. Really like the leather jacket.

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Hi guys.

sorry its been an absolute age since I posted but my dad died on the 31st of January and as you can imagine, ive been tied up with all the obligatory duties and paperwork that comes with a death.
His funeral is this thursday, much of the mess of paperwork is behind us and with my wife and my sisters to help me with all the munitorium rubbish that's needed for us to help my mum in this situation, life should return to some semblance or normality as of next week.
unfortunately my job is likely to be coming to an end as they are being forced out by their landlord and are moving a distance I just cant get to... so that sucks too...

look, I'm not fishing for sympathy or wallowing in mire of self-pity or all that junk, just letting you know why I've STILL not started the damn blood-angel terminator!

This weekend I started a bit of construction on some of the troopers that were to accompany the kriegers.
They were originally going to be suitably germanicly themed, with anvil's biker helmets for the goggled rtcw paratrooper look, painted in the spring variant of the peadot camo I showed in the test in the earlier post.
however, on saturday, I started playing around with the mad-robot cdf heads I had used on my Filey 42nd droptroopers from way back, now. I coupled these with the vansaar pads and my 'york' pattern bullpup lascarbines on some anvil arms (biosuit arms I believe) and some mad robot irdoni arms and I found I had some neat looking proxies to the FW elysian guard. Just better scaled due to the nucadian bodies.
I knew I couldn't let it lie and played about a bit further.
heres two of them in wip:

I do have more but they're still in even more of a wip state than these are. so these two will have to do for now.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

today (sunday) I had three hours stright to hand so I decided I'd pick up the ol' paintbrush and get one done to try out the colourscheme.

corporal Seb of the Filey 87th, during the Kugelstat cleansing

well, Im rather happy with it.

Much like the krieg test before it, this one is also only recess shaded on the camo and armour not all-over wash, resulting in much cleaner, vibrant look to the finished mini, much less of the grubby vibe so many of my guard have had over the years.

I decided to give the torso the green of the selby 151st and the rest of the armour the same black as on the krieg.
The camo has had one change since the test peice on the base. I decided the loren forest was just too dull, too dowdy in comparison to the camo I was trying to replicate. I decided to swap it out for an old gem I had in my box for the last 30 years, Goblin green!
I had two 3/4 full pots of it stashed away and found it to be in mint condition!
I've since decanted it into one new pot and found it was just the colour I needed to get that look to the camo.
I did the trou the same grey as the krieg and the leather and other gubbins was done in the usual way I do it.
decided on orange goggles as it was a way of getting that orange from the krieg camo in there and I also felt a nice gem effect would be better than the plain black gloss that I usualy do goggles.
I decided to add the camo to the helmet too as I felt it would look nicer, I think it does.
I've been in touch with Steve over at mad robot and I've some more cdf heads on the was to continue this, including a variant with just the goggles. I felt these would give an further reference to the elysians, whilst retaining the classic cadian round helmet look these cdf heads have...

so... the poor old future Blood angel is starting to develop abandonment issues now... must start him next...

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2024/02/25 21:59:33

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Sorry to hear about your dad passing away and your job. Hope things perk up soon.

Great work on your guard.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Nice to see the Filey 87th back to recruiting!
He does look rather Elysian themed which I suspect is going to be popular again thanks to that new buggy...
Good luck with IRL

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Sorry about your dad, hope you and your family have been doing alright since. Job woes are the icing on that cake

All the same, Seb looks great, as does his WIP squadmate.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/06 15:22:09

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Really appreciated guys, thanks.

so, Ive been working on building this griffon for some time now, just getting the dander to paint it this weekend.

*try right clicking and selecting open in new tab to get a better view
Now, I can confirm I did start on the bloodangel termie, and while his initial basecoats were drying, I picked this up and then never went back to him *blush*
look, you know how it is; when the urge flows, so does the paint. forcing myself to continue on the marine, when I clearly fancied doing this would have likely resulted in a rush job, and if I'm honest I wanted to get this done before I lost the will again and it sat around for another month or three!

Again, using the tried and tested "peggy minge technique" (emperor's guts, I've gotta get a better name for that) this time in green, this old girl has clearly had a hard life.

Those who remember my 111st Royston rifles might be interested (or not) to know that this was built on the chassis of my old stormtrooper chimera for the "dark-eyes" grenadiers I did, back in the day.
yup, broke her down then rebuilt as this grif, using a frontplate from a plastic hydra/wyvern (ebay) with the window from the gloiath truck put in place on the front. Also adding another panel from the goliath to lok like an extention for the drivers compartment (better legroom? emergency release hatch? take your pick)
The side hatches are actually the top chimera hatch repurposed where the previous incarnation of the mini left it without such vitals...
Similarly, as I did not have/could not get a hull heavy bolter, but had a hull heavyflamer I converted it using a HH marine's heavy bolter.
Yes, I know having the ammo hopper on the outside of the vehicle is absurd. sue me.
It's the only hb I had to hand and if building a model of a unit/tank thats been out of favour/print since like, I dunno, 4th ed? 5th ed? isn't absurd enough already I can be forgiven this surely.
The main gun was a purchace from my old buddy Ragsta (thanks again pal!) and origially comes from here:
This made the mini a possibility at all. without this I wouldn't have bothered at all.
The sandbags and rear-interior are all from this kit. however I've converted it A LOT!
The bags were tweaked to better fit the hydra/wyvern curved plate, looks like it was made for it, lovely!
on the gun, I added the rear plate from a basilisk gun to the ass-end and an aluminium insert (I turned on the lathe at work) down the muzzle to reduce the calibre a bit. It was looking a little huge, almost madusa sized and I had those shells, now in the back, in mind.
These came from anvil and have been simply added to the rear on a shelf made of angle plasticard and a couple of boxes stashed beneath.
The stand-plate is made from a bit of rhino side door as the one that came with the resin kit is a bit megahoosive! this is suitably much more subtle, its asymetrical design further referencing the old resin vanahiem grif from fw.
To push this further I created a range periscope from one of the headlamps from the goliath on a stretch of plasti-rod (painted to look like telescopic tube) simply drilled and placed in the side-wall of the rear compartment.
To make more sense of this, I used a bit of panel from a deimos rhino and another next to it on the inside wall to make it look like workings connecting the panel and periscope in a funcional and logical manner. I added the grab rail here too, as a step-up for the periscope operator.
I decided to also add a krieg wireless-comlink on the inside panel too. you can just see its aerial sticking out of the port-side in front of the gun.
Its too obscure to get a shot on the camera but you can see it if you tilt the mini about some, bit like a little secret to find! (how does the operorator get to it? dont ask things like that, it incurs the wrath of both the ad-mech and the inquisition...)

not bad for a morning of furious stippling/drybrushing and a second morning/afternoon of detailing and weathering!
note the effect on the tracks, previously learnt from playing about with those barrels (back on page one!) I did a while back.
Quite happy with the look on this. Although savagely weathered, its a pleasant way of referencing the events in the gaming world being reflected in the minis themselves; the griffon has been retired from codexes, its models consigned to the ledgends then the scrap-heap, as such this mini represents an old, formerly decomissioned/abandonned, vehicle thats been sitting in an old warehouse/garage complex in the industrial sector of kugelstadt, collecting rust and dust and more than shows its scars of a lifetime of urban combat prior to this undignifyed and ignoble an end for such a workhorse.
now lovingly adopted by the filey 87th to provide close-artillery support often lacking in a drop-unit... who, knows, maybe one day they might even get round to giving her a fresh coat of paint and or even a jetwash, should it survive that long!

Automatically Appended Next Post:

...talking of the 87th, I guess I should show what sort of model doodles I've been getting up to in the week with these guys eh?

points worth of note; the alterations to the heavy bolter to make it more accatran looking yet also second edition inspired by using the ork-shoota magazine assembly and spare mags on both the gunner and loader.
good opportuity to see those new heads I suggested to steve over on mad robot. glad he went ahead with these, they are indeed a great way of adding elysian flavour yet retaining the nice round helmet.
breacher shotgun in pumping pose looks so convincing and took surprisingly little effort in the end. he also has a bandolier of shells on his back made from bits of the bullet bits from the ork snaggas sprue.
decided to add a strap to the sgt guy's lid, it looks kinda cool and also added a coms aerial to the crouching guy's lid (next to mortar) sliced from one of the new cadian helmetless heads.

another thing of note to many will surely be the miliput/greenstuff shoulderpads.
no I've not suddenly gone up leaps and bounds in sclupting, but instead invested in some bluestuff to make a press mold of those pads.
not really that cost effective, as the greenstuff/miliput itself is not exactly free, is it? but finding enough of those pads is almost impossible all of a sudden. so, mold!

The bluestuff is HIGHLY reccomended by me here at the osjc!
get a small bowl, put the bluestuff block (or blocks) in the bottom and place a teaspoon on it.
boil the kettle and then pour the water till the block is submerged, using the weight of the teaspoon to keep it submerged. when the weight of the teaspoon dents the stuff underwater, its ready.
get it out quick, wipe off the water, munge it up and form it over the the item (or press it down flat and push the thing into it)
you can either let it cool naturally or whack it in the freezer for a min or two (I did) and bingo, +/- instant press mold.

now, I've used epoxy siligum to do the same in the past. It was great, BUT once mixed it's done and then thats the mold. thats it. so if its bad, tough luck old boy, you wasted it.
bluestuff? no such limitation. the mold's no good? back in hot water and do it all over again. wonderfull. well worth thte investment...
go get some. and do ask any annoying questions. I'm happy to help as its a real game changer for me on stuff like this...

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2024/03/17 21:15:03

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

So, yeah, I decided that heavybolter was bothering me after all! LOL

this one was taken right off of my old 111st basilisk, literally I just snapped them off and swapped them over, so the old basi now has the silly HH HB with the external mag.

the griff looks much better imho with this now...
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex


Got the bloodangel done today.

The delay was mostly lacklustre desire to get it done but then the secondary delay came from the pigging-cowson of a bast that was painting the yellow... man I hate yellow in the traditional method... so I wouldn't hold my breath for that salamander anytime soon if I were you...
not ruling it out completeley but jeez, this got me sick of yellow. well, as I say, in this method anyway...

Averland sunset simply proved too chalky in the end so I ended up going for untold layers of zamesi desert over three good coats of xv88 basecoat then highlight up to white as usual...
The red was a doddle, using the same method as the red on the ol' crimsonian fists! and if I'm honest is something I'm rather stoked about how it came out on a full mini.

The overall goal was to replicate the colourscheme of the '93 era marines but through the OSJC filter, so to speak.
This explains the pads, knees and flame icons, inspiration all taken from the 2nd ed rulebook cover and, of course, the goblin green base rim.

However, the weathering and general 'scumming-up' hith and yon is pure osjc, so I'm told...
I was not even aware I had a style till it was described and pointed out to me.
lives and learns eh..?

I do hope he matches up to your expectation, Guardling!

So... anyone for Maccy-Dees?

anyway, anything else to report?


Who said a drop-unit cant have vehicles..?
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Great griff, and a crisp high five for circling back to swap out the heavy bolter. Loads of nice details going on with that tank

Speaking of nice details, WOW that og scheme on that very new terminator! Flame foot probably takes it for me, but dig all that chipping throughout. This dude has seen some stuff!

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex


Really happy with the griff. The new paint job deserved a 'perfect' model. Hence the post-painting heavy bolter swap out. I'd have never have been properly satisfied if it was not modelled as best as I possibly could...

Lols, re the termie, yeah he's had a hard life.
With the classic colours and all that, I figured the weathering was another way of pointing out that 1993 was over 30 years ago now.
He's that weathered because he's been wearing that armour for a thirty year campaign!

Also, I know I said that I might not do that salamander, but I've got over my little hissy fit, muscled-up, and got him built and I'm going to come up with an alternative way to do the yellow. Wish me luck

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/25 18:25:38

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

So in other news, Seems that Jago Kane (of yellowline trucks) has been back to the Eoforwich system and has finally found a price that the 39th were happy enough with to part with their "Badger" Excavator.

The trenches on Eoforwich prime have been dug for so long and are so fortified with pre-fab bunkers, weapon emplacements and out-buildings they're practically permanent structures!
As such the Badger haddn't moved from its last-used position for nigh-on a decade now and it sitting there collecting dust, grime and rust was a crime that Kane could simply not allow to continue.
Not when there's asteroids to mine, that is, and certainly not when he's after a bargain to make that happy buck a little easier and a little happier to come by...
As it happens, the cash changed hands rather swiftly, leaving Jago the proud owner of a Subterreanean excavator, the 39th no doubt soon to be in possession of some snazzy new uniforms and lasguns...
A quick jet-wash and re-spray to Yellowline's trademark colours and she was good as new...
well, that was until the next day, whereupon she was put to work in the mines and rest is history...

So yeah, after the success of the peggy-minge-technique on the griff, I was looking at my older vehicles and feeling how lacklustre they seem in comparison. LOL (only natural, we all do this when finding a new, sucessful technique, right?)
The tunneller being the one leaving me most lacrymosal to think of the wasted opportunity that is the heavy weathering of the peggy-minge-technique, was not used to really sell the idea of a subterranian vehicle.
well, funt it, said I, I'll just redo it as another yellerun! If anything made sense as a excessively weathered yellow industrial vehicle it's the Badger!

as you can see its come out rather striking and feels very industrial and as such is much more authentic looking as a mini. I feel the cat/jcb colours make it seem more like something that could actually exist somehow, the weathering obviously helps there too.
This time I went for almost no weathering at the back of the vehicle (well, significantly less, anyway) and this is also true of the backs of the drill-heads, reasoning that these areas would not get such a shellacking of debris and grime, being almost completely protected by their very positions.

The sides, however, are a different story, these would surely be scraped, dinked and scratched to within an inch of their lives by the resultant tunnel walls the machine creates as it operates.
hence the directional scraping along the sides and also on the frontside edges of the rotating 'iris' ring just aft of the drillheads and on the plate directly behind the topside track-mech on the ass-end plating, to show where debris and that has dinked and splattered these areas over time.
The tracks (drive-assembly and topside tracks) and the drills themselves were done in that reddy-brown rust patina effect I did on the griffon's tracks and barrels before this and for a bit of visual difference the tunnel-rifleing ring and track-clearing plows were done in a simple iron-rust effect achived with rhinox hide, stippled with mornfang, then xv88 and then the front of the plow weathered with the same skavenblight dinge as the rest of the vehicle.
Unlike the truck that preceded this, lots more gleaming metal was added to these grey areas this time and I feel the visual contrast it gives suits the size and function of the vehicle nicely, this old girl's had a hard life...
fyi the weathering on the black stripes is steel legion drab. remember, with this tecnique, cold colours require warm weathering, warm colours cold weathering.
likewise, dark cold colours need light warm weathering (and vise versa) thats why its steel legion drab, not rhinox hide... trust me it makes sense if you try it...

yes the interior is unchanged from its original grey... like hell I was doing all that again! LOL

oh, and no, this does not mean I'm going to redo all my old tanks and artillery minis. I'm not completely insane!
no; I've a classic rhino, a mk2 rhino, a scratch built heavy mortar and a highly converted basilisk in the the plain olive green of my 111st royston rifles, the earthshaker carriage and bombard in the 39th's dusty drab grey, a rhino from my spacesharks and now two yelleruns of Yellowline trucks and the griffon (and what will be another transport vehicle) in the green peggy-minge effect.
The older tanks etc... are fine as-is and represent what goes with those old collections. its a snapshot of my abilities and tecniques of those times, not to be shunned but to be kept as both reference and as part of the OSJC history!
The griffon and the 'Badger' were just too good an opportunity, each, to be ignored!
hence this...

parting shots and 'codex' description, for those that missed it the first time around

The Imperial 'Badger' excavator
An STC design from the first days of the Imperium's colonisation of the galaxy, the 'Badger' excavator is a sub-terrainian drilling and tunnelling machine.
Although similar to the Adeptus-Mechanicus' 'termite' drill or the Krieg 'hades' assault drill, this device outdates them both and is, to all extents and purposes, considered a civilian machine, oft' used by terraformers and colonists to create tunnels for pipework and underground faclilities, mine for materials and even demolition of condemned structures.
Armed with the ferocious and highly destructive high-torque adamantium mining bits there's little it cannot chew through.
however, should a particularly stubborn vein of mineral-ore or crystaline structures slow progress, the tri-multi-melta, nestled amongst the drill-heads is sure to plough through a path...

(orginal paintjob and conversion notes here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/60/798025.page#11220574 )

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