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So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 13:07:01

Post by: master of ordinance

Possibly painting.....

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 13:31:31

Post by: sparkywtf

I may get some mold lines cleaned up at some point to finish yesterday's project. Then I will dig through my stuff and find another model/group of models to put together. My "to prime" box is filling up fast at this rate!

Also today I am helping the FLGS expand his GW wall. More racks to mount, tons of boxes to move, and organizing.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 14:29:37

Post by: GrimDork

You're gonna have to do a 'you' project next TDL...

For me, got my zombies based so today means painting those. With luck, they'll get dipped... but we'll see.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 16:09:40

Post by: squall018

Finished my Dystopian wars ships last night. Today I will be building and painting my Imperial Bunker from the Wall of Martyrs that I got super cheap off eBay. Been awhile since I've worked on any terrain.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 18:56:55

Post by: Bobaram

Slowly painting the Mansions of Madness Set, trying a kitbash/conversion to make a SM Captain with Primarch's Wrath. Possibly trying to make some custom bases for the Mansions of Madness Player Models so they look cooler and won't keep falling over.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 19:00:52

Post by: Dysartes

Finished off a Gun Mage Captain Adept, Broadsides Bart and Lord Rockbottom. Sorted a box of stuff out from under my bed into a box with a lid, finding a contsiner with 2nd ed Eldar and SM in, including Tigurius, Corbulo and Mephiston, as well as other bits and pieces.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/29 19:03:16

Post by: sing your life

Going to games day, obvoisly.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 08:55:35

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Finished 2 more miniatures, I'm 3 out of 4... tonight I hope to do some decent progress on the last one so I'm done by tomorrow.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 08:58:56

Post by: Trondheim

Painting my Word Bearer terminators, then its of to order the shoulder pads from Fw

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 09:48:17

Post by: master of ordinance

Not going to my club due to my college having decided to be jackasses and putting the maths functional skills directly after lunch, thus meaning that all of us whom have brains have to stay in an extra coupe of hours and meaning that I have to miss my club.
That and the fact that tomorrow I have college so even if I could go I could not stay for it all

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 12:54:30

Post by: Flood

Glued down some objective markers (those are so fun to do between units) and picked out all the bits and pieces to make my 20 sternguard from. Tonight will be painting 'stealers.
Tomorrow: priming tanks and painting 'stealers.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 13:02:17

Post by: filbert

Finishing off my 2nd Ed Epic battle report. Only managed to get movement phase of 1st turn done last night due to a combination of faffing about trying to find the WD article with the Firelord rules in, not being able to find the Lord of Battle datacard (it turned out to be right in the middle of the Renegades book - teach me to look properly) and screaming children not wanting to go to bed on time!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 13:10:15

Post by: fishy bob

 filbert wrote:
Finishing off my 2nd Ed Epic battle report. Only managed to get movement phase of 1st turn done last night due to a combination of faffing about trying to find the WD article with the Firelord rules in, not being able to find the Lord of Battle datacard (it turned out to be right in the middle of the Renegades book - teach me to look properly) and screaming children not wanting to go to bed on time!

Sweetness Will it be up on your blog today you think?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 13:12:23

Post by: filbert

fishy bob wrote:
 filbert wrote:
Finishing off my 2nd Ed Epic battle report. Only managed to get movement phase of 1st turn done last night due to a combination of faffing about trying to find the WD article with the Firelord rules in, not being able to find the Lord of Battle datacard (it turned out to be right in the middle of the Renegades book - teach me to look properly) and screaming children not wanting to go to bed on time!

Sweetness Will it be up on your blog today you think?

Don't know. I will try and see if I can finish it today. The main challenge is that I am playing Tyranids for the first ever time in Epic and they have a fair few non-standard and esoteric special rules which means a certain amount of flipping through the Army book and cross-referencing stuff. It makes the game a bit slower than I would normally take to complete. I will at least try and finish + photo the game tonight and then perhaps write up tomorrow but we shall see.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 15:15:39


Mostly punching out tokens and sleeving up cards for x-wing

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 15:54:18

Post by: Squidmanlolz

hopefully painting the last Fire Warrior that I have with me on campus. need to go back home to prime the last 10

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 18:37:39

Post by: SBG

 BladeTX wrote:
sparkywtf wrote:
 BladeTX wrote:
SBG wrote:
 BladeTX wrote:
Going through the great dilemma of what the hell to equip my new 10 man tactical squad with. I can never decide from the huge list of combinations. This is why I never buy sternguard squads. Sheesh.... *pulls hair out*

Magnetize them and have all the options all the time!

It's easier than it sounds, and fun too!

I suppose I need to find out how to magnetize. That would be so neat to swap them before the tournament in January.

If you make a cheater tool from a couple extra magnets and a piece of tubing it gets super easy and almost impossible to screw up. I am magnetizing my BT marines.

I apologize for my persistence, but all that popped into my head was an arm, glue a magnet, magnet, glue, body, and it all looks terrible in my head.

I suppose I'm imploring you guys for a "how to" or an example or something.

It's easy, just make sure the polarity is right and you're set. Drill carefully.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 18:54:01

Post by: sparkywtf

 BladeTX wrote:
sparkywtf wrote:
 BladeTX wrote:
SBG wrote:
 BladeTX wrote:
Going through the great dilemma of what the hell to equip my new 10 man tactical squad with. I can never decide from the huge list of combinations. This is why I never buy sternguard squads. Sheesh.... *pulls hair out*

Magnetize them and have all the options all the time!

It's easier than it sounds, and fun too!

I suppose I need to find out how to magnetize. That would be so neat to swap them before the tournament in January.

If you make a cheater tool from a couple extra magnets and a piece of tubing it gets super easy and almost impossible to screw up. I am magnetizing my BT marines.

I apologize for my persistence, but all that popped into my head was an arm, glue a magnet, magnet, glue, body, and it all looks terrible in my head.

I suppose I'm imploring you guys for a "how to" or an example or something.

Select what size you want. 1/16" magnets should work, but 1/8", probably use 1/8" deep though. Drill a whole in the arm and the body so they line up (may take some practice). Make sure the polarity lines up and glue them in.

I have a tool I bought from a dakka member who had a site selling magnetizing kits, who has since stopped doing it (a shame because his tutorials were the best). Each side of the rod has a magnet of the opposite polarity. Makes it really easy to make sure you don't screw up... too often.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 18:59:42

Post by: Da Boss

Inking up some zombies from mantic and the plastic nurgle hero from GW as a 'revenant king'. Last 10 of a group of 30. Hoping to get 40 skeletons, 5 cav and six wraiths done as well before hallowe'en.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/09/30 19:47:43

Post by: GrimDork

Oooh undedz for Halloween, good idea!

Today its the second half of my zombies, hopefully they get dipped tonight.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/01 15:47:23

Post by: Bobaram

Either painting my Mansions of Madness or my Cryx. And also slowly gluing and assembling a massive artillery piece to be used as terrain.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/01 18:01:50

Post by: squall018

Conitnuing work on my Imperial Bunker and working on my Dystopian Wars EotBS Aircraft Carrier. The Carrier is one of my favorite models from that line.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/01 18:41:34

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Gonna finish the remaining WoW miniature, it's missing the highlights and pretty details, or die trying, celebrate and probably not touch a brush for a week. Fething board game minis

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/01 19:22:38

Post by: Dysartes

Collected my second Sedition Wars shipment from the Kickstarter. Going to photo a few figures tonight, update a couple of threads, and do some wash work on my Mangler.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/01 19:50:29

Post by: MrFlutterPie

Complete my 3rd test model for my Canadian guard army. I am going to paint an autocannon now that I have my infantry and officer style finalized.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/02 01:05:19

Post by: Ascalam

Playing a little 40K - i give my opponent the choice of Orks, DE or Daemons to face, and go with his choice.

Probably painting later.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/02 14:42:23

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Finally finishing the paint on my Devilfish if all goes well.
damn thing isn't even in any of my lists...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 00:57:13

Post by: undead flesh addict

Assembling by basilisk

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 05:51:33

Post by: Ascalam

Finished my Drones

Pics will be up in a few days in my gallery.

Probably something DE next, but not tonight.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 05:53:00

Post by: SBG

I basecoated 2 Hive Tyrants, 3 Carnifexes and a ripper swarm. I also scratchbuilt two more mycetic spores! They are very gooey looking.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 09:07:26

Post by: Kelly502

Building the track sections for my Stormlord... yay....

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 09:20:31

Post by: filbert

Today is Blood Bowl time for my Specialist Games blog so I will hopefully try and get a couple of games squeezed in at some point today.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 12:19:11

Post by: BunnyCommando

Plotting my next project. I should probably finish everything else first, but who the heck does that?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 12:50:05

Post by: sparkywtf

BunnyCommando wrote:
Plotting my next project. I should probably finish everything else first, but who the heck does that?

I am gonna double up on this one.

That or clean the last 5 BWG minis I have. I should really finish that project

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 20:25:14

Post by: Boblogik

Painting my Panther ausf A mit Zimmerit for my Bolt Action Germans. Looking forward to finishing it and then the Hetzer next.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 20:41:40

Post by: Bobaram

Buying some ink pens, paint and then maybe getting a game of warmachine in. Then Painting and building terrain and IG and Marines and Cryx! WOOOOOO ADHD FTW

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 20:50:41

Post by: Nafarious

Thinking about the bases I am going to be doing for my Circle Orboros, I am debating between something forest like, or the city from WoW Worgen.

What are your thoughts on this for these models bases. It really is one of my favorite things to do, but I sometimes have trouble coming up with what I want to do.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/03 21:11:44

Post by: Dysartes

Updated the log for A Tale of WMH, did some work on the Mangler and Dirty Meg, and picked up an order from one of my LGSs.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/04 06:03:44

Post by: Kelly502

Picked up Cadian Infantry today, that's about all I accomplished in the hobby...then off to work for my night shift... sigh...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/04 06:36:26

Post by: eldar 1

Correcting this damn pin headed Wraithknight and making him a proper head.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/04 20:47:11

Post by: SBG

eldar 1 wrote:
Correcting this damn pin headed Wraithknight and making him a proper head.

Following in the footsteps of GW, using a wraithguard as the pilot in place of the head?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/05 06:04:24

Post by: Dysartes

Today I will mostly be helping to run a MTG PTQ, which will make for a rather long day - I'm hoping to do some assembly while I'm there, though.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/05 13:01:46

Post by: squall018

Today my goal is to get three cruisers painted for my dystopian wars fleet. Been on a spartan games kick lately.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/05 13:13:46

Post by: Trondheim

Finaly got around to reading my limitied edition Codex Space Marine book, I dare say I find it very good.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/05 18:11:42

Post by: Alairan

Tonight I played some X-Wing with my kid. He trounced me. I am not a happy momma.

I kid, proud as hell.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/05 18:29:49

Post by: GrimDork

Gonna start working on my knight sabers today. Priss is up first.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/06 14:26:58

Post by: necrovamp

Post Apocalypse anybody? Finished these today, now I need some figures!

The fire engine in my mind is the best vehicle to be using in it a post apocalypse world. It can carry a huge amount of water along with all sorts of survival kit, it's downside is it's fuel consumption, but if you partition the water tank you keep reserves in one half while you drive to the next site with fuel.

The Pickup, my friend was throwing it out as her son had broken it, so I said i'll take it

They seem to fit well with GW sized figures, I may paint some of my old necromunda figures to go with them.

[Thumb - DSCF9424.JPG]
[Thumb - DSCF9427.JPG]

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/06 14:38:21

Post by: Tanakosyke22

Working on some Infinity later and hopefully update my PanO blog that I have not updated in a while.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/07 03:20:45

Post by: greenskin lynn

been building guard chimera today, 3 down, 1 to go

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/07 06:09:53

Post by: SBG

Built a Lascannon Devastator and a Missile Launcher Devastator. Wolf wolf wolf.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/07 12:17:38

Post by: Alfndrate

Played X-Wing on Friday night, 200 points per side (2 players a side), imps vs rebels. I tried the Han Shoots First style of list, and really enjoyed it, but I really enjoyed my partner's additions to the list. He took Biggs with R2, Shield Upgrade, and the upgrade that makes your straight maneuvers green. It was fantastic, Han was barely touched until the 1 turn Biggs was out of range. It was a fun game, we went up against 4 TIEs, Slave 1 with Boba, and 4 TIE Advanced. 15 ships on the board plus asteroids is awesome

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/07 12:27:45

Post by: Aeroroot

Halfway through a massive conversion for a Khorne lord of skulls (he needs legs, not a dozer) and I am worried his pelvic area is too big, giving him big birthing hips. Plan on doing some base coat painting for my second tau riptide, along with some water effects. If I still have time, I have to start planning for a 5000pt per person apocalypse game going on about a month from now: no unpainted models allowed!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/07 22:36:59

Post by: SBG

 Aeroroot wrote:
Halfway through a massive conversion for a Khorne lord of skulls (he needs legs, not a dozer) and I am worried his pelvic area is too big, giving him big birthing hips. Plan on doing some base coat painting for my second tau riptide, along with some water effects. If I still have time, I have to start planning for a 5000pt per person apocalypse game going on about a month from now: no unpainted models allowed!

Big hips and a tube top, and you're set!

I just built another Lictor and Tyrant Guard. Metal, while a pain at times, is a really nice material overall. I'm up to 8 Lictors and 4 Tyrant Guard, yay!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/07 22:40:59

Post by: Pedro Kantor

About to start work on a basic 3 man Centurion squad,loaded with TL-LC and ML.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/07 22:47:45

Post by: -Loki-

Having a day of annual leave, spending it at the store having a game of Infinity.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/07 22:54:13

Post by: GrimDork

@ Loki, Jealous! Stores here don't carry Infinity on top of being an hour away :p

I'm either gonna finish work on a space marine sgt to test out a new method for painting my shadow knights, start on my second knight saber, or work on a few bases for aforementioned knight sabers.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 04:36:23

Post by: -Loki-

My FLGS is pretty awesome. Basically carries everything, and encourages all of them to be played. They have a dedicated Infinity table made with MAS terrain plus some DIY terrain.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 05:02:26

Post by: M4cr0Dutch

Bouncing between a Scythed Heirodule, Iron Snakes Sternguard and a star of Jade Falcon mechs. Life is good.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 05:18:01

Post by: warboss

I'll be writing up a battle report from this past weekend's game.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 05:53:01

Post by: Ascalam

Cooking up a DE list that contains no vehicles, Splinter Cannon or Dark Lances, just for variety.

I'll be running it tomorrow against my neighbour's SW.

I'll probably get pasted, but i'll appreciate the challenge, and he'll appreciate the change of scenery.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 07:03:47

Post by: SBG

I figured that I could fit in some more models today (yesterday, whatever, it's midnight!). I painted 2 of my mycetic spores, one hive tyrant, a carnifex and some rippers. All basecoat/second coats but they're starting to look pretty good!

Planning a 1500 point game this weekend.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 07:57:52

Post by: jonolikespie

I threw $250 at my LFGS because they finally started stocking Dystopian Wars

So much new resin to play with~

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 08:27:07

Post by: RossDas

Proceeding with my Revell Battlestar Galactica - so many bulkheads to attend to before the hard work is done. I've also added an easter egg in the form of a 1/4105 scale scratch built viper MK.II, which is absolutely tiny.
Also, looking forward to Moebius models releasing the classic Galactica next year, hopefully with additional decals for a Pegasus option.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 08:47:30

Post by: filbert

Man O War night tonight for me - I am set up and ready to go so just need to make the time. Dark Elf versus Elf - looking forward to seeing the Black Ark in action.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 08:48:04

Post by: alphaecho

Finally succumbing to WWII wargaming by signing up to a Finnish Company on Kickstarter.

I'm now avoiding the Warlord website for fear of being unable to resist the Pegasus Bridge set.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 09:15:15

Post by: Pacific

Have some leave off work, massive pile of 15mm Grenadierkompanie to paint for a new Flames of War force - great way to relax!

 filbert wrote:
Man O War night tonight for me

How do you embed youtube videos on here again... ?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 13:20:23

Post by: Alfndrate

Last night...

I built a Space Marine!

I wish I could use him as a chapter master with a Relic Blade and what not, but I just don't think he has enough 'bling' on him.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 14:09:57

Post by: necrovamp

Finishing my warmaster highelves

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 14:24:21

Post by: Dullspork

Kept my game stores open for another day...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 14:32:25

Post by: BladeTX

Was gonna paint 3 mk. 6 marines today, to finish my last tactical squad, but ran out of primer. :(

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 16:01:51

Post by: Bobaram

Painting a couple base coats on IG, SM, and a Cryx Bone Chicken. Then planning out the control room for an artillery bunker terrain piece I'm building.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 17:03:39

Post by: BladeTX

Oooo artillery bunker piece sounds neat.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 17:58:56

Post by: Bobaram

 BladeTX wrote:
Oooo artillery bunker piece sounds neat.

If you go to http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/540894.page there's a competition going on that ends this month for terrain pieces! I've got a couple of WIP shots up, just need to start laying outer rock layer and working out the details for the inside.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 19:38:57

Post by: The Shadow

Today I am writing several Dark Elf lists using the new book!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 21:31:20

Post by: Dysartes

Finished making and sealed the bases for a Commissar and the event only DK Quartermaster. Finished detail work on my Mangler. Reviewed some bits I ordered for Logan Grimnar's base, and thinking about making a broken statue terrsin piece.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 22:41:31

Post by: Kojiro

I have almost finished making one of these:

Alas it was made from a lot of left over bits and I am trying to find a way to make side sponsons. So far I've got IG lascannons but they seem far too small. And that doesn't even cover the issue of mounting them. :(

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 23:08:34

Post by: necrovamp

What in gorks name is that? it looks like the early land raiders but different.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 23:16:06

Post by: Kojiro

If you click here you can see my old school army. That is an original Land Raider Spartan, but I lack the original land raider sponsons. If anyone has suggestions for what to replace them with (or you know, miraculously has spare old sponsons) I'm all ears.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 23:17:56

Post by: Pacific

That is the original Land Raider Spartan I believe. One of the WD issues came with instructions for how to make the modifications to the standard kit, using plasticard.

The 2 terminators sat on the top make it immediately 100 times better than the ludicrously expensive Forge World model

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 23:18:54

Post by: SickSix

Picked up my Maxmini bits from the Post Office today. So I'll be doing a video unboxing this evening for my youtube channel. And will probably continue painting a bunch of Dread weapon arms.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 23:40:57

Post by: necrovamp

@Kojiro, that looks pretty cool, and so does you army

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/08 23:49:52

Post by: -Loki-

 Pacific wrote:
That is the original Land Raider Spartan I believe. One of the WD issues came with instructions for how to make the modifications to the standard kit, using plasticard.

Not only with plasticard, but also a Rhino kit. If you look at the hull, it's the back of an upsidedown Rhino hull.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 00:25:56

Post by: Kojiro

 necrovamp wrote:
@Kojiro, that looks pretty cool, and so does you army

Thank you! I'm a huge fan of the setting but not so much the new stuff (and the new FW Spartan is a) horribly pricey and b) horribly powerful). Alas finding parts for such a thing is horribly hard- they're just not out there. I'm considering just buying current LR sponsons off ebay but I'm not sure how they'd look, given the vintage appearance of the rest of the army. Next up is the Dev squad, then the rest of the Assault squad to bring me up to 50 ready marines. Half a battle company should suffice for a bit. Annoyingly my marines seem to have completely missed the grav weapons memo

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 01:00:04

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Between putting the new Druchii together, I've been painting my second Loota Mob.

About Halfway done I'd reckon.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 03:12:34

Post by: greenskin lynn

woot, built a leman russ demolisher kit today with magnatized options, it was an interesting learning experience

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 03:22:53

Post by: GrimDork

I am busily ogling both the Mars Attacks kickstarter, and reaper bones 2. Can't decide if I want to feed my pledge for one to the other (it alternates) or if I want to try to "have it all" and keep both. Maybe painting a space marine sgt in between bouts of indecision.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 08:28:30

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Ah Grim, you crazy dude, soon you'll run out of space for all those awesome minis

Unfortunately nothing that fun. I'm planing to (finally) doing some market research so I can figure out a fair price to sell my Necrons among other miniatures. I have been delaying my SM fanboy nature long enough and I wish to jump on the bandwagon

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 11:06:33

Post by: Trondheim

Today I plan on wrapping up my paintinging of my last remaining Roman auxiliary troops for Hail Caesre, I recived the box last Friday and have had very good time painting/ assembeling them. Beside that I just decided to not buy anything new at all until the workload awating me on my desk is complet. And this may prove to be wise, since I have about four battalions lelft of Bretonnians to assembel/ prime/paint/ base

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 11:19:56

Post by: Spuj

When I get home I will finish my Red Scorpion test marine. I will also contemplate on a homebrew chapter colours that I need to make for a competition I am partaking and finally I will prepare for having internet installed in the house tomorrow (Which means I can start my P&M blog for the marines I have waiting)

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 16:48:20

Post by: hdbbstephen

Painting some IG Officers, Servitors, and thinking about running out to BAM for another Commissar Cain novel...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 16:54:18

Post by: FirePainter

I am trying to stay motivated to paint my marines and tau in a city that I think I am the only one who knows about miniature games. Also set a goal that I will not buy more minis till I finish the ones I have.... yeah....its slow going

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 17:04:27

Post by: necrovamp

 Kojiro wrote:
 necrovamp wrote:
@Kojiro, that looks pretty cool, and so does you army

Thank you! I'm a huge fan of the setting but not so much the new stuff (and the new FW Spartan is a) horribly pricey and b) horribly powerful). Alas finding parts for such a thing is horribly hard- they're just not out there. I'm considering just buying current LR sponsons off ebay but I'm not sure how they'd look, given the vintage appearance of the rest of the army. Next up is the Dev squad, then the rest of the Assault squad to bring me up to 50 ready marines. Half a battle company should suffice for a bit. Annoyingly my marines seem to have completely missed the grav weapons memo

someone somewhere will have them, keep looking! I'm not sure the modern lass cannons would look any good.

I have noticed a lot of forgeworld stuff is nodding to the past recently. I use GW models from about 5 years ago, but I have my own background and rules.

I've also noticed grav weapons can be hard come by, if I see any i'll let you know!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 18:28:43

Post by: gossipmeng

Almost done my trial farsight XV8 conversion. So far "farsight" has been cut and posed into a standing position with 2 arm mounted plasma rifles. He has no head, but I'm thinking of using one of the square heads from the new broadside kit.

I'm also debating on the back "sensory?" spikes/fins. I might just cut them off and leave them to the actual farsight in my army. At $60 per suit.... I'd be better off with enforcer suits - too bad they are so tall :(

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/09 22:38:46

Post by: GrimDork

Its a DISEASE man! I think today's hobby time will be spent considering whether or not to sell my fantasy empire and skaven armies, and my tyranids and dark eldar. Everything is kind of old so it may not even be worth hawking it, certainly not worth risking fees of eBay, perhaps the swap shop...

Hopefully I finish the small details and get my test sgt done as well!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 02:11:25

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

Man, trying to catalog my enormous collection. Just finished counting my Nids.

Now I have Lizardmen, Space Marines, Tau, Necrons and IG to count.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 05:47:26

Post by: SBG

I built a Venomthrope! It was great, but I prefer the metal over the finecast.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 18:37:41

Post by: Bobaram

Killing me some necrons!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 19:58:20

Post by: BladeTX

 Bobaram wrote:
Killing me some necrons!

Watch out buddy! They don't really die!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 20:03:13

Post by: Kalashnichris

Painting a chaos cultist or 2 while watching the last of season 5 of Breaking Bad.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 20:05:37

Post by: squall018

I got a couple of Mantic's zombies and skeletons to try out. Gonna build and get started painting on those tonight to see if I want to buy more to flesh out a Vampire Counts army.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 21:14:13

Post by: necrovamp

Acquiring some space marines for roleplay purposes.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 21:44:48

Post by: greenskin lynn

building a leman russ, mostly done, just have to add the magnets

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/10 21:47:33

Post by: GrimDork

I like the zombies and ghouls, especially if you mix the kits I have the skeletons but I haven't done anything with them yet.

Still working on getting my old armies paraded out for photos and trying to think about pricing.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/11 13:39:28

Post by: Easy E

Setting up for a big 200 point Aeronautica Imperialis game this weekend.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/11 19:48:08

Post by: Pacific

- Painting some more Grenadierkompanie, for Flames of War
- Hopefully a games of Dreadball and Infinity over the weekend.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/11 20:03:03

Post by: chaptermaster

Working on some Ultramarine Thunderhammer Storm Shield Terminators

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/11 20:08:06

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Finishing my second Loot mob hopefully, might be starting the lads extra Tyranids for this years Christmas Day battle as well, Lootas permitting.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/11 20:12:43

Post by: Alfndrate

Playing Legends of the Old West, hoping that it's as much fun as filbert says that it is.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/11 20:53:06

Post by: infinite_array

Finally got around to re-varnishing some SAGA miniatures that had frosted after the first time (damn that heat wave we had last week!), and now I'm working on the bases of my FoW Germans.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/11 21:45:22

Post by: cvtuttle

Completed FW Imperial Defense RoB board. Now moving onto my Crashed THunderhawk RoB board.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 02:50:07

Post by: Kojiro

 necrovamp wrote:
someone somewhere will have them, keep looking! I'm not sure the modern lass cannons would look any good.

I have noticed a lot of forgeworld stuff is nodding to the past recently. I use GW models from about 5 years ago, but I have my own background and rules.

I've also noticed grav weapons can be hard come by, if I see any i'll let you know!

Believe me I'll keep looking. The whole project is just a giant indulgence for me but part of that is doing it right, because now I have the skills to do so. It's just so frustrating. I was considering using the bastion lascannons but they're too large I think. Everything else is too small :(

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 06:56:03

Post by: SBG

 cvtuttle wrote:
Completed FW Imperial Defense RoB board. Now moving onto my Crashed THunderhawk RoB board.

You should post a picture, I'd like to see it.

OT, I brought 3 Carnifexes, a ripper swarm and a Hive Tyrant up to 3-colour tabletop spec. I'll be doing shading, details and gooey bits tomorrow most likely. I'm not looking forward to converting, painting and magnetizing 24 MC devourer arms... I may wait to see what the new codex brings. Hopefully terribly overpowered venom cannons.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 07:02:15

Post by: Ascalam

Taking pics of my Daemons, now in my gallery.

Decent camera, lousy cameraman

Planned out my next painting project.

Not much, really.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 07:29:31

Post by: Flood

I have the house to myself this weekend so in theory I should get lots of building and priming done for my marines.
In theory.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 09:59:33

Post by: Pacific

 Ascalam wrote:
Taking pics of my Daemons, now in my gallery.

Decent camera, lousy cameraman

Planned out my next painting project.

Not much, really.

Ascalam, I found this guide to be extremely useful: http://cipher-studios.com/2009/09/photographing-miniatures-by-ryder-gaddis/

It's quite an extensive guide, if you really want to go quite far, but in simple terms (with a stripped-down version)
- daylight bulb put behind/above the miniature
- piece of grey or coloured card below/behind the miniature, rather than white.
- digital camera is better than camera phone because of lens speed

I've got a set-up using the above that I can lay out in 2 minutes, my photos aren't the best by any stretch but are ten times better than what I was doing previously.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 10:06:58

Post by: MetalOxide

I will be spending my GW vouchers on some new paints, auction off some of my 40k stuff (I'm quitting 40k), making some new army lists for my Aleph force for Infinity because I got Phoenix the Myrmidon Officer, a Garuda with HMG and another Deva Functionary. Lastly I will be painting the Axis from the Dust Tactics revised core set.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 15:32:32

Post by: Ascalam

 Pacific wrote:
 Ascalam wrote:
Taking pics of my Daemons, now in my gallery.

Decent camera, lousy cameraman

Planned out my next painting project.

Not much, really.

Ascalam, I found this guide to be extremely useful: http://cipher-studios.com/2009/09/photographing-miniatures-by-ryder-gaddis/

It's quite an extensive guide, if you really want to go quite far, but in simple terms (with a stripped-down version)
- daylight bulb put behind/above the miniature
- piece of grey or coloured card below/behind the miniature, rather than white.
- digital camera is better than camera phone because of lens speed

I've got a set-up using the above that I can lay out in 2 minutes, my photos aren't the best by any stretch but are ten times better than what I was doing previously.

I'll give it a look, thanks

I have a decent digital camera, but the lighting in my game room sucks diseased monkey wang

What i really need to do is build a proper light box, but time is not my friend...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 15:38:40

Post by: ThunderFury 2575

Starting chemical weapons nurgle L&TD

Steampunk imperial guard ( cadians with brettonian kettlehats and some empire parts for good measure)

And dark eldar! yay!

So much other things to name! but i don't want to rant!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 15:43:54

Post by: GrimDork

Still watching bones 2 and mars attacks go crazy on kickstarter, but I may continue my soft tradition of picking up a random model from a different state (so far its just a hell pit abomination from Wisconsin) if I can find a game store .

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 15:56:10

Post by: Dysartes

- Finished painting the bases for two models I'm going to be sending weetyskemian to paint. Should get them in the post on Monday.
- Started building a base for a Space Wolf Iron Priest.
- Put Mephiston and a 2nd ed metal Terminator in a jar to strip the paint off them ready for a repaint.
- Pretty much finished painting Dirty Meg (a pirate solo for Warmachine)

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 16:36:25

Post by: Niexist

gonna try and finish up my deathwing command squad today, and get my land raider crusader upgrade kit parts painted, we'll see how far I make it into this project

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 17:56:24

Post by: jonolikespie

3k per side Dystopian wars battle.

It too 10 hours.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 18:55:48

Post by: hotsauceman1

I dont know if this counts.
But Im reaing my Drop Zone Commander Book BRB I got yesterday. It looks like a fun game.
Yesterday me and a friend drove an hour to a store to get models so we didnt have to wait for them to be delivered from the UK.
Also played a game of 40k

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/12 19:43:16

Post by: Dysartes

 jonolikespie wrote:
3k per side Dystopian wars battle.

It too 10 hours.

Sounds impressive, jon - any pictures?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 00:25:20

Post by: jonolikespie

 Dysartes wrote:
 jonolikespie wrote:
3k per side Dystopian wars battle.

It too 10 hours.

Sounds impressive, jon - any pictures?

Sadly no, but it was pretty damn fun playing on a 9x4 table and having parts of it still look like a parking lot.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 00:37:13

Post by: djz05

Primed and hopefully get at least 2 base colours on :

2 stormtalons
4 sternguard
2 thunderfire cannons
1 servo harness techmarine
1 ironclad
3 bikes

Techmarine and thunderfires done so far... Its going to be a long weekend.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 00:57:21

Post by: Ascalam

Painted base colour on my last unit of Plaguebearers, and one of the stand-in Beast of Nurgle i'm using.

I'm using the Reaper Great Worm models as Beasts, any fittingly they look like animate toothy turds in my colour scheme..


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 01:38:47

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

Finally just finished my inventory. Lots of work ahead of me in terms of building and painting.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 17:15:27

Post by: necrovamp

Putting together a Revell 1/144 Corsair, because I can.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 19:49:56

Post by: Haight

So today i based about 1000 points of dark angels. Nothing super fancy, just a mixture of various grits.

Last night i primed said 1k points, so overall, pretty pleased with myself. Now i just need to wait for the next 750 point block to arrive.

2 days ago i base coated a unit of firewarriors. Been a productive hobby week!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 20:03:04

Post by: privateer4hire

Building and painting a Zee team for Dreadball.
They are tiny, tiny models for 28mm.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 20:10:28

Post by: wallygator

just painted some burnas.. allmost the last unpainted models of my orks. left are 3 lootas, 2 burnas and the gunners of the battlewagon

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/13 21:00:00

Post by: Pacific

privateer4hire wrote:
Building and painting a Zee team for Dreadball.
They are tiny, tiny models for 28mm.

Is that the tiny. alien monkey men? What is the moulding/cast quality like on those guys if you don't mind me asking?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/14 01:08:42

Post by: SBG

I finished up my Marine bike, Lone Wolf, and took some photos of some completed units. Very happy with the end result, now I need to paint the other 5 bikes...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/14 01:46:47

Post by: privateer4hire

 Pacific wrote:
privateer4hire wrote:
Building and painting a Zee team for Dreadball.
They are tiny, tiny models for 28mm.

Is that the tiny. alien monkey men? What is the moulding/cast quality like on those guys if you don't mind me asking?

Yep, they're the tiny, tiny monkeys---smaller than goblins if you can believe it.
Just got finished gluing them to bases so they're done.

There are mold lines on the helmets and on the legs of a couple sculpts that are annoying.
Those were fixable but I frankly said heckwithit since they're so darn tiny.
Casting is pretty decent (I own a majority of the DB teams) overall.

The dinos are also pretty decent. Some mold lines but fairly reasonable to clean up.
My two least favorite teams for mold clean up have been the women (Void Sirens) and the rats.
One of the female sculpts has a mold line straight down the open face (flesh not a hockey mask) of the model.
The rats are...Let's just say I just went ahead and painted them rather than chuck them in the bin.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/14 01:51:57

Post by: nkelsch

Painted these dudes! I tried to watch the old cartoon... Does not hold up!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/14 01:53:19

Post by: Largeblastmarker

highlighting two members of a vanguard squad, and finished painting a really excessively beat up ultramarine, because I decided I would see how many different types of weathering I could squeeze onto a 28mm Infantry model. Also did a few minor conversions.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/14 01:57:24

Post by: MWHistorian

Made a Gundam model and tried to order the Sisters of Battle codex, but it kept saying my password was incorrect. Sheesh.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/14 10:08:53

Post by: necrovamp

I would liked to have worked on my Gloster Gladiator for A Very British Civil War today, but not having brakes on my bike means i'm fixing my bike instead :(

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/14 10:53:16

Post by: Shandara

nkelsch wrote:
Painted these dudes! I tried to watch the old cartoon... Does not hold up!

Oh, those are nice!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/14 11:26:53

Post by: -Loki-

Finished building this.

Started building this.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 06:56:13

Post by: greenskin lynn

starting the cleanup and assembly of my endless fantasy tactics kickstarter box'o'goodness

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 17:28:21

Post by: Some Good 15mm Uhlans?

Working on some Thirty Years' War Swedes for Pike & Shotte. Here's a very crude WIP shotte (ugh, that was horrible ) of them.

They'll probably be done tonight, and based tomorrow. Feel free to check out all my progress in my P&M Blog.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 17:34:37

Post by: Alfndrate

 cvtuttle wrote:
Completed FW Imperial Defense RoB board. Now moving onto my Crashed THunderhawk RoB board.

Carl, you beast!

Also been loving the progress you've been making on your marines.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 18:11:27

Post by: Bobaram

Pickin up a Devastator Squad and continuing my IG and Space Marine Painting after a book signing with The Oatmeal!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 19:44:17

Post by: sockwithaticket

Glaring at a pile of bits that need their mold lines removed while watching my rugby team get beaten by decidedly average opposition. Desperately seeking motivation and mojo to start batch painting jump packs. It's not been a good hobby day.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 19:46:49

Post by: MrFlutterPie

Just finished basing and painting the final highlights on 5 Sisters of Battle.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 19:53:36

Post by: Trondheim

Just finished removing a large amount of basing sand from my hair.........

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 21:12:07

Post by: master of ordinance

Painting 4 Flintloque Van Rottes Grenadiers.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 21:26:19

Post by: necrovamp

 Trondheim wrote:
Just finished removing a large amount of basing sand from my hair.........

Did you try giving yourself a scenic base?

Today I finished the second 1/144 Corsair completing the 'Flight' now i'm looking for some good Japanese planes in that scale.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/17 23:11:17

Post by: TheCustomLime

Painting an ADL, a guard squad, a PCS and a commissar.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/18 11:14:13

Post by: necrovamp

If i get the chance, Painting some vintage Eldar models and some Necromunda delaque models for an Inquisitor game I have planned

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/18 12:10:56

Post by: Alfndrate

Trying Leviathan from Catalyst Games tonight...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/19 00:15:38

Post by: -Loki-

Building my Tohaa Trident starter box.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/19 00:21:19

Post by: winnertakesall

Staring at 100 clanrats, and the Skaven contents of 2 IoB sets, in a big plastic pile.

I have no idea where the hell to even start

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/19 00:24:14

Post by: Tanakosyke22

Paint up my Nomad and get started on Drake Macbain for a journeyman league.

winnertakesall wrote:Staring at 100 clanrats, and the Skaven contents of 2 IoB sets, in a big plastic pile.

I have no idea where the hell to even start

That sounds dreadful mate.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/19 00:42:35

Post by: The Grumpy Eldar

Painted a test model with a color scheme for some Dark Eldar. Will have quite a bit of yellow in it. Prolly going out to buy DE Warriors or Scourges soon for a killteam group.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/19 00:48:28

Post by: GrimDork

100 clanrats? Sounds like you need some brown spray paint and a can of minwax.

Gonna try to do some work on the knight sabers but I may just go to sleep too.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/19 04:05:26

Post by: Alfndrate

In case anyone was wondering, Leviathans sucks...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/19 04:10:13

Post by: Ascalam

Puttering about on army lists and gluing whippy tongues on my Beast of Nurgle counts-as

Also evil-scheming about building something nurgle-y for scenery with the ton of spare nurglings i have

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/19 12:12:08

Post by: necrovamp

Finishing my Eldar and Delaque from the other night..maybe

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/20 09:13:01

Post by: greenskin lynn

finished building prepping my endless fantasy tactics stuff, assuming the weather is decent and i don't just come home and fall asleep, i'm gonna try and prime them after work

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/20 09:57:54

Post by: carlos13th

Going to paint some Perry Samurai later if I feel up to it.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/20 10:09:05

Post by: captainbirdbum

if I get the chance I have some perry confederate infantry and maybe some zombicide berzerkers.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 05:25:05

Post by: greenskin lynn

got the previously mentioned priming done, and have started painting my eft models
progress so far consists of the male dragoon being done, and the four gels being on their way to completion

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 06:06:45

Post by: Cypher-xv

I'm putting together some paper buildings for RRT.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 06:50:57

Post by: SBG

I played a game of Settlers of Catan! It was great.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 09:05:45

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Continue with a serious Space Wolves commission I started yesterday:

Boxes: 2x Fenrisian Wolves, 1x Grey Hunters, 1 Thunderwolf Cavalry and 1x Space Wolves Battleforce.

I'm gonna be busy for a while...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 11:58:30

Post by: necrovamp

Still trying to be motivated to paint the aforementioned inquisitor groups, i may write their background and see if that helps

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 16:09:02

Post by: hdbbstephen

Working on some 60mm bases for IG Heavy Weapon teams, painting some "civilians" and a "Special Forces" IG squad.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 16:27:03

Post by: kronk

Finishing up a move from Houston, TX to Northern IL.

Good: Sunday I actually got out my hobby supplies and used them!

Bad: I used them to repair the terrain and models that were damaged in the move.

Ah well, baby steps.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 19:58:15

Post by: Unforgiven656

Painting up some Chaos Space Marines. Chaos Space Marines that I super glued together last week.

Sooooo....how to get behind that boltgun and backpack?!


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/21 23:50:22

Post by: GrimDork

 kronk wrote:
Finishing up a move from Houston, TX to Northern IL.

Almost close, but so far Hope you have more available gamers and stores than I do in the south part.

I'm considering putting some skeletons in a pile/display and painting them red and green to go with the upcoming mars attacks shenanigans.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 00:30:19

Post by: reiner

Laid last airbrush layer on 19 pink horrors. Onward to the hand brushing!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 00:34:15

Post by: Byte

Updated my army builder.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 05:21:32

Post by: Dysartes

Based five Ironbreakers and a Trencher Master Gunner - then spent eight and a half hours achieving one of the monthly missions on World of Tanks...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 12:15:23

Post by: Alfndrate

Opened a package I got from Secret Weapon Miniatures, extremely impressed with their products

That counts as hobby progress right?

Probably going to paint up some Bolt Action figures tonight. I need to finish my Americans so I can start on my Germans.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 12:56:20

Post by: kronk

 Alfndrate wrote:
Opened a package I got from Secret Weapon Miniatures, extremely impressed with their products

They make good stuffs for modeling stuffs.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 19:45:51

Post by: Warboss Gobslag

Putting the finishing touches on two Ork trukks and trying to figure out what do with an old Ork Battle Wagon I had laying around.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 21:05:58

Post by: Flood

Last night I painted a 'ranger' hero character for my HeroQuest campaign I run, tonight I am painting the dwarf (and squeezed in priming some heavy bolter marines).
Just can't bring myself to paint the dozen genestealers in front of me, however.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 21:27:11

Post by: Mr. DK


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/22 21:41:24

Post by: SeanDrake

Currently building a box of warlords celtic warriors to use in the new of Gods and Hero's game.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/23 00:30:12

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

Just finished my Commissar Yarrick paintjob. Looks good imo.

On to the next model, whichever I decide that is.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/23 21:12:30

Post by: necrovamp

given up trying to finish the inquisitor stuff for now, now onto a Revell mirco model 15mm Stuka and ME262 for my air combat game.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/23 21:22:44

Post by: Tanakosyke22

After I get home from night classes, dinner and a bit of Homework, I plan to at least paint up more of the Risen.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/23 22:15:25

Post by: agonzoman00

Painting and converting my poor Blood Angels into red Space Marines. I hate giving up on my Blood Angels but the new SM codex is just too good and the BA codex is now obsolete.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/24 01:29:37

Post by: Ascalam

Painting laguebearers and bones great wurms.

Converting the wurms to be nomming some tau.

beginning a conversion for Vects pimpride.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/24 08:26:23

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Unless bad luck strikes me, I'm hopefully going to finish the last 4 Fenrisian Wolves and if possible, start pinning them to their bases.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/25 20:59:53

Post by: GrimDork

What!? Space wolves? Pics or it didn't happen!

I myself will be watching the closing hours of bones ( well into tomorrow, but still) and gearing up to go to some kind of local nerd event. Perhaps I will even dredge up an opponent or two!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/25 21:04:04

Post by: dakkajet

I'm painting some orcs..
Fixing my poor troll...... He fell....

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/25 21:29:23

Post by: necrovamp

I'm re enacting tomorrow so i'm preparing my kit for that.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 02:17:09

Post by: greenskin lynn

finished up a few more endless fantasy tactics figures today, well, other then basing, which i'm saving til everything is painted

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 05:53:50

Post by: SBG

I bought a box of Tyranid Gargoyles, and built four. Very excited to be ableto field 20 of them, and already looking to get another box...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 05:54:24

Post by: nwabudikemorgan

Painting a new Landraider and some devastator marines

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 06:05:32

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

Painted a Lizardmen Skink Priest. Did a fantastic job on his feathers, I'll probably update my gallery soon once I'm happy with it.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 06:08:20

Post by: Brother SRM

Today I finished these boys, the start of my 2nd ed-era Ultramarines army:

http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/559740.page for more

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 06:53:10

Post by: -Loki-

Ahh second edtion nostalgia! Remember to wear sunglasses when playing a game.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 07:04:46

Post by: Shandara

So shiny! Truly the marines we all want to be!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 10:19:24

Post by: malfred

A few hours from finishing these. Maybe tonight.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 11:38:48

Post by: SkavenLord

Hopefully putting a couple of extra arms on a daemon prince without accidentally tearing the model off it's base.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 12:52:26

Post by: Jangustus

Finally finished painting my counts as Tigurius model. Why did I put so many extra bits on him...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 12:56:30

Post by: GrimDork

Watching reaper bones close down, then, hopefully watching MA increase it's momentum! Attending some kind of local game day involving various rpg/boardgame/miniatures games at the local library. Smallish town, I don't expect much, but If I find even one other wargamer who is of a reasonable character... it'll be a win. Hopefully putting some paint down on my next Knight Saber...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 13:02:26

Post by: sarpedons-right-hand

Trying to paint a few more Cultists and Beastmen whilst watching the F1 Qualifying in India....It's hard because every time one of the commentators get's excited I look up and get so engrossed that I forget what I'm doing!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 13:15:31

Post by: alphaecho

I have taken advantage of Warlord's sprue sale to pick up some British and German Infantry as a tester for some new armies.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 15:42:18

Post by: Shandara

Finishing my last 2 (of 9) Plague Drones.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 15:44:20

Post by: Harkonnen13

I'm assembling 30 Necron warriors today, hopefully I'll be ready to start painting them tomorrow.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 15:47:49

Post by: SkavenLord

Currently repairing legs from a daemon prince that were accidentally torn from it's feet.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 17:27:09

Post by: timetowaste85

I'll be painting my Mantic Enforcer missile launcher troops later tonight in a War Machine paint scheme to keep up with my Hulkbuster captains and Stealth Armor assault squads. I'm not sure if I want those assault enforcers to stay stealth painted, so the may become Silver Centurion (hologram armor, for those not sure). My Iron man Enforcer army will be the envy of everyone I game with eventually!!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 17:40:43

Post by: Ascalam

 Shandara wrote:
Finishing my last 2 (of 9) Plague Drones.

You have my empathy. Mine took ages

I'm working on my second unit of plague bearers...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 18:02:28

Post by: Aelyn

Today, I have taken a Burning Chariot of Tzeentch, a spare Horror and a spare pair of Daemon Prince wings, and used them to build two Heralds (one on disk, one not), a Greater Daemon / Daemon Prince of Tzeentch and two Screamers.

Tomorrow: Painting the same.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 18:07:00

Post by: Amoras

Magnetized my Carnifexes today, Painting hormagaunts whennever i have some time.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 19:54:21

Post by: Dysartes

I've taken a quick look through my wave 3 Dreadball package, and found I'm one of the people who are waiting on a few bits, which is mildly irksome considering one of my LGSs has a stack of the rulebook in.

I've also continued to work on my current batch of Trenchers, carried on removing paint from Ironbreakers, and started rearranging some shelving to get more RPG books on them.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 19:59:25

Post by: wildboar

Built a few Tactical Sergeants with combi's and am now in the process of staring at my Centurion sprues hoping they will magnetize themselves..


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 20:20:27

Post by: carlos13th

Building Wargames Factory Ashigaru. They are fiddly as hell.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/26 23:53:40

Post by: Flood

Today: glossed 10 ogres and 4 hero characters for HeroQuest. Played 8 hours of games.
Tomorrow: Painting up two heavy bolter marines, priming other stuff.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/27 21:26:08

Post by: cvtuttle

Continuing to paint Realm of Battle Cityscape tiles...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/27 21:40:57

Post by: Paradigm

Painted some entirely random stuff: a Mantic Enforcer Captain and what I assume are a couple of pre-warhammer GW Fantasy models (at any rate they are very old, mid-80s at the latest, but still great figures).

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/27 21:49:04

Post by: privateer4hire

Finished painting 3 DreadBall MVPs.
Anne-Marie, Gorim and Riller (or whatever the monkey is named).

Also working on the Teratons.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/27 22:35:59

Post by: necrovamp

Home from re enacting, time for bed

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/27 22:59:58

Post by: Trondheim

Read Luthor Huss, attempted to free hand a few symbols for my bretonians, became frustrated. Surrenderd and went to GM a World Of Darkness game instead, much more emjoyebal

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/27 23:01:37

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I keep trying to work up the impetus to write rules... but I haven't found it yet.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/27 23:27:47

Post by: greenskin lynn

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I keep trying to work up the impetus to write rules... but I haven't found it yet.

this is clearly due in some part to a lack of proper setting, you need to drape yourself in a red bathrobe and then wrap select parts of yourself in wires and/or tin foil

as for myself, i'm contemplating working on the next few endless fantasy tactics models

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/28 04:58:47

Post by: SBG

I magnetized 20 Gargoyles to their flying bases. Surprisingly easy! I also taught some basic rules to a family member, hopefully a new convert. But we will see. A quote from that 'game':

"But why would the game end in a draw if you were contesting the objective during the last turn? I would just smash your head in with my gun. That's what any reasonable person would do."

We'll try another game tomorrow.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/28 10:03:47

Post by: TheDraconicLord

 GrimDork wrote:
What!? Space wolves? Pics or it didn't happen!

I myself will be watching the closing hours of bones ( well into tomorrow, but still) and gearing up to go to some kind of local nerd event. Perhaps I will even dredge up an opponent or two!

Sure, here's a quick peak I snapped this test model to see if the "client" liked the Timber Wolf style.

10 Fenrisian Wolves painted and pinned to the bases, I'm hopefully going to start painting the bases today. I want them 100% finished before I direct my attention to other models.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/28 10:05:43

Post by: sing your life

I think I'm going to continue stripping some of my DA.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/28 10:15:08

Post by: dakkajet

In a rush to get my minis painted before a tournament on Thursday!!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/28 12:38:40

Post by: Alfndrate

Primed 4 Tablescapes Tiles that On the Lamb got from letting misterjustin display them at our booths, base coated my Basilica Administratum, gonna have to pick out the fine details and coat it (so many skulls D.

Also assembled my first shipment of Endless Fantasy Tactics models, with the exception of 2 Miasma Thralls due to a pair of bad casts (I literally had the only two bad casts in the bunch)

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/28 22:44:42

Post by: GrimDork

Neat wolves TDL

I think I'm going to continue preemptive work on some bits of cover/terrain/scenery for Mars Attacks. I've a bunch of skeletons who I've got a mind to paint green and red

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/29 03:08:31

Post by: greenskin lynn

today, i build my leviation crusader finally
so far so good, i've finished the legs, lower body, and i'm most of the way through the sword arm

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/29 09:00:26

Post by: Krellnus

Almost finished laying some base colours on 30 Crypt Ghouls for my Vampires.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/29 12:15:49

Post by: Nevelon

Assembling Vanguard Vets. I should probably try to get some paint down, but it's harder to do that and play computer games at the same time...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/29 12:21:55

Post by: Alfndrate

Depending on my mood tonight, I might build a Space Marine or two, or I might airbrush my tablescape tiles.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/29 21:22:40

Post by: squall018

I will be painting my WHFB Giant. Got the base coat down over the weekend, now its time for the nitty gritty.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/30 21:18:26

Post by: Herzlos

I've been assembling & priming my EOTD kickstarter stuff and painting some of my FoW US Airborne, it'll probably take me another couple of days as I'm a seriously slow painter (not that it shows...)

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/30 22:28:03

Post by: greenskin lynn

just finished building my leviathian crusader, now i just need to let the glue properly cure for a while, and then i can prime this bad boy up and get'em painted

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/31 20:50:08

Post by: Herzlos

Bought my first Kingdom Death pinup - Game Hunter. It's probably the start of a very slippery slope... :p

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/31 21:31:18

Post by: kronk

I painted last night!

Got 90% of the paint (including edge highlighting) on a Lascannon Black Templar. Need to finish the bone white on the skulls and silver on the barrel, then wash and highlight. It was good to sit and paint again. I think Wednesdays will be my hobby night.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/10/31 21:51:48

Post by: Ascalam

Finishing my plaguebearers, and so having a fully painted daemons army again.

then painting more fething orks...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/01 09:36:14

Post by: TheDraconicLord

I'm hoping to get an Infinity demo I'm hoping I'll enjoy it because I like what I know of the game so far

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/01 11:59:21

Post by: Alfndrate

I'll be demoing Endless Fantasy: Tactics tonight at my FLGS. This is one of the first times that I'll be showing a game that I've worked on to people that I actually know. It's gonna be weird.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/01 12:24:30

Post by: Easy E

I purchased some Litko aircraft bases and a bunch of Exodus Wars Valkyries.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/01 14:04:28

Post by: Balance

Working on http://www.dp9.com. Does that count?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/01 18:31:25

Post by: squall018

I think I will paint up some savage orcs tonight, as I have a WHFB game coming up 2 weeks.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/01 18:46:59

Post by: Alfndrate

 squall018 wrote:
I think I will paint up some savage orcs tonight, as I have a WHFB game coming up 2 weeks.

More time than I got! I've got a WHFB game next Friday, and I don't even have an army!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/01 18:49:53

Post by: GrimDork

Oooh TDL, let us know how that Infinity demo goes! I would *love * to see you paint some more of those.

Hopefully tonight I will work on my disintegrated skeleton terrain /mini dioramas if I can get some time and inspiration...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/02 00:17:15

Post by: TheDraconicLord

 GrimDork wrote:
Oooh TDL, let us know how that Infinity demo goes! I would *love * to see you paint some more of those.

Hopefully tonight I will work on my disintegrated skeleton terrain /mini dioramas if I can get some time and inspiration...

It went as I expected: It was freakin' awesome!

I have the weekend to decide which faction I should start, gaaak, not an easy task when I love miniatures from all of them, EXCEPT for Combine Army, but I'm leaning towards Ariadna. They aren't very anime based like I really enjoy but:

- No one chose them yet. (The FLGS is starting Infinity, so we are all starting at almost the same time)

- There's something very, very attractive about the Metro units. They just look damn good.

- I absolutely love their Scouts. Love those snipers.

- HOLY GAK, Scottish Werewolves with Greatswords?! Sign me up!

So yeah, today is already a new day over here so... probably finish the bases of 5 old school terminators wolf guards and attempt to take photos of the progress so far.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/02 00:33:05

Post by: GrimDork

I am crazy for the Nomads, especially Bakunin (look up the uberfallcommando and the morlocks especially, but the crazy religious ones are awesome too), but there is some pretty neat stuff in Ariadna too.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/02 12:12:36

Post by: wildboar

Built and magnetized one Centurion but having a break before doing the rest, will be spraying up my new Tactical squad today.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/02 21:04:16

Post by: jah-joshua

tomorrow i will be back to working on my Draigo to Mardak conversion, but today is Day of the Dead...
no painting...
off to the candlelit cemetary instead...

candy skulls for everyone!!!


So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/02 22:10:07

Post by: Ascalam

Basing Plaguebearers.

Building scenery.

same old, same old.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/02 23:15:48

Post by: GrimDork

Wracking my brain over the proper materials to use in some custom counters I'm trying to work out for my incoming deadzone set

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/02 23:35:21

Post by: Davylove21

Painting more Angels Encarmine Death Company to go with my Crimson Fists and fighting hand cramp

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/03 12:09:20

Post by: squall018

Continuing work on my giant for my Orc army. This guy is taking forever but I love the model.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/03 16:35:30

Post by: sparkywtf

Well last night I finally tried a game of leviathans. Also realized that the quick start rules really aren't that great.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/03 17:07:38

Post by: privateer4hire

Building Judwan for DreadBall.
Also painting the last half of my DB Teraton team.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/03 20:27:16

Post by: Tanakosyke22

Going to update a couple of my P&M blogs as well as finish painting my Exemplar Errants UA for Menoth.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/03 21:59:00

Post by: SBG

I painted one Tyranid Warrior to about 70% done, painted the bases of my three custom Mycetic Spores, and primed 10 Gargoyles.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/03 22:52:57

Post by: greenskin lynn

debating if i want to call it a night early, or work on an ongoing project

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 00:24:05

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I actually wrote rules rather than procrastinating! YAY!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 00:55:33

Post by: Musashi363

Painting my second forgefiend.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 00:58:44

Post by: infinite_array

Working on my second fleet for Full Thrust. Still feeling a little Halloween-y, so It'll be a dark grey/black and orange color.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 02:16:53

Post by: greenskin lynn

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I actually wrote rules rather than procrastinating! YAY!

ah, but did you write them while dresses as a techpriest

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 03:27:17

Post by: Alfndrate

sparkywtf wrote:
Well last night I finally tried a game of leviathans. Also realized that the quick start rules really aren't that great.

I could have saved you the trouble

The game has some cool/interesting mechanics, but the quick start rules completely killed the game for me when I realized that the French ships were better in practically every category. They were twice as fast and had stronger guns. We determined that it didn't matter if I went first or second in a turn because they were fast enough to either 1) broadside me after I move, or 2) move away from my setup broadside and hit me with their broadside from the front or rear. It's a damn shame too because the British guns out-ranged the French and they had better structural integrity, but that meant for dick when I couldn't prevent them from getting the best shots every time.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 04:43:42

Post by: Ascalam

Played the first game of 40K with my wife since 6th dropped.

750 pts Orks vs Eldar. (and a small impartial nid swarm controlled by my daughter)

It took 4 1/2 hours because of small kids interference and rules teachinging..

She won

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 05:37:44

Post by: SBG

How I wish my family would be into the game too. Ah well.

I finished up my Tyranid Warrior, and basecoated 10 Gargoyles. Still trying to determine whether to use the 'Ardcoat or my trusty Humbrol clearcoat... humbrol looks better but the GW stuff is water based.

Happy with the results though. I put a hacked-off Marine arm with a chainsword on his base, which pleases me greatly. Where do you draw the line with 'base trophies' and the like? I try to keep it to one model with extra bits on the base per 20 models or so.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 11:14:39

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Ok, my promised not to buy more minis has been suspended because of Infinity. Completed my order for some sweet Infinity minis and Ariadna it is:
- Merovingian Rapid Response Force
- 112, Emergency Service
- TankHunters
- Scouts

Besides that, hopefully finish basing 5 terminators so I can start painting Gray Hunters soon.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 11:41:42

Post by: Eggs

Trying to put together three dakini tacbots through sheer force of will and some superglue.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 13:08:22

Post by: GrimDork

after falling in love with clear acrylic bases, I just ordered 200 25mm clear 1.5mm thick rounds from Litko in preparation for deadzone. Currently agonizing over re basing my recent warpath project while I'm at it!

Seriously, look at the battle systems kickstarter intro video and tell me those corp Marines and veermyn *don't* look snazzy

And now I'm also trying to shift things around to afford a 2'x2' battle systems stronghold to go with my chunk of deadzone.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 13:36:16

Post by: TheDraconicLord

 GrimDork wrote:
after falling in love with clear acrylic bases, I just ordered 200 25mm clear 1.5mm thick rounds from Litko in preparation for deadzone. Currently agonizing over re basing my recent warpath project while I'm at it!

Seriously, look at the battle systems kickstarter intro video and tell me those corp Marines and veermyn *don't* look snazzy

And now I'm also trying to shift things around to afford a 2'x2' battle systems stronghold to go with my chunk of deadzone.

200?! You seriously don't feth around once it's "order" time

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 14:05:04

Post by: Tanakosyke22

Well, now time to finish up my Standard Bearer for my Exemplar Errants UA.
Then to finish up 75 other various miniatures before I can buy more as I promised myself. Welp...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 14:05:49

Post by: kronk

Completed a lascannon Black Templar. Working on 2 Plasma Cannon Black Templars, then switching back to my Chaos army for a while.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 14:51:20

Post by: Tibbsy

I painted 8 whole models yesterday!

At the speed I paint; I think thats a new record...

Kind of a pity they're only 15mm really! Still, some more dismounted men at arms for my Hundred Years War force... I really need to get a thread up on Dakka sometime...

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 17:25:00

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Helped my girlfriend paint her first miniature. It took 8+ hours including all of our "distractions"

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 17:36:21

Post by: Myrrodin

For me, waiting for my models to come in and see if I like the paint scheme to start painting again.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/04 17:52:54

Post by: fishy bob

I'm building a gaming board!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/06 07:36:32

Post by: SBG

I primed 8 Termagants and played a 110 point game with my wife. A good evening overall!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/06 11:35:11

Post by: necrovamp

Repairing my 15mm Pakistani C-17 Transport plane, since my Pakistani friend knocked it on the floor He feels ever so guilty.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/07 16:50:28

Post by: Paradigm

Just bought DE Wyches, (The other) DE Black Ark Corsairs, and some Empire State Troops in a 50% off sale, despite owning none of those arrmies... I wonder where this is going...

*cough*codex inquisition*cough*

I should also be finishing my first scratchbuilt Chimera as soon as I can work out a way of doing the turret. Plasticard is basically the best invention since the bread slicer.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/07 17:19:13

Post by: Barksdale

Finally finishing up 3 hydra turrets and fixing a SM shotgun to go on my one of my IG.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/07 18:07:55

Post by: squall018

I'm gonna paint up a few reenforcements for my Orlock gang.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/07 22:23:39

Post by: Shandara

Painting a mountain of terrain. Some buyer's remorse on good deals with the Imperial Sector and Wall of Martyrs.. going to take a while.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 10:59:28

Post by: necrovamp

Finishing my 5th SS Panzer Grenedeir Panzer Company for Rapid Fire today.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 13:41:52

Post by: Alfndrate

Playing Warhammer Fantasy for the first time in... uh... ever?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 15:56:32

Post by: squall018

 Alfndrate wrote:
Playing Warhammer Fantasy for the first time in... uh... ever?

Which army are you using?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 16:16:18

Post by: Alfndrate

 squall018 wrote:
 Alfndrate wrote:
Playing Warhammer Fantasy for the first time in... uh... ever?

Which army are you using?

*throws arms up*

Idk! I think Dwarves. I have a Warriors of Chaos army somehwere, but it's missing lots of pieces and isn't even using the previous army book, when I bought it the guy gave me the Storm of Chaos, Beasts of Chaos, and Hordes of Chaos? books. But my buddy is bringing his Dark Elf and Dwarf armies.

Do you have any advice?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 16:47:08

Post by: Flood

Two Ulthwe Guardians to paint this evening I think (for a friend's commission). Maybe try and do another two tomorrow.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 16:50:48

Post by: TheDraconicLord

Attempt to start painting the FW SW Venerable Dread. I think he's gonna take a while

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 17:02:28

Post by: Herzlos

Compiling stuff to flog at a flea market tomorrow, so I can get new goodies. I own so much stuff I'll never use so I may as well.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 17:05:55

Post by: fishy bob

Herzlos wrote:
Compiling stuff to flog at a flea market tomorrow, so I can get new goodies. I own so much stuff I'll never use so I may as well.

What stuff are you gonna sell?

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 18:05:31

Post by: squall018

 Alfndrate wrote:
 squall018 wrote:
 Alfndrate wrote:
Playing Warhammer Fantasy for the first time in... uh... ever?

Which army are you using?

*throws arms up*

Idk! I think Dwarves. I have a Warriors of Chaos army somehwere, but it's missing lots of pieces and isn't even using the previous army book, when I bought it the guy gave me the Storm of Chaos, Beasts of Chaos, and Hordes of Chaos? books. But my buddy is bringing his Dark Elf and Dwarf armies.

Do you have any advice?

Fantasy is a lot more balanced than 40k. So just pick which army you like and have fun. Thats my advice. Thet being said, DE have a newer book though... so you should probably pick them

Back OT, I will be putting the finishing touches on my WHFB Giant this evening, then working on my Goblin Spear Chukka. Saturday there will be no hobbying, so I have to make tonight count!

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 18:25:25

Post by: Alfndrate

 squall018 wrote:

Fantasy is a lot more balanced than 40k. So just pick which army you like and have fun. Thats my advice. Thet being said, DE have a newer book though... so you should probably pick them

Back OT, I will be putting the finishing touches on my WHFB Giant this evening, then working on my Goblin Spear Chukka. Saturday there will be no hobbying, so I have to make tonight count!

Well, my buddy is still using the old book because he hasn't played fantasy in a few years. The only reason why it's on the docket for tonight is because we haven't settled on a game system to replace Malifaux, so every week has been a different game.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/08 22:21:43

Post by: Herzlos

 fishy bob wrote:
Herzlos wrote:
Compiling stuff to flog at a flea market tomorrow, so I can get new goodies. I own so much stuff I'll never use so I may as well.

What stuff are you gonna sell?

It's mostly a clearout of gaming stuff I don't really need; board games (Red November, Dwarf Kings Hold, Hero Quest), minis (Reaper, CMoN, Raging Heroes, GW) and some scenery and bits and pieces. Stuff I've ignored so long I can't even remember what I've packed, other than there's about 150 line items and a total asking price of about £500. So hopefully I'll get a stack of new stuff and some pocket money back

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/09 00:37:42

Post by: MrFlutterPie

Attempted to paint 5 guardsmen in Cadpat but they ended up looking like Modern German Flecktarn.

I know what I did wrong so I can fix it for the next 100 guardsmen

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/09 00:58:21

Post by: Alfndrate

 Alfndrate wrote:
 squall018 wrote:

Fantasy is a lot more balanced than 40k. So just pick which army you like and have fun. Thats my advice. Thet being said, DE have a newer book though... so you should probably pick them

Back OT, I will be putting the finishing touches on my WHFB Giant this evening, then working on my Goblin Spear Chukka. Saturday there will be no hobbying, so I have to make tonight count!

Well, my buddy is still using the old book because he hasn't played fantasy in a few years. The only reason why it's on the docket for tonight is because we haven't settled on a game system to replace Malifaux, so every week has been a different game.

I don't think I'm going to touch fantasy anymore. I ended up with 2000 points of dark elves with 2 other players on my the for a 6k game versus 6k of dwarves we were decimated by cannons and grudge throwers, and my magic is fething useless. I'm not sure what you mean about balanced, but I'm not seeing it. This game is fething infuriating.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/09 01:06:11

Post by: MrDwhitey

Painting more Dropzone Commander Scourge to annoy Alf.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/10 02:14:07

Post by: SBG

I got a game in last night, first one in a long time. It was great. Battle report is here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/562293.page

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/10 02:23:40

Post by: GrimDork

Agonizing over which Mars Attacks kickstarter extras to pick up before it ends tomorrow. Not advertising here, but it *is* kind of awesome

Then, I've got to rapidly cobble together a temporary deadzone board so my buddy and I can try it out tomorrow Oh, and I've gotta print out the cards too, and sort of learn the rules Busy night =/

Then obviously tomorrow will involve much deadzoning, I expect quick games even with our total n00bery so hopefully we get quite a few in for more accurate measure of balance and awesomeness!

If I get any time amongst all that (a break perhaps) I intend to clean and start painting up my newly obtained Knight ForScale (err umm Garrik the Bold, or something... but c'mon, it's his job to scale up all the other bones, it works!).

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/10 23:33:06

Post by: sparkywtf

Today I got pestered with pictures of my buddy painting his wraithknights, so I got semi motivated.

I pulled out all my BT vehicles, and started working on them. So far I have finished the interiors on two of them, glued one together, and working on the fourth (razorbacks). Should get weapons done at some point today too. Then I have to work on the predator weapons and build one rhino chassis.

I hate building Rhinos. Those kits suck.

So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only. @ 2013/11/11 00:10:30

Post by: Pacific

Painted yet more German Grenadiers.. rapidly losing patience, hope I can keep the motivation up as I'm approaching about 40% army completion!

@GrimDork - Would be interested to see what those clear bases turn out like when you have done them!

 Eggs wrote:
Trying to put together three dakini tacbots through sheer force of will and some superglue.

Sheer force of will certainly helps with those things!