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What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/19 05:56:14

Post by: ccs

My 2nd box of WE berserker came in this week, so....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/20 00:39:55

Post by: ZergSmasher

Went to the FLGS today and picked up a Grimnyr and a box of Brokhyr Thunderkyn for my growing Leagues of Votann army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/20 03:42:50

Post by: Destroyer_742

MCP Agent venom & Spider woman, two Deimos Pattern Rhinos, SW Legion Moff Gideon and a couple boxes of dark troopers, and an elegoo saturn 2 & cure/wash station.

Tax return season.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/20 05:23:54

Post by: Snrub

Ringwraith on Fellbeast and the Hobbits in Ithilien from the MESBG MtO.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/20 05:30:35

Post by: Adrassil

It's sad the local Etsy store I order my 3d printed minis is closing up so before the close I ordered a mini of Dellenger from Secret War and one of Berrk Ballacat one of the main antagonists of my 1st Angaran Chronicles novel: The Angaran Chronicles: The Underside he's fun to write because he's such a psychopath and he's the shadow of the main character Anargrin and it's even more fun when he gets he comeuppance. Them and another version of Anargrin.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/22 14:31:06

Post by: ccs

More glue, zip kicker, & Corax White spray.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/24 01:43:48

Post by: Adrassil

Inspired by looking at the Lord of the Rings game I ordered a Fellowship of the Ring kit from Etsy they look much better and are much cheaper than the GW ones (although, they don't look too bad or dated in my eyes) I shouldn't have bought them, but oh well.

Here's the link if anyone is interested.


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/24 03:19:38

Post by: Captain Brown

I bought some caulk for home repair and a secondary use in making rubble terrain.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/25 08:42:53

Post by: McDougall Designs

A box of Wargames Atlantic landskneckt ogres, to make 3 units of berserker braves.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/02/28 07:32:36

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Before the price increase hits us like a ton of greedy bricks:

2x Knight Abominants
1x Knight Questoris
1x Eldar Guardians
3x Shining Spears
2x Eldar Avatar
3x Rough Riders
2x Primaris Lieutenants (the new one)
2x Brutalis Dreadnoughts

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/05 19:53:41

Post by: ZergSmasher

Just picked up Strike Force Agastus from my FLGS.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/06 03:15:05

Post by: ccs

Ordered a Ver-myn tunnler from Mantic.
I came across it browsing for bitz/parts for use in scratch building a Termite.
If I'm pleased enough with it? It'll save me time & effort & I'll pick up several more and equip my Deathguard/World Eaters with Termite transports - at a fraction of the cost of Forge World kits.

If I'm not satisfied? Then I'll just continue with the original plan & scratch build a few termites.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/06 06:47:34

Post by: privateer4hire

The tunneler is a really nice model, CCS. It only has a few pieces to assemble and goes together very well.

On my own stuff, I just ordered some card deck expansions and finally the acrylic template set, all for Pulp Alley.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/06 16:43:14

Post by: Just Tony

Custom dice trays for my brother and me.

[Thumb - 20230306_100823.jpg]
[Thumb - 20230306_100834.jpg]

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/06 19:27:35

Post by: Vermis

Blurd bowl helves! Now how to... how to put axes in their hands...

 Just Tony wrote:
Custom dice trays for my brother and me.


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/11 11:02:05

Post by: tauist

Bought a bunch of bitz and preordered one box of the new RG MKVI heads. That's my hobby budget blown until the next paycheck.

Seriously, who impulse buys 10 Cargo-8 Ridgehauler tires?!

I just hope they make a useful addition to my "Orky scrap heap/Shantytown" terrain collection.. They'll fit right in with the Mekboy workshop scatter terrain and the Octarius buildings..

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/11 22:45:48

Post by: Adrassil

 Just Tony wrote:
Custom dice trays for my brother and me.

Very cool! may I ask where you got those?

Back OT back typing up The Angaran Chronicles: The Skirmish game Bat Rep still got a while away to being only near the top of 2nd turn but it's going quite well!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/12 06:04:35

Post by: Just Tony

 Adrassil wrote:
 Just Tony wrote:
Custom dice trays for my brother and me.

Very cool! may I ask where you got those?

Back OT back typing up The Angaran Chronicles: The Skirmish game Bat Rep still got a while away to being only near the top of 2nd turn but it's going quite well!

A Jarhead that works here at Caterpillar with me made them on his CNC router.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/14 10:18:57

Post by: ccs

A box of 40k WE Jakkels.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/14 13:22:34

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Picked up a Stormbringer magazine for some AoS orcs. Can't complain about £6 for 10 dudes!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/16 13:26:14

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Just picked up Vashtorr and a box of Cultists for £60. Ha!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/19 09:18:40

Post by: SamusDrake

Hargax's Pit-Beasts £52
Sylvaneth Warscroll cards £16

Been using tokens for the Troggoths in the AoS solo-campaign, but figure the Warcry monster models as excellent substitutes as they have plenty of wounds and at times good bang-for-buck. Also, there's the Fomoroid Crusher for solo-Underworlds, so that's two games covered. Oh, and Frostgrave as well...

While I love Age of Sigmar I only play it open-narrative and so, unless its the Stormcasts, I only purchase the Warscroll packs. Not bought any models yet but I'm enarmoured of the the Sylvaneth range, and will probably order the Vanguard set - which ticks so many boxes - later in the year. Frostgrave has a "Wildwoods" expansion later in the year and I like the idea of using Kurnoth Hunters as Ballistas...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/26 09:48:45

Post by: Adrassil

Pre-ordered the new Eldar Combat Patrol. Uhm, I mean the new Eldar Boarding Patrol! Yeah, Boarding Patrol lol. With Jann Zair and Corsairs, I like the box a lot, as it'll allow more options for Kill Team.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/26 13:39:39

Post by: Leopold Helveine

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/26 13:44:28

Post by: Kanluwen

Aegis Defense Lines, to get ready for Armies on Parade for the year.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/28 08:33:28

Post by: Memnoch

Lord Discordant using a voucher I got for Xmas, and a set of Cultists and a squad of Intercessors off a FB group.

Great way to pick up bargains when box sets are released, everyone seems to be dumping tbe rest of Vashtors box set other than Vashtor and Azreal.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/29 10:31:23

Post by: H.B.M.C.

The current Eldar Codex.

"But that's about to be-"

Yeah I know. I like the book.

Plus a Savage Orc Warboss, 'cause it was like $20.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/03/29 14:58:03

Post by: odinsgrandson

I picked up a bunch of paints from Reaper

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/01 02:07:35

Post by: H.B.M.C.

1x New Necromunda Campaign book
1x House Cawdor vehicle cards
1x Enforcer Sanctioner Automata box
2x Cawdor Ridge Walker boxes

I almost bought 3 boxes... I love those silly little scrapwalkers!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/02 06:39:09

Post by: ccs

The Vashtor & Farsight AoO books.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/04 04:28:42

Post by: ced1106

Only 700+ parts to assemble... 😄

Battle System's dungeon-themed Maladum game and separate multilevel dungeon terrain has less than 48 hours to go!

Rules agnostic multilevel dungeon terrain is perfect for dungeon miniature skirmish games, like Frostgrave: Into the Breeding Pits.


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/04 16:39:35

Post by: ccs

1) Several small/medium/large Staralite plastic storage containers.
I've got a lot of minis/bitz/misc/etc that needed better sorting & storage.

2) 15 AoS Wild Rider stag mounts.
I've FINALLY gotten around to replacing the "meh" plastic/metal combo horses my Wild Riders came with back in WHFB 6th(? Around 2007/8).
I've never loved those horses & they've always been marked for replacement. But other projects etc....

I pulled the Wood Elf case out of storage for a Sigmar game last week & there were those crappy mounts* looking back at me. :(
So they got used one last time and it was an EBay search when I got home from the game.....

*The metal elf riders? Those are fine. Just the horses finally had to go.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/05 22:16:27

Post by: DarkBlack

An stl for trolls.
I wanted a specific style (somethings between Warcraft trolls and the old GW stone trolls) and couldn't find anyone selling physical models that were what I want my trolls to look like.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/06 01:10:13

Post by: Just Tony

Well, a trade and not a purchase, but...

Skaven IOB speararms to finish out a 25 man regiment and 10 plastic Plague Monks with 5 armed to be Censer Bearers to also fill out their respective regiments.

Thanks, bbb!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/06 11:48:47

Post by: Adrassil

Made the mistake of going onto Etsy, so I spent more. Bought an excellent Eisenhorn proxy, an Inquisitor mini (or Rogue Trader), That was obviously inspired by an awesome fanart of Inquisitor Lilith from Ghostmaker and a huge 170mm model of Azathoth from the Cthulhu Mythos that will make a great Jaroai proxy for my Angaran Chronicles TT skirmish game.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/11 11:40:50

Post by: Adrassil

Bought a whole bunch more things from Etsy today. A female Inquisitor proxy which I plan to paint to be Inquisitor Jelcine Enandra from Secret War, a female Farseer that looks a bit like Farseer Macha, who is going to be Farseer Faleaseen also from Secret War and a couple of other things.

Yesterday I bought a Lelith Hesperax proxy diorama which was pretty cool.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/13 22:22:55

Post by: Adrassil

Hero Forge has a special so I bought a whole lot of STLs mostly of my Angaran Chronicles soldiers as I made them in HF because it's hard to find elf and dwarf males in 1940s-like military uniforms lol

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/14 00:45:57

Post by: H.B.M.C.

4 rattlecans of various colours and 9 more paints!

I sure would love the weather to stop being gak.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/14 02:17:03

Post by: ccs

Several vintage (early 90s or before) Wood Elf unit champions, standard bearers from GW & Grenadier, a few archers (GW) & 2 spearmen (Grenadier).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/15 15:17:02

Post by: Snrub

Bought Halbarad and 6 Grey Company.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/15 22:05:30

Post by: Overread

One last big purchase before saving for Nids this summer.

Soulblight Vanguard - Battletome - Direwolves - Iyva!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/16 16:22:59

Post by: leopard

most recent was some MDF terrain, Sarissa stuff, the Chateau and radar station for Operation Biting, nice models that go together well, need painting still

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/16 23:57:32

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Oh God! More paint!

I ran out of black spray, so I've got 2 on the way, plus yellow spray. I may have to buy even more.

On the bright side, a bunch of Vallejo and Tamiya masking tape in various tiny sizes. That should be good.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/17 00:12:44

Post by: jason1977

FLGS called me the other day and said they have 3 40k Lions coming in. If I wanted one, I was to call them and do the preorder. Best lunch break I have had in some time.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/23 15:38:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Arks of Omen Farsight and The Lion, Aranthian Succession Vol 2 for Necromunda, and The Lion, Son of the Forest.

All bought Friday/Saturday, now all read and digested. At least the Lore parts.

I’m surprised my eyes aren’t smouldering.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/04/24 04:24:34

Post by: ccs

The latest AoO book & ordered a box of Storm Vermin to round out my Skaven.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/05 02:01:28

Post by: Captain Brown

Traded for a bunch of old plastic bulkheads for Necromunda.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/05 02:18:32

Post by: ccs

My Stormvermin box finally came in at the flgs, so....

Now all I need is a Warp Lightning Cannon & I'll call my Skaven project done (aside from the eventual painting of course).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/05 10:39:04

Post by: boyd

Well, on Sunday my local shop had a sale. It was buy 1 item and play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.if you win, you get 40% off. If they win, you get 25% off. So I got a Keeper of Secrets at 25% off. The other option was roll a D20 and get double the roll off with a minimu 20% off. Knowing my luck, I'd roll below 12. If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/05 12:22:14

Post by: DarkBlack

1" thick cork sheet. To give hills another go.
The most troublesome terrain to make.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/20 02:18:41

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Ashes of Faith!

Now to scalp it on eBay for a bajillion dollars!

And the Company Champion.

[EDIT]: Imperium Magazine Issue 42 (with the elderly SoB Canoness) + a box of 4 Necromunda Outcasts.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/30 17:29:26

Post by: Overread

So since GW went and gutted Forgeworld once more with a huge bunch of models going "last chance" and "sold out" within basically seconds of each other. I've been checking the FW store every day for a couple of items just in case.

It might have paid off as the Malanthrope showed as in-stock!

So I bought it and -- it fell right out of stock again once I'd finished.

So I've either grabbed the last one off the shelf or its a glitch and I'll get a refund in a bit. Most likely someone ordered and then cancelled or it was held in the FW physical store for sale and then put online or such.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/30 22:24:03

Post by: DarkBlack

The new plastic butchers from Mantic.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/31 04:46:46

Post by: ccs

Rules & models (gonlins) for the Moonstone game.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/31 05:40:12

Post by: H.B.M.C.

4 sets of Gallowfall sprues (just the sprue with with stasis tanks, medical stuff, and escape pods) + a set of Scarab Occult Terminators.

 Overread wrote:
So I've either grabbed the last one off the shelf or its a glitch and I'll get a refund in a bit. Most likely someone ordered and then cancelled or it was held in the FW physical store for sale and then put online or such.
I hope you get it. If you've never put one together before, it's a bit of an odd duck mini. It uses part of the flying base as you can see from pictures, but it's more stable than it looks. The little claws are quite flimsy though, so be aware of that.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/31 10:20:32

Post by: Adrassil

I bought another box of Corsairs from Kill Team on Amazon as I would like to make an army of them made up from the One Page Rules I made for them for Grimdark Future and GFF. I would like to paint new versions of the first squad I painted a while back using the skill I've developed since then!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/31 11:37:16

Post by: amazingturtles

I bought a couple of reaper animals. Got to have more critters.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/05/31 22:28:11

Post by: Overread

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
4 sets of Gallowfall sprues (just the sprue with with stasis tanks, medical stuff, and escape pods) + a set of Scarab Occult Terminators.

 Overread wrote:
So I've either grabbed the last one off the shelf or its a glitch and I'll get a refund in a bit. Most likely someone ordered and then cancelled or it was held in the FW physical store for sale and then put online or such.
I hope you get it. If you've never put one together before, it's a bit of an odd duck mini. It uses part of the flying base as you can see from pictures, but it's more stable than it looks. The little claws are quite flimsy though, so be aware of that.

They've confirmed shipping!!

Thanks for the advice, I actually got one a while back and it was on my list of models to get one or two more of in time. So when they went sold out I was sad and seeing one appear right back in stock I couldn't pass. Even if GW never releases it or releases it with a bigger/smaller/differenter model in the future at least I've got a pair of pretty swans (see that's why its an odd duck - cause its not a duck

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/01 17:22:19

Post by: Eilif

Made my best wargaming resale shop deal ever two days ago when I bought an entire Necron army at a local thrift store! Not sure of current edition points value, but probably 2-3k in points.

Normally this is the sort of thing I'd buy just to resell, but my son is thrilled by them so it's probably a keeper. Half is painted so I'm busily repairing and re-assembing the many arms and weapons that separated when it was all unceremoniously bagged up for sale.

Should easily have a painted 1000 point force and a Monolith (will be a special objective) to field at the "Grimdark Future Grinder" I'm running at TMX on Sunday.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/08 10:25:28

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Bought the Rynn's World area of engagement board for Aeronautica.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/08 18:34:19

Post by: ccs

A couple of Goblin boxes for Moonstone that the shop got back in stock.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/09 02:50:01

Post by: DarkBlack

A Satheras the warlock from Reaper.
To be my necromancer's apprentice for Frostgrave.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/09 13:37:37

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Picked up an issue of Stormbringer with a set of the now OOP Beastgrave terrain. Absolutely pointless, but it's pretty.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/10 08:37:35

Post by: H.B.M.C.

1 and a half boxes of Leviathan.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/10 08:50:46

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Oh nice! I’m having to take my chances in-store on release day. Been an expensive month already and just can’t justify it right now.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/10 09:25:51

Post by: stroller

Leviathan - crash or 10 but gut there in the end. Baulked at £150 from GW but succumbed to £120 from Wayland.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/10 09:42:20

Post by: Overread

We also have to keep in mind GW might well have held back stock for the retail release for this. So we could well see a second wave sent out if there's enough demand, but also see stores getting more stock allocations once we hit release day itself.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/10 12:38:27

Post by: DarkBlack

A copy of Frostgrave 2nd edition.
It's about time.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/14 13:47:25

Post by: Snrub

Couple of new FEPs for my 3d printer and a bottle of resin to get me going again.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/14 16:06:37

Post by: DarkBlack

A single sprue of Oathmark Dwarf light infantry and a sprue of Oathmark orcs from Ebay.

I don't need 30 of either.

Dwarfs are so that I have models for the "thug" statline for a dwarf warband in Frostgrave (all my dwarfs are armoured or have ranged weapons).

Orcs are because I like the Dark Age look of Oathmark orcs, but don't want to start an army.
I just need a few for skirmish or roleplaying games.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/15 04:33:14

Post by: Adrassil

Just bought a whole lot of cultist proxies from Etsy for a diorama I'm planning of making of Attelus Kaltos and Adelana Helgen from Secret War fighting off a whole bunch of them. They'll take a long while to get here in little old New Zealand but I'm going to tear some asunder so no way am I going to buy expensive GW minis for that. I'm looking forward to getting them! As Attelus is slicing through numerous of their number and Adelana is head shotting one with her bolter.

They're also resin not plastic, so softer and easier to destroy for said tearing asunder!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/17 04:07:59

Post by: Adrassil

Ordered some Sector Imperialis Ruins terrain from Ebay for my diorama. This diorama is getting quite expensive indeed lol

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/18 23:34:35

Post by: ccs

A pair of Conoptek spiders for my Necrons.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/19 17:47:59

Post by: Insectum7

Felt and paint. Just board-making and model painting supplies. Books/mini purchases have ceased.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/23 02:41:00

Post by: odinsgrandson

I ordered a Blood Bowl te based on Cult of the Lamb artwork

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/23 03:08:09

Post by: Adrassil

Ordered an Asurmen proxy mini and a Maugan Ra replacement mini as I lost his head. It was entirely my fault, so I cannot go back to the company on Etsy and whine for another one (like I did about losing my Karandras proxy foot, but that wasn't entirely my fault as it is separated from the mini was a printing error) and the company has been very good to me so I thought they deserved more of my money.

I got a proxy for Fuegan, and he's proven to be awesome so far, so I'm pretty sure the Asurmen one will be just as good. Then I'll have all the main Pheonix Lords, the only one actually being from GW being Jain Zar as she was in that Boarding Patrol box which was a pretty good steal from Gap Games.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/23 04:11:54

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Imperium Magazine Issue 46 (the one with the 2 Seraphim, 3 Sisters, 1 Tennis Shoe Warrior and 1 Archo).
Plus another box of Hive Scum.
And a Haruspex.

 Adrassil wrote:
Ordered some Sector Imperialis Ruins terrain from Ebay for my diorama. This diorama is getting quite expensive indeed lol
Once it's finished you can sell it and use the profit to buy a house.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/23 04:22:52

Post by: makeitorky

I traded a friend some things for four of the old Sarus warriors on sprue. (I really like lizardmen in TW2) I've assembled a drummer, a mace lizard with shoulder armor and two with the sword-clubs. Should be great for AoFS.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/24 10:23:20

Post by: dreadblade

Just ordered the 40K Core Book (20% off) and a Daemon Prince (15% off) from Wayland Games. Also ordered Indexes for GK, TSons and Knights direct from GW. Due to the ridiculous bundling to resellers, ordering indexes direct was actually cheaper than ordering from independent stores (who all sold out immediately anyway).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/24 13:12:14

Post by: Snrub

Grabbed a 'Nid half of Leviathan for $160AUD. Good value for the amount of gribblies you get. Didn't really need to buy them, but they're fantastic sculpts so for that price it was hard to pass on.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/25 00:09:07

Post by: Breotan

I got my pre-order of Leviathan. I only wanted the terminators, the two termi characters, and the Neurotyrant so everything else went up on eBay.

I was shocked to see it all go in less than an a few hours. Going to use my new termies in my Deathwatch army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/25 06:35:25

Post by: ZergSmasher

Picked up my preordered copy of Leviathan from my FLGS.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/26 05:55:01

Post by: Adrassil

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Imperium Magazine Issue 46 (the one with the 2 Seraphim, 3 Sisters, 1 Tennis Shoe Warrior and 1 Archo).
Plus another box of Hive Scum.
And a Haruspex.

 Adrassil wrote:
Ordered some Sector Imperialis Ruins terrain from Ebay for my diorama. This diorama is getting quite expensive indeed lol
Once it's finished you can sell it and use the profit to buy a house.

Lol yeah, never thought I'd be a homeowner but maybe it'll happen then lol

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/26 06:24:07

Post by: privateer4hire

Undaunted: Battle of Britain and two expansions for Heroquest

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/27 12:52:53

Post by: lord_blackfang

Pledged around 290€ to The Damned

Ordered 200 32mm and 100 40mm round bases for my printed Heresy dudes

That's it for the whole month, I've been good for once

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/27 14:36:26

Post by: amazingturtles

I bought a reaper ogre, to be friends with my mantic ogre.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/27 20:06:54

Post by: LunarSol

I got a really good deal on the Killdakka box, so... I'm probably going to be painting a lot of Orks for quite a while.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/28 04:12:53

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Decided to order the new Warhammer Heroes box that has the funky Primaris Captain and a few other Marines.

Figured that having these mono-pose regular guys allows me to build more interesting Sergeant loadouts with the full kits I have.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/30 17:56:43

Post by: dreadblade

 dreadblade wrote:
Just ordered the 40K Core Book (20% off) and a Daemon Prince (15% off) from Wayland Games. Also ordered Indexes for GK, TSons and Knights direct from GW. Due to the ridiculous bundling to resellers, ordering indexes direct was actually cheaper than ordering from independent stores (who all sold out immediately anyway).

And I got an email from GW today to say my order would be delayed by up to 7 days

So much for the queuing system and pre-ordering

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/06/30 19:10:38

Post by: tauist

Bought Leviathan rulebook 2nd hand, as well as the monopose termies. Additionally, scored a DKoK artillery tractor after looking for one for months My DKoK army is now almost complete, all that remains is a HQ model (its basically a counts as AM Combat Patrol, but with DKoK models)

Those will haveto make do for a while, as I'm saving up for the KT21S3 launch box dropping in æutumn

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/01 08:03:18

Post by: ccs

The new Crusade book.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/01 08:39:22

Post by: Pacific

I found a severely out of date Warlord Games voucher (had been dropped in a box during a house move). Good folks at Warlord replaced with a new code, so I ordered the Victory at Sea rulebook and a Bismarck miniature.

Just finished reading a book on the sinking of that ship, and like the idea of a project where I don't need to make any terrain!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/02 01:10:07

Post by: Snrub

 Pacific wrote:
I found a severely out of date Warlord Games voucher (had been dropped in a box during a house move). Good folks at Warlord replaced with a new code,
See, that's the kinda service that keeps you going back to a company. They're under no obligation to give a customer a new voucher just because they forgot about the one they had, yet they do. Can't ask fairer then that.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/03 03:53:40

Post by: Oborosen

Strike squads for Grey Knights.
With the release of the new rules and the arrival of sticky objectives being a thing for these guys. Not to mention the fact that I can just jump my dudes around the map like a cocked up rabbit. I'm getting back into the idea of having actual power armor in my army again, and the fact that nearly my entire army sits on a 2+sv, with nearly universal 4+inv. Is not a bad thing to be happy about, either.

Maybe another land raider as well, because why not.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/06 20:01:25

Post by: Captain Brown

I purchased two Index boxes and two jars of paint.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/13 02:28:38

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Imperium Magazine Issue 49 - the one with all the squad leaders, special weapons and single Penitent Engine.

Store got maybe 90 or 100 in stock. They were gone in less than 5 minutes. You could hit refresh on the page and watch the numbers dropping 10 at a time.

Also a big ol' box'o'Skinks.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/13 09:23:59

Post by: sing your life

A set of metal dice and the GM's toolkit for Adventures in Rokugan.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/13 21:12:17

Post by: ccs

I picked up a pair of Phobos Librarians & another two squads of eliminators - to go with the ones I've already got.
Time to build something annoying....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/14 16:33:46

Post by: Captain Brown

I went and purchased the rule book for 10th as reading off a screen just was not working for me.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/14 17:23:13

Post by: Grail Seeker

Just got an intercessors box and a bunch of bits to customize them for a Kill Team squad.

I've recently gotten my fiance into Space Hulk and playing that with her has got me itching for a skirmish game

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/14 19:35:18

Post by: stroller

Succumbed to Genestealer Cult Atalan Jackals purely for liking the models.. barely have a kill teams worth elsewhere - but heck - why not?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/15 04:05:20

Post by: ccs

Got to the shop today & discovered that my Baal Predator I'd ordered some time ago finally came in. So....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/19 09:30:15

Post by: Pacific

I have a nephew that is really into WW2 history and wants to join the navy when he is older, decided it was time to introduce him to wargaming!

So have got a Deepcut studios water mat, and a Bismarck, Prince Eugen, Hood and Prince of Wales battleships from Warlord. Quick little project and we are going to have a go at recreating the battle of the Denmark strait (in which the Hood was sunk historically)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/19 13:35:29

Post by: Kothra

I've been scrounging around for various 3rd and 4th edition 40k items on eBay (mostly old Tau models for now).

Most recently some limited edition helmetless Pathfinder Shas'ui (not sure where this one's from), and the limited edition Ethereal from the 2006 army box (missing backpack but oh well).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/19 13:49:00

Post by: Shadow Walker

This mini agnostic fantasy game https://www.wargamevault.com/product/434670/Four-Delvers
No brainer buy for the price listed, and I already have tons of fun just reading it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/19 14:51:43

Post by: chaos0xomega

Bought myself a 3d printed Kislev army for warmaster.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/24 05:13:55

Post by: ccs

The DM for our Friday 5eD&D game told me that the current campaign is nearing it's end and that he's wanting to do Spell Jammer next.
So I just picked up the cheapest set of Spell Jammer books.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/25 02:17:30

Post by: H.B.M.C.

2x Ironclad Dreadnoughts.

Pretty much the only type of Dread I don't have.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/29 03:48:41

Post by: ccs

Finally finished off my Team Yankee USA force today.
Added a MLRS unit & a small infantry section.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/07/30 07:18:14

Post by: Breotan

The new Necromunda cards.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/06 13:39:46

Post by: Shadow Walker

Elven Woods terrain from Archon Studio

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/06 15:22:16

Post by: Talking Banana

Uranian Royal Guard and Legionaries (not-Flash Gordon movie bad guy troops) from Crooked Dice Games.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/07 07:44:43

Post by: Shadow Walker

New hobby knife.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/07 17:11:49

Post by: DarkBlack

Wizkids earth elemental, on a whim.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/07 20:15:52

Post by: ccs

Another Predator kit.

Now all I need is 1 more Baal for my BA "Predator Co."
*3 Annihilators 3/3
*3 Destructors 3/3
*3 Baal 2/3
*3 Deimos 3/3

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/08 05:24:35

Post by: Adrassil

Not really hobby per se, but hobby adjacent. I pre-ordered the upcoming Ciaphas Cain novel on Mighty Ape, so really looking forward to that!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/08 07:43:13

Post by: BertBert

I've pounced on the android netrunner base set plus three expansions. Been looking to get involved in that game for quite a bit.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/08 19:51:26

Post by: Insectum7

Vellejo paint. Ordered two more big Table War cases.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/11 10:26:00

Post by: Adrassil

Just ordered me a hard copy of Five Parsecs From Home as well as the PDF.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/14 00:33:24

Post by: H.B.M.C.

6 more Von Ryan's Leapers.

I was very impressed with their impact on the game (using two units of 3), so I found someone selling them locally pretty cheap and with free shipping, so now I can do two full units.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/14 03:02:49

Post by: DarkBlack

I got some models 3D printed for me.
Including a set of trolls (by Duncan Shadow) that are the roughly in the style I had in mind (somewhere between Warcraft and Warhammer).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/14 05:02:49

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Rhino and Immortal Hulk mail order last week.
Greenstuff and plastic glue at my FLGS on Saturday,

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/17 02:08:44

Post by: H.B.M.C.

A full set of professionally printed Warhammer Quest '95 tiles: The original core set tiles, plus the two expansions packs, plus every WD and expansion tile, plus three to four times as many additional fan-made tiles. All done in the same style and thickness and quality of the originals (even better, actually). Not cheap, but it's my Birthday present to myself.

Imperium Magazine Issue 54.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/29 10:22:56

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Set of Heresy Jetbikes, a second Leviathan, the AoS W+ model from last year, and the map of the ruined Imperial Palace.

And soon, Codex Tyranids as I’ll be needing that in due course.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/08/29 12:25:18

Post by: ccs

A Morkanought.
With an amusing story attached as to why.

Short version:
Because my grots tend to loot things that get killed during our games. These things then reappear as Looted vehicles/gunz/bitz in future games.
Usually it's enemy hardware, & generally only if I win.
There's exceptions to both though.....

Longer version:
In this case:
*This 2v2 2k pt game took place at the shop Sunday afternoon, durring/following a 2 day RTT. Plenty of tables open as the bottom half of the players had dropped & didn't come on sunday.
So story wise there's A) still fighting going on, B) plenty of scrap left behind on the "open" tables.
*My buddy finally has 1k of Orks table ready & wants to try them out. So my grots offer to join him in exchange for 1st dibs on loot. We now have a 2k pt team.
The other "team" turns out to be Ultramarines + Tyranids.... Apparently our greenskins rolled up on an ongoing fight?

So we deploy.
I place a grot squad on foot on our objective for that 4+ cp bonus. Their truck, still carrying the Red Gobbo (I don't attach him), go's right next to them.
Then my orky partner plops his Morkanought right next to them. "Go away, I don't want you blowing up on me!" But it IS the best place for it....

We lose the initiative roll.
And right off the bat a combination of Devastator & Rupture cannon fire explodes the stupid thing.
I lose a few grots & a bit of damage to the truck.
The ork player? The dice gods do not like him.... he lost almost the entire unit he had embarked in the 'Nought! The fatal shot must've hit the transport bay directly. :(

Our 1st turn.
I get my grot cp. The Red Gobbo hops out of the truck. The grots attach the tow chains (all my vehicles are modeled with tow chains) & give the thumbs up.
And then I drive my truck off the board with a wrecked Morkanought en-tow.

Now I have a Morkanought to build.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/04 06:10:34

Post by: Adrassil

Ordered the 3d printing of a whole bunch of minis I made on Hero Forge. Including some Fantasy versions of WW2, a few elves, and a few dwarves soldiers, most being humans for my Angaran Chronicles Skirmish Game. As well as a couple of characters for the kids at my gaming club to eventually paint. I also bought some Grimdark-looking, not-Tempustus Scion proxies for my eventual Inquisition Grimdark Future 2,000-point army from Etsy.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/04 06:18:19

Post by: 13thWarrior

Commander Cody for Legion and a Urban Lance for BT.

Hoping to score a Land Raider or OG Grey Knight terminators next.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/05 00:25:35

Post by: Skywave

Got some pre-order of the new Tyranids stuff. Got myself the Datacards and two pack of dice. Held of for the codex as I wanted to check the special edition one, but I checked 20min after it went up and it was already gone, so gonna grab the standard one when I go pick up my pre-order instead. still debating if I puck up any new Nids now, or wait ad focus on finishing painting the 2 Leviathan half I have (Neurogaunts and Neuroryrant left for the first one).

I'm tempted by the Emissary because big Nids models are always fun and quick to do!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/05 03:13:32

Post by: privateer4hire

Bought a ticket to enter the area bb sevens league; paid my buddy for 3D printing a half dozen ruins for fantasy gaming; and two different colors of Two Thin Coats paint—-really impressive coverage from their trooper white

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/05 14:23:18

Post by: Snrub

Guy at my local was having a fire sale of his backlog, so I nabbed the Leviathan termie captain for a tenner.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/08 15:30:23

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Picked up the issue of Stormbringer with Zarbag's Gitz in it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/08 17:26:00

Post by: Commodus Leitdorf

Bought a bunch of paint and grass tufts at my FLGS. Looking kinda hard at some older used books I might want to pick up too.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/09 11:01:26

Post by: Adrassil

Bought Chimera and Hellhound proxies by Station Forge and some Duck Soldier minis for a kid in my miniature war gaming club who loves ducks all from Etsy.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/09 12:32:07

Post by: SamusDrake

Two issues of Stormbringer for £12. One was the intro issue with the Knight-Incantor and her Kruleboyz counterpart with his little mate. The other was Xandire's Truthseekers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/09 14:43:00

Post by: CptJake

Just bought a 1:48 SCUD TEL. Gonna be a monster on the table. Will find use as a target for raid scenarios using my modern figs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/09 17:45:56

Post by: boyd

I just picked up some Kruleboyz as they look so good to paint! I have purchased Gobbsprak, a Killa Boss, a Shaman, a standard, 10 boys with spears, 20 grots, a killa boss on gnashtoof, a snatch a boss on sludgeraker beast, 10 boys with hand weapons, and 6 crossbow orruks.

I've painted 20 grots, the killa boss with stabba, the shaman with pot grot, and have the the boss with gnashtooth on the painting table. The grots were amazing and simple to paint up.

Prime with wraithbone. Paint the skin Iyaden Yellow and Sepia wash. The armor is lead belcher. The ropes are snakebite leather, the loin cloth is grashrak sewer. Put some grashrak or Agrax over the lead belcher armor. Bases were mud and I used some shrubs and ard coat to make the mud look wet.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/09 18:07:11

Post by: ccs

Couple of bitz for my Tau & eldar.
Tau: Several weapons for my Crisis suits (Ion Blasters weren't even a thing when I originally built this force. I rather like Ion Blasters. ) & some more drones.

Eldar: Replacement cockpit canopies for Wave serpents & Vypers + some extra vehicle weapons.
I think I separated the canopies out long ago to avoid messing them up while priming/painting. Where I put them though.....
The weapons - most are just for increased options, but a few to replace a ones that've somehow gone missing from the Vypers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/11 11:31:27

Post by: DarkBlack

Another box for mini's.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/21 12:12:14

Post by: Adrassil

Dad and I went to Hamiton so I went to one of the local gaming stores and bought the Imperial Agents Boarding Patrol which will be excellent for my eventual Inquisition list for Grimdark Future. As well as a couple of other things.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/21 19:06:57

Post by: Skywave

Got some squad marker ring from an esty shop. Wanted to try some to see how helpful they'll be in-game. Got one wrong size, so the seller is sending a replacement. Grabed some scenery shipping container along the way to make it worth it (should work for both 40k and Fallout).

Also got some dice bags for my armies (again from etsy). Nice bag with embroidered logo on top, and did some custom to make sure I got the colors I wanted. Even did a custom logo for my Iyanded army that wasn't available in the shop! Got 3 for me and 2 for the GF so that was a nice order.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/21 20:29:19

Post by: ccs

I finally picked up my 3rd Baal Predator yesterday.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/21 22:09:43

Post by: lord_blackfang

I've been good at not adding to the pile of shame all summer but thanks to a hefty discount I now have a new army on the way... just haven't decided which yet


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/26 19:42:49

Post by: Skywave

Just bough some of the GW Made-to-Order scenery. Picked up one Bastion and 2 Martyr bunkers to add to my table!

Also bought and received a mat for our Fallout games, a nice 4x3 double sided one! Was pricey, but gonna be very useful!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/26 22:14:00

Post by: ccs

I haven't pulled the trigger yet, but there's a GW MTO 40k terrain order I've got to place real soon....
A Bastion, several Bunkers, and a Landing pad.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/27 01:30:56

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Fun Fact:

If you get two Bastions, and make one that's twice as tall, you can use the left-over parts to make little short bunkers, as seen here:


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/27 02:15:25

Post by: Skywave

Now don't tempt me there, I already though of getting two Bastion, but settled on only one

Surely there's a way to have it being modular at least so I can make the small bunker every now -and-then!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/27 08:37:57

Post by: Snrub

Found a place doing the McFarlane dollies at half price, so I bought myself an artist proofs genestealer, dark angel and chaos marine. Was going to grab the pre-painted 'stealer and one of the artist proof orks too. But that seemed like a bit much...

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
as seen here:
Is there any GW terrain you don't have?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/09/27 15:25:47

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Snrub wrote:
Is there any GW terrain you don't have?
Thinking about it... hmm... KT Boarding Action terrain, current Warcry season terrain and Ash Wastes terrain.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/04 02:46:17

Post by: H.B.M.C.

1 Primaris Captain w/Jump Pack
1 Primaris Assault Marines box
1 Terminator Chaplain
1 Neurolictor
1 Norn Emmissary

Looking forward to trying out the Emmissary. Need to make a list with him in it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/04 17:46:34

Post by: DarkBlack

A $20 bargin box of 15mm historical "stuff", because it looked like a Republican Roman army.
I am now the proud(?) owner of a mid-Repuplican legion and an ancient Spanish army.
Just need to figure out what to do with the random bits and pieces and fill out the rest of a Punic Wars project.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/05 17:49:23

Post by: lord_blackfang

400 zip lock bags to sort my bits

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/05 18:30:03

Post by: bullisariuscowl

These bad boys and their army-book

the march to berlin is gonna be fun.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
400 zip lock bags to sort my bits

always love to see people buying things they really, really need instead of fancy new models.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/06 16:01:54

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I bought a bunch of Epic scaled terrain - ruins, industrial spires and some trench lines. Hopefully they suit the scale of AT and LI!

Also bought some boxes with the intention of magnetising my dudes.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/08 21:49:12

Post by: ZergSmasher

There was a big toy, comic, and collectible sale at my local mall today, and I managed to score a copy of Battle Masters (the Milton Bradley game with Games Workshop figures and stuff in it) for a pretty reasonable price. The box is beat to hell and there were a tiny handful of parts missing, but I couldn't pass it up.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/08 21:53:20

Post by: Marxist artist

6 warglaives in resin for AT
and hopefully for Legion Imperalis

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/09 00:38:19

Post by: ccs

I added another Autarch for my Eldar today.
The 1st conversion last week worked well, so I decided to make a 2nd similar....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/09 03:01:33

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Picked up a Deathleaper.

 ZergSmasher wrote:
There was a big toy, comic, and collectible sale at my local mall today, and I managed to score a copy of Battle Masters (the Milton Bradley game with Games Workshop figures and stuff in it) for a pretty reasonable price. The box is beat to hell and there were a tiny handful of parts missing, but I couldn't pass it up.
The plastic tower in that box was one of my main terrain pieces back in the days of 2nd Ed.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/11 23:00:03

Post by: Snrub

Picked up a near pristine Codex: Armageddon for a tenner. Thank you man at my local club.

Also grabbed a pot of Armageddon Dunes to finish of my Steel Legion squad.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/11 23:36:59

Post by: ccs

I expect that my next gaming purchase will be the Space Marine codex this weekend.

Unless the pizza I order during tomorrow nights D&D game counts.

edit: Yep, the next purchase was exactly as I predicted.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/12 00:03:35

Post by: Adrassil

Ordered a whole lot of things from Etsy including some grassy 2x3 playmats as well as a whole bunch of trees so I can finally have some naturalistic battle fields. Mostly for Five Parsecs and to have a bit more diversity of battlefields for Grimdark Future: Firefight.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/14 06:10:50

Post by: H.B.M.C.

What a haul!

For the low low price of about 20 excess Sector Mechanicus terrain sprues, and a few leftover platforms/walkways, I picked up (completely NIB!):

1 Corvus Blackstar
1 Deathstrike Launcher
1 Nightscythe
2 Doomsday Arcs
3 Heavy Destroyers
1 Tyranid Harpy
1 Shard of the Void Dragon

Much better than terrain I don't need.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/14 09:26:47

Post by: Snrub

Bought a squads worth of Lascannons and some of the Heresy DA heads and torsos from a local guy and at a fraction of the price it'd have cost me to get from FW itself.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/14 09:58:31

Post by: lord_blackfang

Looks like my summer hiatus from hobby spending is over.

Just brought home a Cerastus Castigator, and preordered 2x Heresy Battle Group

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/14 13:05:16

Post by: chaos0xomega

I accidentally bought 4 Heresy Battlegroups, only intended to get 2 but the site crashed as I was checking out, so I went back to place the order again and I immediately received the order confirmation... and then I received a second order confirmation, and yep - both orders went through.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/14 14:31:49

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I've done that before. Once accidentally'd a whole Land Raider.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/14 15:01:08

Post by: Bobthehero

Did that with the Shadowvault box I was buying to split with someone

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/14 17:37:55

Post by: NH Gunsmith

Finally took the plunge into plastic teams instead of metal third party teams for Blood Bowl a few weeks back with the Vampires...

Followed that up two days ago with two boxes of the Amazons and a box of the Norse teams.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/14 23:21:28

Post by: lord_blackfang

chaos0xomega wrote:
I accidentally bought 4 Heresy Battlegroups

Happens to the best of us

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/15 01:55:08

Post by: Snrub

I missed out on a Battle Group. All of the local online retailers were sold out when I checked yesterday. Oh well..

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/15 02:36:39

Post by: chaos0xomega

Id sell you my spare, but shipping would probably murder any savings you'd have over buying the kits individually.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/15 03:21:34

Post by: Adrassil

A couple of GW mixed base packs. I wanted 25mm and would've bought the big packs of them, but they'd been sold out at Gap Games, dammit lol

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/16 20:49:23

Post by: Stormonu

Star Trek Attack Wing releases have been ramping up, and with the ability to play solo games vs. AI via the Alliance sets, I've been playing catch-up. Bought some old prize packs from the "1E" version, and Federation, Klingon, Romulan and Dominion "starter" sets.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/17 02:14:57

Post by: chaos0xomega

They're releasing new attack wing? Weird for them to do that with into the unknown coming next year as what appears to be a replacement

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/17 10:08:44

Post by: Huron black heart

I made an effort to stop buying anything gaming related after having a bit of a mad buying frenzy during covid. However I decided to allow my self some purchases at selwg gaming show and bought a 1:600 scale HMS Hood, some renedra shipping containers, 3 boxes of Perry miniatures Agincourt era English (and Welsh) soldiers and a box of Northstar wild west gunslingers. Oh and a built but unpainted Jain Zar

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/17 20:15:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

10 lerna, 1 cataphracti AL praetor, 1 foot AL praetor, 4 proteusi

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/18 07:48:10

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Finances finally worked out so I could order:

1x Seraphon Vanguard (literally cheaper than getting the Saurus + Kroxigors separately)
2x Sternguard Veterans
1x Company Heroes
1x Terminator Squad
2x Lictors
2x Biovores (literally all they had in stock)
2x Underhive Markets (that we all thought were gone forever)
2x Cawdor Gang boxes

Plus going quarters on a big HH box for a friend.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/18 11:14:37

Post by: Adrassil

Bought four boxes of Stargrave minis as antagonists for my eventual Five Parsecs from Home campaign: 1 for soldiers, 1 for mercs, 1 for scavengers and 1 for crew. Each box has twenty minis with quite a few options for around 55 NZD, give or take. Twenty for about half the price of GW minis that contain five minis, especially for Eldar.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/18 13:52:26

Post by: Kanluwen

Hunter and Hunted, Fall of Cadia, and Flameseekers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/18 17:57:09

Post by: Captain Brown

Purchased an old 2nd Banshee Exarch and parts of the original Elderad model (missing an arm).



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/21 19:37:44

Post by: boyd

I went to pick up my Mk3 box but will have to wait until Tuesday now... I did pick up a Scorpius though.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/22 06:32:49

Post by: ccs

Glue & two packs of card sleeves.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/24 20:30:22

Post by: DarkBlack

A 15mm army of Cossacks, apparently.
Suppose I should fear the arrival of the Winged Hussars now.

Also some buildings and limbers for Napoleonic.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/25 11:55:29

Post by: Just Tony

Loctite gel super glue, some cheap watery super glue, steel shim (.001 in.), rare earth magnets, and some 3D printed movement trays.

And a lot consisting of Orcs and Goblins, Empire, and two squads of Orks and a couple Nobs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/25 12:59:59

Post by: Snrub

Just scored myself a Chaplain dreadnought for an insanely good price.

And I think I might be about to nab a box of the BoP MkIII marines. Fingers crossed.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/25 14:36:44

Post by: Scott

Urbanmech pack for Alpha Strike - fer da LOLs.

CA glue.

Regicide expansion for "Forbidden Psalm".

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/26 09:53:39

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Deredeo and Rogue Trader, so I can preserve my original copy.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/26 10:05:31

Post by: H.B.M.C.

19 Space Marine Helmets, specifically most of the Black Templar Sword Brethren helmets and 12 of the new Company Champion helmets.

The Embossed Black Templar symbol is easy to remove, and all will go towards my Sergeants and other important Primaris models as I prefer Crusader-style helms to Primaris/Mk.IV helmets.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/30 02:14:02

Post by: ccs

I finally gave in & picked up the 3 Wave Serpents I needed to fully mechanize my Eldar infantry.

Now I just need to find someone parting with vintage metal Wraithlord legs (at some reasonable price + shipping) so I can finish rehabbing WL#3....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/30 02:33:20

Post by: lcmiracle

Got myself on some sculped resin old Stormtroopers because FFS I ain't shelling that much mulah for those on ebay.
I had bought one or blister packs of pewter Stormtroopers I got back when I was in uni (which I have in my gallery), always wanted more of those.
Oh, also a whole bunch of glue.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/30 11:10:30

Post by: Snrub

Didn't get the MkIII I was after, but did instead find someone selling the OoP Moonscape craters NIB, which I got for a paltry $50 + shipping.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/31 22:43:33

Post by: Forcemajeure

Got myself some 5th edition Ratlings. Surprised (in a good way) that they never seems to have been released in finecast.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/31 23:28:16

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Snrub wrote:
Didn't get the MkIII I was after, but did instead find someone selling the OoP Moonscape craters NIB, which I got for a paltry $50 + shipping.
So you're the one who bought one of those sets! I briefly considered buying both sets the guy had on offer.

Same guy tried selling those for $75 or $100 a few weeks back. Obviously didn't get any bites with that price.

 Forcemajeure wrote:
Got myself some 5th edition Ratlings. Surprised (in a good way) that they never seems to have been released in finecast.
Weird. The Ratling Gun on the website also says metal, but I have FineCost versions.

(I bring that up because Ratling Snipers are the 8th result when you search for Ratlings on GW's horrid new website... after many AT "Gatling" weapons... )

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/10/31 23:39:48

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Legion Battle Group.

It was just there. On the shelf.

MkIII I think I’m gonna use for Veteran Units. Maybe defer assembly until I buy some MkIII pads to tart them up.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/01 01:18:51

Post by: Snrub

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
So you're the one who bought one of those sets! I briefly considered buying both sets the guy had on offer.

Same guy tried selling those for $75 or $100 a few weeks back. Obviously didn't get any bites with that price.
Oh no, I've been sprung!
I probably would have grabbed both myself If I were able. Bombed out cities always need more craters. I sorta impulsed bought them because I thought $50 seemed a reasonable prices considering they're NiB. Certainly a better price then the ~$75 a crater people on ebay are asking!
Don't suppose you remember what price they were when they were released do you?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/01 01:52:18

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I can't find any record of when I got my sets sadly - I might've bought them in a store rather than online - but probably around the $45-$50 mark. I turned half of mine into cool Martian craters. Haven't done anything with the second set yet, though they'll likely end up more standard rock/streets grey.

The places selling them now though... wow. Noble Knight has two sets in stock. AUD$200 each!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/01 04:51:31

Post by: Snrub

Ah cool. I got them for a good price then.

This wasn't the only set of craters GW did though was it?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/01 06:49:15

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Snrub wrote:
This wasn't the only set of craters GW did though was it?
It was not. The infamous Planetstrike Blastscape came out in 2009.

The website used the resin masters to show them off, and the eventual product was really crap quality. The details were worse than the Moonscape craters, and if the resin masters were 4k, the actual product was 640x480.

I returned mine for a full refund, if you can believe it. Never done that with a GW product before or since.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/02 09:18:04

Post by: Adrassil

Bought a couple of boxes of Tenfold Dungeon: Starship Vengeance to represent the interior of my crew's ship for my Five Parsecs from Home campaign.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/02 11:59:13

Post by: Forcemajeure

 H.B.M.C. wrote:

 Forcemajeure wrote:
Got myself some 5th edition Ratlings. Surprised (in a good way) that they never seems to have been released in finecast.
Weird. The Ratling Gun on the website also says metal, but I have FineCost versions.

(I bring that up because Ratling Snipers are the 8th result when you search for Ratlings on GW's horrid new website... after many AT "Gatling" weapons... )

Ratlings were never a really big seller I take it

I also just ordered two boxes of Catachans. Partly because any update to that box will not look good with my current guardsmen (and I'm not starting a third guardsman army just for the new kits) but also because my totally not zulu era style IG needs some totally not highland jacobites kilt-wearing CQB support.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/02 18:28:15

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Legion Battle Group.

It was just there. On the shelf.

That's crazy

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/03 20:56:00

Post by: lord_blackfang

Came home with the new Warcry big box (I suppose they're medium boxes now) and 2 Horus Heresy Battlegroups

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/03 21:30:00

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

God help me, but this week I bought almost $2k of A Song of Ice and Fire. My wife and I are that in love with the game!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/04 05:19:53

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Another new Jump Pack Captain, and a second Primaris Techmarine.

32% off (and that's including shipping!). Not bad.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/04 10:29:33

Post by: Snrub

Got a good price on a unit of Gondorians and Uruk-hai that included a few characters I didn't have. And bonus, it was within walking distance, so I got some fresh air too!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/04 11:15:27

Post by: H.B.M.C.

And that's two sprues of KT Soulshackle terrain for $80. Not bad given that they're going on eBay anywhere from $90-$120 each (and GW is charging $105).

 Snrub wrote:
Got a good price on a unit of Gondorians and Uruk-hai that included a few characters I didn't have. And bonus, it was within walking distance, so I got some fresh air too!
Weirdest items I ever bought was a quartet of Myphitic Blight Haulers. Guy had 2 built and 2 NIB. I bought them and he said he'd drive them around as he "needed some fresh air". About an hour later he shows up at my door and hands them to me. No delivery costs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/05 07:20:11

Post by: Snrub

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Weirdest items I ever bought was a quartet of Myphitic Blight Haulers. Guy had 2 built and 2 NIB. I bought them and he said he'd drive them around as he "needed some fresh air". About an hour later he shows up at my door and hands them to me. No delivery costs.
Now that's service!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/07 03:31:20

Post by: Snrub

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
The website used the resin masters to show them off, and the eventual product was really crap quality. The details were worse than the Moonscape craters, and if the resin masters were 4k, the actual product was 640x480.
Well my craters just turned up and wow. The quality of them is heinous compared to regular GW stuff. The details on them are fine, no issues there, but the plastic itself feels like something out of a cheap kids toy set and was not at all what I was expecting. Is this what all the chinese made stuff is like?
And if these craters are this bad then I can only imagine what the Planetstrike Blastscape quality was like then. They must have been dire.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/07 04:02:45

Post by: H.B.M.C.

The craters you got are masterworks compared to the Planetstrike set. Trust me!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/07 07:19:26

Post by: CragHack

BB Vampire set with board, dice and cards. Thought I'd just paint them up nicely and sell on ebay, but got too lazy

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/07 07:33:28

Post by: H.B.M.C.

All of the plastic Necromunda weapon upgrade packs (other than the not-Delaque one), plus an extra box of Sternguard.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/07 09:26:46

Post by: Adrassil

Bought the pdf of the latest expansion for Five Parsecs from Home: Fixer's Guidebook and after reading through it a bit. It has some cool things such as a new faction system that seems quite interesting indeed.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/11 02:18:50

Post by: H.B.M.C.

1x Space Marines: Spearhead Force
1x World Eaters: Exalted Of The Red Angel


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/15 17:59:51

Post by: ccs

I Took the 1st step to bringing my Drukhari back up to 2k pts yesterday & bought the last box of Scourges in my area.

Assembly then proved annoying as Hell.
●1st, other than heat lance/Splinter cannon, I don't know Drukhari guns.
And the instructions don't lable them. Just giving the little picture & stat block on the last page. Wich isn't much help as the stats are from 8e (thank God for Whahapedia)
●2nd, unless I want all shard carbines, or wildly mismatched guns, there's only 1 of each upgrade gun on the sprues (heat lance, dark lance, etc)....

So my latest purchase turns out to be a bitz order, spread between several sellers as everyone seems to only have 1 copy of any given upgrade weapon listed.
Grrr x2.
I mean, all I wanted was +3 Splinter Cannon & an extra set of fethered wings....

On the + side I finally managed to come across a cheap enough pair of vintage metal Wraithlord legs!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/15 18:36:14

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Snrub wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
The website used the resin masters to show them off, and the eventual product was really crap quality. The details were worse than the Moonscape craters, and if the resin masters were 4k, the actual product was 640x480.
Well my craters just turned up and wow. The quality of them is heinous compared to regular GW stuff. The details on them are fine, no issues there, but the plastic itself feels like something out of a cheap kids toy set and was not at all what I was expecting. Is this what all the chinese made stuff is like?
And if these craters are this bad then I can only imagine what the Planetstrike Blastscape quality was like then. They must have been dire.

It varies but the "soft" GW chinese plastic looks to me to be a mix of PVC and ABS, similar to Warmachine plastics, high end Bones, etc.

The Blastscape was vacuuformed HIPS, basically they lay a sheet of plastic over a sculpted crater and heat it up until it droops over the sculpt, taking its basic shape. Detail wise it's basically comparable to the reverse/inner side of normal models.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/18 15:23:32

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Even though I should know better, I grabbed two of the Votann Battleforce boxes. With discount it was $400 for both, and I know its a rare case of a deep GW discount and almost every unit in the boxes will get used.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/23 11:36:13

Post by: H.B.M.C.

After 10,000 years of waiting... a pack of 36 yellow/black pips opaque 12mm Chessex dice.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/23 11:38:04

Post by: Marxist artist

Pre-ordered legions imperialis plus baneblades + kratos tanks.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/23 19:30:14

Post by: ccs

Bitz ordered a heavy Wraithcannon.

The local shop has a nicely discounted Wraith Knight sitting in the 2nd hand case I'm planning on picking up this weekend. But it's armed with sword/shield.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/23 20:07:43

Post by: Adrassil

Bought a few assassin proxies from Etsy for my Grimdark Future Independent Inquisition list. I also bought some Tamiya weathering stuff and super glue.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/24 01:23:37

Post by: Jaxmeister

Pre ordered LI and cards

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/24 17:11:42

Post by: SamusDrake

Eldar support weapon and 28.5mm bases.

The support weapon is fantastic value for only £17, even without discount. I've had a Deathjester conversion for ages now, but it's base detail is slightly too big for the usual size of 25mm. Also managed to sculpt-patch a 6th model out of the Howling Banshees kit, and she's been yelling at me ever since for her own base...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/25 02:11:52

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Ordered the Necromunda Ash Wastes Outpost box.

... and also maybe 4 other boxes just like it...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/25 07:13:36

Post by: Skywave

While I picked up my Nids battle box at my LFGS (was already paid for), I also got myself Valerian and Aleya for my Custodes. Helped with a store voucher I won that paid most of it

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/25 16:39:58

Post by: ccs

Took advantage of the local shops Thanksgiving sale & finally bought a bunch of MCP Spiderman villain figures I'd been eyeing.

Now I'm just waiting on AMG to release Electro, Vulture, Sandman and (hopefully) Scorpion.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/25 20:39:09

Post by: Kanluwen

Limited edition AdMech codex.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/25 21:15:11

Post by: Jaxmeister

Ordered the Necron and Mechanicus codexes, couple of unit boxes for LI and some paints.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/25 21:34:23

Post by: bullisariuscowl

new MK3 marines so I can have mixed squads with CSM and HH marines for my IW 40k army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/29 20:14:41

Post by: lord_blackfang

FedEx dropped off the latest Dystopian Wars starter (lovely American zeppelins!)

Also ordered a very cheap 10" tablet from Bezos specifically for accessing rules pdfs during gaming.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/29 21:31:27

Post by: ccs

Does filing my pre-order with the shop for my Grotmas Gitz count?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/29 21:56:27

Post by: lord_blackfang

Oh FLGS just pinged me, my Seraphon xmas box is ready for pickup.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/30 00:39:13

Post by: Adrassil

Bought a few STLs of minis I made on Hero Forge. One for one of the kids who is a regular of my miniature gaming club. I also ordered 3d printing by a place down in Christchurch.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/11/30 01:07:56

Post by: Snrub

Bunch of fun new paints to try out and some new sable brushes.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/01 23:16:13

Post by: Captain Brown

I caved and picked up 4 old metal Harlequins (from eBay) to fill the missing spots from my gaming friends gift of old and some damaged Eldar models.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/01 23:45:08

Post by: BertBert

I bought some of the more recent Bushido metals and was pleasantly surprised. Probably not getting into the game proper, but I'll use them as an excuse to build some feudal Japanese terrain.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/02 12:54:52

Post by: Snrub

Nabbed a cheap copy of Cursed City with full contents. My undead legions just got a bolster.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/02 13:02:09

Post by: Commissar von Toussaint

The Bolt Action rulebook and the Soviet Army book just arrived. Looking forward to playing!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/02 15:19:34

Post by: ccs

My Ork Killrig finally came in at the shop.

I'd ordered it so long ago & then it never came & never came & never came that I'd forgotten about it!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/02 21:14:45

Post by: Gallahad

The new Neutral Heroes box 3 for Song of Ice and Fire.

Arya sculpt is cool and the she has very good rules.

Also picked up the scimitar wielding Darkstar unit for my Martells. They look mediocre for 7 points, but sculpts were too good to pass up.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/06 22:36:59

Post by: H.B.M.C.

1x Necromunda: Ruins of Jardlan
1x Van Saar Ash Wastes Arachni-Rig
1x Van Saar Vehicle Cards


Because the first time I ordered this I got Porch Pirated. Thankfully the store refunded me for that.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/07 01:59:09

Post by: mattl

Today's mailbag:

- A copy of Battle Masters

- LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring starter set from Games Workshop

- Bunch of old White Dwarfs and rulebooks

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/07 04:36:07

Post by: Adrassil

I ordered some dead Station Forge not-Death Korps of Krieg to use on my Attelus and Adelana from Secret War ambushing cultists diorama. And a cool Station Forge colonel mini who I intend to use for Commissar Delan Tathe.
Also ordered a cool Station Forge Inquisitor mini with a two-handed power sword just because he looks cool.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/07 12:19:59

Post by: SamusDrake

2x1mm magnets, for use with eldar heavy weapons( guardians and warwalkers ). A Vyper Jetbike to complete a 500 point Ulthwe army, trying to stick with the Seer'n'Guardian-only theme and was going with another support weapon or warwalker, but a fast unit keeps it safe from a future edition that might have units of walkers and platforms that must stay in formation.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/07 12:26:06

Post by: BertBert

Today I received a set of Japanese MDF buildings by sarissa precision. Sponges for thatched roofs are a clever design.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/07 15:42:09

Post by: ccs

Oh how I hate waiting on deliveries that require a signiture...
It's a fairly nice day here & there are outdoor/barn things that need doing away from the house.
Far enough away that I wouldn't notice the delivery truck coming, then leaving, screwing up the delivery.

While I wait though I've built & primed Blood Throne #2 for my Khorne Demons!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/10 02:41:26

Post by: H.B.M.C.

1x Abhorrant Gorewarden
1x Varghulf Courtier

They'll make very nice (or not so nice) adversaries in Warhammer Quest!

I love bits sites that strip these new boxes for oarts.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/10 04:17:24

Post by: ccs

Picked up a used Wraithknight this evening for a very nice price.
Plus all the new Necron stuff.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/10 06:20:24

Post by: privateer4hire

Wife is getting me warlord epic napoleonic brits

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/10 08:37:50

Post by: 13thWarrior

I got the Exalted of the Red Angel, Kharn's on his way and at some point in the new year I'll get the World Eater battleforce.

With borrowing tanks from my main CSM force. That's basically an entire army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/11 10:58:43

Post by: Shadow Walker

Wattle/Timber Outbuilding by Renedra.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/12 13:44:35

Post by: Shadow Walker

Sprue of the Living Dead Peasants from Fireforge Games.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/13 15:45:07

Post by: Afrodactyl

I bought some Kasrkin to replace the ones that I accidentally melted while trying to strip them (not quite as acetone free as advertised).

I also bought a load of foam mats and cork to make another kill team board, but might save it for a larger board for my planned Tomb Kings for Old World.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/16 02:23:26

Post by: H.B.M.C.

1x Necromunda Apocrypha
2x Palanite Enforcer Taurus Venators

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/16 02:51:20

Post by: ccs

Having accidentally found out that I'm getting the Legion Imperialis starter box for Xmas.....

I picked up an Administratim Sector terrain box.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/16 12:19:20

Post by: Adrassil

Whoops, wrong thread!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/17 16:41:06

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Funny that the first time I came into this thread I mistook the word game for videogames :')

Anyway, these were the purchases of my previous (about a week or 2 ago already, time flies) trip to the city that has a warhammer store, spent about 280 euros there (though I would spend more but they didn't have some of the things I was looking for (yet)

Inteded mainly to get a Gyrobomber (for the challenge thread) which I did (and thats why that one isn't in the pic because I already built and painted it when I took these pics yesterday )
Got another runeguy (my first I made into leopold helveine the main character of my WH inspired novel(s) as you can see in my user icon) which I will build with two hammers this time I think, and another warden king which I will surround with treasure (cut up plastic jewels and gold stuff likely)

Asking at the clerk (a really cool guy who helped me big time) for anything disposessed he eventually also came back with the white dwarf.. now.. I have little love left for the magazine (due to them not responding to immense mails with loads of imagery after they specifically advertised for fan-based content using up entire pages in the mags I used to buy full price go figure' thrice<-- until I sent them a mail asking why they advertised so explicitly and then not even responding to all the effort I put into composing those mails to which they just responded with "we get a lot of mails and your mini's weren't good enough" (while it wasn't even about that in the first place, but whatever) (Anyway thats all kindof off topic I guess but 1: I like to type. 2: I still have a cold so I'm distracting myself from that with typing and 3: "my mental disorder is that I always elaborate, even when it makes everything nigh unreadable, forgive me. Not trying to be funny. )

SO let's get to the gist..

I always liked the look of the Eldar shining spears but didn't really have a use for it, but now that my Eldar cupboard looked more empty than that of my Orks and Tyranids I thought what the heck.. then.. when I picked up that shining spear box.. behind it was tucked away a CLASSIC (jet squad!).

I yoinked that like a monkey spotting a golden banana.

Also grabbed a leader unit for my future hoverbike crew.

Got the special ed. captain for my still boxed (towering pile of shame) new Votann army and the new box of robotty things (I don't like the vehicles of the votann but love the dronelike things so went that road)..

Lastly, also bought a Tyranid squidcannon (the new one, yes I know its not called a squidcannon but forgot the name and want to wrap this post up) which I forgot to photograph I think.

Hope that informs Dakka of my warhammerbuyaholicalism.
-Leopold Helveine.

[Thumb - niw purch.png]

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/24 02:15:31

Post by: H.B.M.C.

2x Killzone: Bheta-Decima

Decided against getting the regular KT box. I'll find another way to get the terrain sprue in that kit.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/24 02:55:02

Post by: Adrassil

Bought some Gaunt's Ghosts proxies (including a new version of Gaunt I hope to convert to be Commissar Delan Tathe from Secret War) and a whole lot of High Elf proxies from Etsy.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/24 04:40:44

Post by: Captain Brown

Purchased some plastic card for more Necromunda rebuilds.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/25 01:41:42

Post by: Just Tony

Does a Christmas Eve present count? Desert colored wool blanket to use as a gaming mat.

[Thumb - 20231224_195826.jpg]

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/27 04:24:43

Post by: ccs

I picked up two sets of Aeronautica Imperialis for use alongside my new Legions Imperialis.

●Wrath of Angels (for the Xyphons Storm Eagles)
●Skies of Fire (for the Lightnings - not sure if the Valkyreis will be useful)

They've been sitting, forgotten/ignored & marked well down on clearance, at a little local comic/game shop for ages.
I'm glad no one else really paid them any attention.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/27 15:40:17

Post by: DarkBlack

A box of unpainted 15mm 7 Years War British and French.
I decided that I should do a Canadian wargaming project.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2023/12/27 18:24:43

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Procured copies of The Frozen Horror and Mage of the Mirror for my HeroQuest collection. And I’ve got Rise of the Dread Moon on order which, in theory, should be in my greasy mitts by the end of the week.

Also pre-ordered the Wandering Monk hero set, but no idea when said order will be fulfilled other than “probably in Spring”.

So that’s me with one of everything, more or less. As the only model I’ll be missing is the female Knight, thanks to Avalon Hill not exactly advertising it was coming out. But hey, at least the Male model is included in Rise of the Dread Moon.

Gonna bother my FLGS to see if I can lead a group through all the adventures

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/02 01:12:15

Post by: Captain Brown

Got some plastic shipping containers.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/02 03:15:14

Post by: ccs

A 2nd box of LI Solar Auxillia infantry.

I haven't actually played the game yet, but what came in the starter set looked a bit light. So....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/02 11:05:54

Post by: CragHack

x2 packs of TK dice
x1 pack of Old World dice.
To resell for 200% markup once they go oop

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/02 14:43:31

Post by: Overread

 CragHack wrote:
x2 packs of TK dice
x1 pack of Old World dice.
To resell for 200% markup once they go oop

Fetch the pitchforks and torches - we got a scalper!!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/02 17:36:50

Post by: LunarSol

Finally found a techmarine and picked up a Repulsor Executioner to add to my DW options. Not sure if I'll end up running Ironstorm but I've been wanting to flesh out my collection into something diverse enough to survive an errata and have been notably lacking in Vehicles.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/04 02:04:26

Post by: H.B.M.C.

First purchase of the year: Imperium Magazine Issue 74

It's the one with the Firestrike turret. Basically 50% off retail. Not bad.

Would've bought two, but they limit the in-demand ones to one per customer (it's a minor miracle I got three of the Flayed One issues).

 LunarSol wrote:
Finally found a techmarine...
Are they hard to find?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/04 15:28:54

Post by: LunarSol

 H.B.M.C. wrote:

 LunarSol wrote:
Finally found a techmarine...
Are they hard to find?

They were sold out everywhere I normally shop for the last few months. Ironstorm moved a lot of marine vehicles.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/05 07:44:35

Post by: ccs

The shop sent me a text letting me know my Grotmas Gitz has arrived.

So Fri (1/5/24) when I'm in for some gaming I'll pick it up

I'll have only made it 4 days into the new year without a new hobby purchase.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/05 17:41:18

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Second Imperialis core set, a second box of Kratos, and a box of Flame/Melta/Plasma for Heresy. Which I imagine will be wielded by my MkIII Maureen’s.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/07 16:42:09

Post by: Just Tony

My brother picked up a Landsnecht (Sure it's horribly butchered spelling) boxed set from Warlord Games, I believe. The one that comes with almost 100 Pikemen, which means the Empire Spearmen he took from me years ago for his DOW army are now coming back along with a bunch of Empire stuff we got in a lot with Orcs and Orks. So Empire Army is inbound.

Also I commissioned a dozen 125x100mm movement trays in the style of the old lime green GW trays from a coworker.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/08 13:32:14

Post by: lord_blackfang

Just picked up part of my late '23 preorders at the FLGS

FEC launch box
Seraphon xmas battleforce
2x HH Assault Squad

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/08 20:20:35

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Necromunda Apocrypha book.

Some new rules, but mostly a handy compendium of online articles.

And being a sad old git? I love me a good Compendium.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/08 22:43:35

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Necromunda Apocrypha book.
I was surprised that it was hardback.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/15 10:16:53

Post by: 13thWarrior

Striker Lance for Battletech. My Draconis Combine just need a Dragon and they're 'done'.

Have my eyes on a Age of Darkness box. Saving my tipouts for it!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/19 03:52:54

Post by: Adrassil

I am suffering from a crap-ton of buy's remorse after buying the Kill Team: Salvation box. I bought it from a local site at a discount; even then, here in NZ, it's way overpriced, but it was the last one left, so FOMO and I don't want to stop it because I like supporting local hobby retailers. I also want both the Striking Scorpions for my Eldar (or High Elf Fleets for Grimdark Future) army, and the Scouts seem like a damn cool kit for a skirmish team for Grimdark Future: Firefight and as antagonists my Five Parsecs from Home campaign.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/19 12:29:08

Post by: DarkBlack

Museum miniatures has their January sale on, so I got a bit of this and that; including a pack elephant, sheep and a scythed chariot.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/19 13:31:55

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Two boxes of Epic Scale Rhinos.

Vroom vroom!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/19 13:51:18

Post by: lord_blackfang

Oathmark Goblin Slaves and a box of Conquest velociraptor hunting packs, both just for general undefined skirmish game use.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/24 20:48:49

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Went into Chaos Cards to look for a AD&D book. Instead walked out (after paying, I’m not a tea leaf) the rules for WHFB and a pot of Incubi Darkness.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/29 08:41:43

Post by: ccs

All the books for The Old World + 2 boxes of the Sepulchral Stalkers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/29 08:44:37

Post by: Adrassil

Just ordered a damn cool Vindicare Proxy and an Inquisition squad proxy from Etsy.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/01/31 20:48:26

Post by: lord_blackfang

Brought home my ToW preorders (a box of Tomb Guard and TK dice)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/01 13:29:34

Post by: Kaptajn Congoboy

Some more Warmachine (the Stormforged lightning wizard cadre) as well as my first Dropfleet Commander fleet - split a starter and got a battleship

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/05 04:33:10

Post by: ccs

I found a squadron of 4 IA Thunderbolt fighters at an acceptable price.

It's not what I was planning to add to the Imperialis collection next, and they don't really do anything to get me closer to my 3k pt goal (I already have Lightnings & Avengers).
But the Thunderbolt is my favorite Guard/Navy fighter model wise, so.....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/05 08:14:21

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I don't have a problem. You have a problem!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/05 19:39:21

Post by: Mekhead

I just got a baneblade going to make a skullhamma (finally) and a battlewagon to convert it, all I'm missing is plasticard rn, I also picked up Deathwing assault for my fallen angels, I'm thinking death wing with spikey bits like the csm termies have.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/06 01:04:14

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

A few paints, and an acrylic, three level riser for my first Display Cabinet, so I make better use of the space when it comes to Epic scale models.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/06 03:43:11

Post by: boyd

With the release of The Olde World, 16 year old me is super happy to get the chance to paint some Bretonians. I got the big box about a week ago and over the weekend, ordered a couple of models (damsels and BSB).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/07 01:29:33

Post by: ccs

Just worked a very nice trade with one of the guys at the local shop for the new Belial, DA Codex, & the DA cards from his 2nd Deathwing box.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/07 05:41:56

Post by: Snrub

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I don't have a problem. You have a problem!
If that's what you call a problem, I want one too!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/10 11:29:58

Post by: Snrub

Bought an Airfix Hawker Hurricane Mk.1 model. My first model aircraft. Looking forward to hopping into it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/10 13:50:09

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Quick visit to Element.

2 x Army Painter Gun Metal

1 x pot Mechanicus Standard Grey

1 x Heresy Jetbikes

Only went in for paints. And only went to Element because my FLGS is a bit bobbins at keeping stuff in stock, and I’m running really low on Gun Metal.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/10 21:49:47

Post by: Del Mingus

Made an order with Goblin Gaming last week.

Picked up the Necrons Codex and a few painting/assembling bits I think I'll need in the future.

Pot of Agrellan Earth and Ardcoat, large painting handle, refills for my wet palette and a new clipper.

Had been using the Citadel clippers that came in the painting starter set I bought last year, but they've damaged a few pieces while cutting them from the sprue so had to go.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/11 02:35:18

Post by: nels1031

Picked up a Troupe of harlequins and a voidweaver to ally in my growing Drukhari, just to have something different.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/12 07:21:46

Post by: ccs

I just joined a Dungeon Crawl Classics game this past Sat.
So I picked up a cheap dice tray as the stupid d24 ; d30 will just roll & roll & roll across the table otherwise....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/13 17:23:45

Post by: Kothra

On a whim trying to put together a 3rd/4th edition Daemonhunters force so I've been looking for metal Grey Knights on ebay. Strike teams easy enough to get but Terminators are damn expensive and rare in comparison.

Got 2 5-man strike squad and a purgation squad coming. Should get an inquisitor. Already have some metal kasrkins I may as well use for this.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/20 22:53:34

Post by: Kanluwen

Found one at a price that wasn't eye-gougingly high.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2024/02/22 09:20:09

Post by: Adrassil

Spent way too much on more Mantic Terrain Crate terrain, some scatter terrain as well as a military compound and a landing zone. I realised a while back I don't have enough in the way of non-damaged terrain for a diverse range for my games. I also ordered a couple of cool Infinity minis mostly just for painting and displaying. A Húláng Shocktrooper and an Achilles v2. They're damned nice minis.