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Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/04 20:53:28

Post by: Olthannon

Damn that's a glorious sight right enough. Is that the sniper from the Empire handgunners kit?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/05 22:33:45

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Sharp Dressed Men need Sharper Dressed Men to lead them!

I got a bunch of Vostroyans just to paint a while back. Some of the most John Blanchest miniatures ever made. The officer in particular is fantastic. No real use for 5 guys with eclectic weapons in the IG, so I figure it will be an Inquisitor and his buddies. Maybe he came out of the ranks of the military and took them along for the ride.

Commissars! Well technically one is a Valhallan Officer but close enough.

An Ordinance Officer (Mordian officer), a Fleet Officer (Mordheim vampire IIRC), Hero from the Last Chancers becomes an officer, with twin laspistols and a power sword he could count as Creed. Last dude is a Cadian with a head swap painted to match the Mordians. He was a place holder when I was 1 Mordian short.

Assorted madness. Cardinal wasshisname, 2 Necromunda psykers, and a Redemptionist converted to be a tech priest. The Cardinal is such a great, great model, also very John Blancey.

A lot of these are conversions from 10+ years ago, finally getting decent bases and maybe a chance at the tabletop.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Olthannon wrote:
Damn that's a glorious sight right enough. Is that the sniper from the Empire handgunners kit?

Well spotted. It was a dead easy conversion, cut off the end of the lasgun and add the ginormous handgunner rifle.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/14 10:48:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

This weekend's project is to finish the Cadian up-gunning.

For those playing along at home, when finished, this drop trooper army will have 13 squads, 4 command squads for a total of 150 guys in METAL

8 Flamers
4 volley guns
30 plasma guns
23 meltas

For the volley guns I reached into my box of Warzone heavy weapons. Sweet, sweet gattling guns. Ah the smell of a well-curated 20 + year old bits box.

Simple barrel swap with heavy bolter loaders.

The plasma guns required a bit more sawing and filing to get the old CSM Havok? No... the winged dudes, anyway it's their guns, they fit just right for a guardsman.

Then some plastic guns to finish them off.

Now some painting and this army is DONE. DONE DAMN IT. Done.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/15 01:23:48

Post by: Miguelsan

No, you are never done!
I'm jealous to see those WZ weapons, I never had the chance to buy them, and for 40K conversion work they are surprisingly convenient.


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/15 07:30:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Miguelsan wrote:
No, you are never done!

Well OK, but this 1/4 of my sprawling Inquisition-themed 2nd edition metal IG army will be done.


Now trying to resist the temptation to pick up more Mordians.

I'm jealous to see those WZ weapons, I never had the chance to buy them, and for 40K conversion work they are surprisingly convenient.


They went really well with plastic catachans. I imagine there's an STL around somewhere that would do the same job. This job used up my supply of the long skinny ones, but I still have a stash of others, if needed.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/16 15:28:30

Post by: Boss Salvage

That is a lot of painted metal dudes, well done Kid

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/16 17:25:05

Post by: brushcommando

An impressive army. Is that Lord Solar Macharius leading them?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/16 18:50:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 brushcommando wrote:
An impressive army. Is that Lord Solar Macharius leading them?

No, of course not, don't be silly, Saint Macharius is dead centuries past.

It may however be a very, very good cosplayer.

WIP Lord Lunar Miles Glorious hailed as the greatest cosplayer of his age.

A truly epic model, but he's just... too skinny. Like the only way the armor can work is if he weighs 97 pounds. Or, alternately, it's made of spandex. If it was a digital model I'd stretch it like 10%.

So yeah, he'll end up commanding my Drop Troop force, which means the former leader Sky Master Soon gets demoted to #2. Waste of a good Guys and Dolls joke but I gain a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum joke so there's that.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/25 21:37:49

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Got my Battlezone Fronteris kits and they are darn good. Not great, but certainly darn good.

Started with bunker and walls box.

29" stretched out, so 2 or 3 boxes to have a table sized great wall.

Assembly takes literally minutes, most of that is filing the unexpectedly large number of tabs on the sprue. My one frustration is you only get 6 shutters for 10 open windows (and one window is partly blocked by the pipe so you have to trim a shutter to fit). So my secure safe bunker is left with 4 wide open windows

There are other minor faults but that's the one that bugged me.

Windows are a bit high but even my 2nd edition guard can see out of them so good enough.

And flipped upside down the bunker can hold all the walls it comes with!

I'll be doing more with these but those are my initial thoughts.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/26 00:09:00

Post by: Meer_Cat

Pretty massive just in one kit, and you have multiples- well done! I like the 'Castle of Iron' look to them, and a Great Wall, what a great gaming table. The Mordians in your force go right along with them.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/27 07:54:17

Post by: Jehan-reznor

Some nice wz guns, no Gehana puker?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/29 11:10:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some odds and sods.

Got my 2 Lightyear Armadillo shuttles from Target (they seem to be an exclusive)

More 15mm scale but easy to fudge. They're a bit bigger than a Rhino/Chimera and taller but will look fine on a table. No weapons, just a boxy shuttle for evacs or rescues.

Making a sharp dressed Eversore for the Mordians. Not sure if I should replace his fleshy head with a skull wearing a peak cap. Any thoughts?

And got some Starship doors from Mantic.

They're meant to be free standing but if you cut off the lip you can attach them to a building or vehicle. Good little buy to have around for projects.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/29 14:39:40

Post by: Meer_Cat

Those Armadillo landers look a bit like the assault landing craft in the movie version of Starship Troopers, they will absolutely work as evac and dust-off vehicles.

_Love_ the kitbash figure- all the additions blend naturally to make a new composite whole.

I'll have to look in on those Mantic starship doors- always nice to have extra bits around when you need them!

Rock on.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/29 21:46:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Finally went with the skull head and cap.

Agent Mord is now 73% more grimdark.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/29 23:00:42

Post by: Olthannon

I would have said definitely go for the skull and cap and I'm glad you did. Looks bloody excellent.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/30 00:49:52

Post by: H.B.M.C.

So is that a mask/helmet, or is he undead/Chaotic?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/05/30 07:09:19

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

He's a well-dressed Eversore assassin.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/07/02 14:37:55

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some younger officers dispute the utility of superheavy tanks in modern law enforcement, pointing out that a squadron of Hellhounds can be just as effective at breaking Queue Riots and Bread Rallies.

However older, wiser Judges know that nothing breaks the spirit of unarmed protestors quite like 300 tonnes of armor with 12 different weapon systems.

The classics never go out of style.

Fun build, I just realized I need to add a Hunter Killer missile so it can have full armament.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/07/02 22:12:10

Post by: Captain Brown

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

However older, wiser Judges know that nothing breaks the spirit of unarmed protestors quite like 300 tonnes of armor with 12 different weapon systems.

I need to remember that quote for the next time the Arbites hit the table.



Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/07/10 10:12:54

Post by: Camkierhi

Love the Baneblade. I am hankering after one myself. Think I might have to scratch it up mind. I do love what you have done though.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/09/04 19:41:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

After travel and getting back to work I'm getting back to modelling.

First up some 'Thunder Warriors'

Empire Nobles who'll count as Primaris Marines (should I ever get back to my marines)

I know there's tons of resin Thunder Warriors and 3D printed ones but this was a fun little project.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/09/05 00:55:34

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I think it's amazing how well Blood Bowl minis turn into 40k/Necromunda minis.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/09/26 18:55:51

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some progress on the TIE lander.

Arming so it could count as a Storm Lord if needed.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/09/26 20:39:25

Post by: Meer_Cat

That is one massive hunk of lander!

Is the module on top engine, or control room/bridge/cockpit?

Rock on!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/09/27 17:15:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto


The idea is it's made by ship crews from spare parts, 2 storage tanks for the cargo, a thruster unit as the command/engine, and two deck plates whose built in artificial gravity provides the lift.

Normally it should only be used outside atmospheres, ship to ship, or ship to airless facilities, but some daring pilots will try and maneuver these contraptions through an atmosphere.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/09/27 22:37:21

Post by: Meer_Cat

Ah yes, the "hold my beer, this is gonna be cool" crowd.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/10/09 14:28:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Lazy Sunday build, 2 wrecked fighters (Lightspeed toys) for the Wasteland Spaceport.

Need to restock on 2 part putty.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Another lazy conversion. Right now it looks like Navy Breachers are a good set of rules for Arbites, so some quick conversions of Hive Scum to shield dudes and big laser dudes.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/10/25 21:20:11

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I always wanted a TOS era Reliant/Miranda class ship.

So uh, I made one. Round 2's prepainted Enterprise, a bit of sawing and glue and...

The USS Miranda, a lighter counterpart to the Constitution Class while still clearly of the same era and design.

And totally NOT just a Constitution with the secondary hull shortened and flipped upside down!

Paint to come...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/10/25 23:56:14

Post by: Olthannon

Great updates, particularly like the converted Arbites.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/03 22:23:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Supply drop.

Guess I'd better paint something one of these days.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/04 14:36:36

Post by: Eilif

Dang, I have not been watching this thread close enough. Really liking the Lander and the crashed fighters.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/06 21:08:27

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And another tiny small update, this time on the toy Chinook.


Currently $23 on Amazon.

Supposedly 1/60 scale but it can fudge as a small 28mm flier

Rotors popped off with some elbow grease

Stubby wings went on with super glue.

I may add some grubbings but I think this can work as a low end cargo shuttle as is. It's well detailed with a lot of panels, hatches on the back and sides, and it just looks boxy and industrial.

The Chinook, like the B-52 and the A-10 is just one of those Cold War designs we've not been able to improve on (OK, OK tilt rotors, yeah you got me) and I think it should fit on a space port table.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/08 19:28:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And here it is with some stubby wings and greebles.

And built one of the Lightyear escape pods too.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/13 10:08:46

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And some paint gives me 2 more additions to the wasteland space port. Gunship 13, and a Hirundo atmospheric transport.

Gunship 13

"Come along" Old Kreb said, "I want to show you something."
Cap'n Pact looked at his ship, slowly sinking into the Letham mud and shrugged. Without a new hydro coil it wasn't going anywhere. And he certainly had nothing better to do. So he followed Kreb.
They passed a dozen or more civilian shuttles in various states of disrepair. Some, like his, just needed few vital parts to be free of this place. Others would never fly again but Captains haunted them like undead revenants not yet ready to lie in their graves. Pact wondered how long it would be until he joined them. They arrived at a security wall and Kreb guided him to a crack. Peeking through it Pact saw a well-maintained landing pad and hanger, with several servitors and techs milling around a large flier. Like all others ships in the port it was painted in mud-brown livery broken only by a prominent 13 on the hull.
"Recognize that design?" Kreb asked. Pact shrugged.
"Me neither. Nor anyone else in the town. I've been working on ships for 50 years from Columba Lifters to Roq 150 heavy cargo shuttles, never seen one of these. Nor nothing like it. Now take a look at the wings and tail."
Pact's augmented eye extended a half inch from his skull, he noted the rocket pods, the anti-tank missiles, the multi-lasers and finally the bomb racks mounted below the tail. Enough firepower to wipe a small town off of the map.
"You see it right? A lot of kill power for a bird in the middle of nowhere. But that's not all. Every few weeks Gunship 13 over there takes off with full weapon racks and flies due south. She comes back the next day with empty weapon racks. Then a few days a later a couple of trucks arrive and she rearms. Then she just sits there day after day, armed and fueled, ready to take off in 5 minutes and bomb something to hell."
"Bomb what?" Pact called up the regional map in his optics, there was nothing to the south. A few hundred miles of desert eventually turning into impenetrable jungle. Not even a settlement for a thousand miles or more.
"That's a question, aye. Now you need a hydro coil yes? I might know a guy who has one. And let me tell you, you find out who owns Gunship 13 and where it goes, who it kills, I might feel very generous yes?"
"But how can I-"
"You seem a friendly sort, make some friends. Their Captain goes by the name of Stone, his mate calls herself Sect. There's a couple of guards and mechanics there too. Someone will talk. And then you talk to me." With that Old Kreb slinked away.
Pact stood there for a while considering options. He had none. Not if he wanted to ever fly away from this place. He straightened his tunic, brushed his hair, and headed for the gatehouse. Time to make some new friends.

The Hirundo had done its job for a century or more. A venerable airframe, said to come from Terra itself, it had been adapted across the sector for in-atmosphere flights. Most used grav-lenses for flight but some had been adapted to use ornithoptor wings or even rotors. It was a dead-simple craft, little more than an engine with a box below it. It could carry passengers or cargo within, or using hooks carry loads as large as a mid-sized vehicle.
Unarmed, unarmored, and lacking the speed to outrun trouble or the ceiling to outclimb it, the Hirundo kept a low profile and confined itself to safe and untroubled routes. For the last century this particular Hirundo, number 510, had carried loads of round tropical fruits from the plantations to the south to the port for export off world. It was the sort of flier no one would look twice at. Even the wasteland gangs saw little point in troubling it.
"Lucky" Sergeant Seben, late of the Imperial Guard and now in the service of another arm of the Imperium smiled and cracked his knuckles. It was just what the master needed. He patted his purse and headed for the bird's captain.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/13 18:19:21

Post by: Karak Norn Clansman

Cool vehicles! Well done!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/19 09:37:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So besides the ToS Reliant I wanted to do a ToS Era Nebula.

The Nebula class from Star Trek TNG was a SHAMELESS kit bash of the Galaxy, chop off the neck, flip the engines upside down, add some greebles and an AWAC dish and Bob's your uncle!

So the Nephele Class! Named for a cloud nymph in Greek myth giving me a similar sound the theme to the Nebula class and also being an obscure enough figure I'm not worried anyone else will take the name.

A deep space surveyor (hence the AWAC dish) used in the mid-2300s before the introduction of the Miranda Class. (The transparent bit will be painted)

This is fun! Next I think I should get 2 or 3 more of these and do the classic Franz Joseph Destroyer, Tug and Dreadnought from his Federation Handbook in the 70s.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/21 17:46:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some randos...

American Spirit was a Captain America type hero, all muscles and speeches and a million dollar grin wrapped up in the American Flag, Until one day he made the ultimate sacrifice for his country.

But you can't keep a good hero down. Semper Fidelis and all that. Of course it helps when your wife is an actual Valkyrie.

Sometime the Arbites have to deal with psychic threats that even a good shotgun blast won't put down. That's when they call on Psi Arbiter Mortis.

Undead Blood Bowl model, counts as a Culexus assassin.

Gotta repaint the dead cultist, he looks too much like a rock now.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/21 18:54:10

Post by: Boss Salvage

I didn't see the dead cultist until you mentioned it Strong rock vibes

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/21 23:54:07

Post by: Meer_Cat

Great starship conversion, I must admit that as I read the description I couldn't help but here an announcer voice calling: "AWACS in SPA-A-A-A-A-C-E!"

Nice randos. My favorite has to be Brunhilde, Shield Maiden of Valhalla.

Rock on!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/22 19:08:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some proof of concept generic Sci Fi troopers

Whether you're a crime lord looking to up your game, an evil corporation looking to silence some trouble makers, or a would-be conqueror ready to make your move the Global Offensive Operations Network has GOONs to meet your needs.

Name brand henchman quality at faceless minion prices! That's our motto!

(Star Grave troopers with a Dust Quonset Hut, because nothing says 'airfield in the middle of @#$%ing nowhere quite like a Quanset Hut)

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/22 19:35:38

Post by: Eilif

Nice troopers and Intersting use of the Chinook. My son has a metal 1/60 Chinook that I may steal someday....

I don't recall if we have discussed this on the toys thread, but Lanard is at some point going to release their Sci-Fi adaptation of their own chinook-like "The Corps" helicopter. They basically capped off the rotors and added a bunch of sci-fi stuff while not changing the fuselage at all. After and Before....

[Thumb - startroopers_1.jpg]
[Thumb - R.jpeg]

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/22 20:13:09

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh I remember the Space Chinook, as far as I can tell it came out in Australia, maybe other markets but not the US.

There's plenty of other GI Joe sized Chinooky things out there to try and make a shuttle from, but this one was meant to be small enough to fit on a table. I might pick up another one or two.

Over Christmas Break I have to do some family photos of the space port, I can field over a dozen ships now.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/22 21:24:00

Post by: Eilif

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Oh I remember the Space Chinook, as far as I can tell it came out in Australia, maybe other markets but not the US.

There's plenty of other GI Joe sized Chinooky things out there to try and make a shuttle from, but this one was meant to be small enough to fit on a table. I might pick up another one or two.

Over Christmas Break I have to do some family photos of the space port, I can field over a dozen ships now.

Yeah, yours is much more practical. Looking forward to the family photos. I'm also working toward a spaceport of ships as an objective in next year's convention Mech Attack games.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/11/22 22:11:57

Post by: Meer_Cat

G.O.O.N's- that there is funny. And yes, nothing says "remote and abandoned" like a Quonset Hut. All you need is a tumbleweed rolling past and you have the complete picture of boredom and despair.

Looking forward to the Fleet pics.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/07 09:40:08

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Nothing too special but these made me happy, Frost Grave Cultists bashed with Star Grave bits (and some gun fighters) to make some kind of future bandits/morlocks/mutants.

The cultist kit is really good, it's just 1 sprue but there are a lot of options. It does not blend perfectly with the Stargrave sprues, just a different level of detail and sculpting style, but it blends well enough.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/07 14:31:47

Post by: Theophony

Nice kit bashing. I have so many Frostgrave kits sitting around that need attention

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/07 21:28:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Spaceport Letham has some new stuff!

I am much too happy about how the Quanset Huts came out.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/08 12:13:33

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So this ad started appearing on random sites.

Big Brother, always watching.

[Thumb - 8483748165630583950.png]

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/08 17:55:47

Post by: Theophony

Are those the DUST tactics Quonset huts? I have a few somewhere....

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/08 18:58:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Indeed I got them for like $5 on a sale.

They are small but very atmospheric. I glued the front but not the back, it holds in decently enough. By removing the backs they can be sort of stacked for storage.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/09 02:23:01

Post by: Meer_Cat

Clearly you need a 1:1 scale steel Quonset Hut.

Nice table trinkets! They really did turn out well.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/10 21:17:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

More fun with the Stargrave Troopers.

If anyone wants to do IG on a budget I recommend these guys.

I did troops with gasmasks, brown primer coat, black armor, neon green eyes and scopes and... not bad for a 3 color army. Not bad at all.

If I was doing an army I'd go with like 2 boxes of troopers+1 box of mercenaries. 60 figures easy to army with high tech rifles with enough odd weapons to cover most specials and heavies.

Next up some character models and the cultists.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/15 11:22:21

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That feeling when you realize you ALREADY converted the perfect model for Lord Solar Horseyrider

Now I just a need to know what base he goes on.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/16 20:47:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more additions from Lightyear

IMHO they're both on the small side. The XL-07 can pass as a 1 man 28mm ship, but the XL-09 cockpit is just too narrow.

So it joins the derelict ships on the edges of Spaceport Letham.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/18 06:46:18

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So yeah spaceport Letham...

This table is smaller than normal, maybe 5'x3' but then again that's only about half the terrain I've build.

So it might be time to call this project done

For anyone looking to follow in my footsteps the Maquis Fighter (Star Trek Voyager) and Runabouts (ST DS9) were the best of the shuttles I found. But both are now OOP. The 2001 Moon Bus (#11 in the front) also worked well. Valkyrie engines and Proxie Models barriers (as stubby wings) complete the look.

Gunship 13, a Halo Pelican model. Lost a multi laser somewhere...

Every $%^+ hole town needs a junk yard on its fringes, Lightyear ships provide them for Letham.

No doubt for each of those ships there's a guy swearing that he can get them flying again, just needs to buff out some of the dents.

Still love my little mule droids, converted from Medge drones.

Once again the whole enchilada.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/20 01:53:28

Post by: Meer_Cat

Outstanding, long-term, focused effort to get such a collection done- congratulations!

For all it's a spaceport collection, gotta tell ya I'm getting a real Battlestar Galactica vibe off the collection; maybe the junkyard could be part of an asteroid belt!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/20 12:37:15

Post by: Olthannon

Great updates, the collection is really cool. That preacher model is ace!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/23 21:52:08

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Another group shot, this time the various shuttles of Letham.

13 large ships and a couple of smaller ones.

And that's including stuff made from GW parts, these are just the civilian lifters.

Some need work, but that's fine, I'm sure I'll get to them in another 4 or 5 years.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/24 20:02:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And now a focus on the trucks of Letham.

Mostly various die cast trucks, looking for models from the 30s and 40s, then covered with various stowage and copious amounts of brown paint (ancient edicts require that all civilian vehicles be painted brown so as not to confuse them with the livery of official vehicles).

Located deep in the wastelands, Letham is entirely dependent on weekly supply convoys for food, potable water and other supplies so the whole town turns out when a convoy arrives. Even the Bishop is there to bless the drivers and thank the Emperor for another safe arrival.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/26 07:05:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And now for a look at Letham's warehouses and cargo port.

Reaper crates, Proxie prefab buildings and barricades, a whole mess of coke bottle tops turned into sci fi barrels.

Renedra makes a great set of 3 mid eastern buildings, embellished with Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprues. Unfortunately I can't seem to find them on this side of the Atlantic these days.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/28 07:57:20

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Another long-percolating project, the Roq-class heavy lifter.

Ever since I saw Sean Patton's (http://www.ironhands.com/) epic Thunderhawk with enough room to carry a Rhino, I've wanted something like that.

So a Container Store brand container, spray paint, greebles and...

The side engines are from a Star Trek Runabout model, the nacelles are just the right size to cover the Container Store logos on the side. I figure they're the antigrav units that actually lift the darn thing.

I tried to build this a while ago but found that nothing would stick to the box's PVC plastic. Insaniak recommended spraying it first and so far that's worked. If things start peeling off I have 2 part epoxy to try. After that I just rip it up and start again with foam core.

Now for the ramp...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/28 20:28:20

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The long greebling war continues.

Next big job is doing the axle for the ramp to open and close. Which I should have done first before putting on a half ton of greebles.

Another lesson for the Mark II.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/28 20:44:54

Post by: Meer_Cat

Wonderful build!

There is a feeling of brute power about the lifter, even without figures/vehicles around it for scale.

Very imaginative use of ordinary (and cheaper!) items and materials.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/29 03:47:30

Post by: DagScrilla

Very Nice.
What Did U Use For The Engines In the Back?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/29 06:56:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The engines are I think the only GW bits on them, Storm Raven engines from a bits site.

Not as interchangable as the Valkyrie engines but they look right on this.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I am tempted, perhaps in 15 years when the girls go off to college, to buy a ton of them and build a space hulk table.

If I don't do the slum sector that is.

Hello 2016 self, you'll be glad to know the slum sector is done AND the Space Hulk Table is ready to start thanks to GW finally releasing some space ship walls.

All of that 8 years ahead of schedule too!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/29 22:06:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

More progress on the Mark I and Mark II Roqs.

We have a ramp!

And it works! (Barely, I don't think a Chimera can make it in there with its turret)

And we have the Mark II!

That was a lot of greebles. Right now I have so much superglue on my fingers I could murder someone and never leave a fingerprint.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2022/12/31 16:54:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

2 more sneaking in before the end of the year

The Roqs got primed and look good with a single color.

And the Hot Wheels JLA Flying Fox is getting some light conversion for its new role as a cargo shuttle.

Volans Vulpes?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/01 18:20:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

We'll be leaving Egypt this summer so it's time to start on some of the tourist stuff conversions I was thinking of.

I think she needs a cyber eye and some hoses.

The Oracle of Letham has stood since the beginnings of human colonization, perhaps even longer. Powerful cognator engines buried beneath her can offer answers to any question. Years ago she could answer hundreds of quires a day, but in these dark times a single answer may require hours of churning.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/04 07:51:32

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Sneaking in some painting before Mrs Kyoto returns from holidays.

Frostgrave/Stargrave cultist bashes. Some generic bad guy cannon fodder.

Stargrave male and female crews. Love these kits. The two female kits fixed my main complaints about Stargrave. There's left handed weapons and a good selection of unarmed arms to make civilians. Also some nice bionic arms.

The Ghost Archipelago crew is disappointing. I like the idea and style but the bodies seem short and the arms too long, giving them a bit of a simian profile. The ones with Stargrave or Gunslinger arms look a lot better.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/04 22:32:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And the complete cult

45 cultists with various necromancers and psychics to help them. Elites in red of course, just like a proper video game. Going to add 5 more for a nice round 50.

WIP Batman shuttle

Lightyear truck with a figure for scale

Tomica Storm Runner from years and pages back...

And a lil birthday present for myself to show how I'm feeling my age.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/08 18:24:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some Stargrave Troopers with some Mercenary bits thrown in. Great kits.

After lining them up I realized I just needed 6 more to make a 4 squad IG Army (plus 5 man command section) so...

A bit more irregular but that's because I was running out of Trooper bodies.

With a consistent paint job they'll be fine.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/08 19:58:45

Post by: ph34r

Those Roqs really come together with the greebling and base coat! Impressive size.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/11 03:38:10

Post by: Camkierhi

Those Roqs are seriously impressive.
Troops are looking great bud, sure those last few will slide in nicely. Great to see you still pumping it out.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/15 19:22:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more TOS kit bashes.

I'd originally planned to do a Franz Joseph style 3-nacelle dreadnought but decided a Federation X-Wing was more fun.

I also considered doing something more elaborate, cutting the engineering hull in half and mounting it on the back of the saucer like a TOS version of the Star Gazer, I might still try this later.

And the full floatilla.

Similarly the destroyer/scout was going to be a Franz Joseph style 1 nacelle ship but ended up with 2 homemade nacelles.

Definitely fun, I may have to get some more and try the 3 nacelle ship or TOS Star Gazer.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/16 14:39:47

Post by: Ian Sturrock

The cultists are looking particularly menacing. Always a challenge to paint such a huge horde.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/20 10:01:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Having too much fun with the TOS kit bashes.

Ship names in pencil until I find a good fine marker that works.

Still have racing stripes and other accents to add.

Very happy with how the destroyer and frigate came out, even the homemade nacelles look OK.

Thinking I might color code the racing stripes according to TOS uniforms. The Enterprise got Red, engineering, security and operations. So I'll do Red for the destroyer and tug, Blue for the survey and scout ships, Gold for X-ship.

(Logically the Enterprise should have gold stripes under this system but we are where we are).

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/20 10:19:53

Post by: Camkierhi

That's nearly a full dinner service.!

Looks brilliant sir. Quite the collection.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/22 21:30:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Another 'proof of concept' type thing with some cheap souvenir pyramids.

With support from 2 small jewelry boxes and the invaluable Maelstroms Edge terrain sprues.

I figure it's another ageing public cognator unit, malfunctioning but still good enough for most uses.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/23 14:34:07

Post by: Camkierhi

The gribblies really add. Liking the pyramid alot.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/01/28 11:40:24

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Well the Connies are coming along nicely. I have 2 more on order and some neat ideas for them but let's see where the TOS kitbash fleet is.

5 ships down, with a few more to go.

Named for the visionary 20th Century starship designer Colin Cantwell, the NX-1977 was an experimental refit of the reliable Constitution class starship with 4 nacelles in an X shape to make a long-range explorer (Klingon Designation: Fast Strike Cruiser). The 4 nacelles allowed the ship to sustain high warp for longer periods and significantly increased the potential range. However these gains were lost due to the downtime and maintenance needed to ensure the 4 nacelles were perfectly in sync. Nonetheless data from this X-ship experiment informed later projects such as the Constellation-class ships of the 24th century.

(Note Colin Cantwell designed the X-wing fighter )

The USS Amazon is a heavy transport (Klingon Designation: Military Logistics Hauler) based on Franz Joseph's classic design. The Security Escort (Klingon Designation: Torpedo Destroyer) is named for Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, hero of the War of 1812.

I went with color coding based on TOS uniforms so the two utility ships get red trim.

The two science ships get blue trim. The USS Tienanmen is a TOS version of the Miranda/Reliant class and is a life sciences/survey ship (Klingon Designation: Biowarfare Vessel) while the USS Nephele is a TOS version of the Nebula class with characteristic AWAC dish to make it a long range survey and mapping ship (Klingon Designation: Espionage and Electronic Warfare Craft).

In retrospect I wish I'd flipped the Tienanmen's secondary hull and shortened the Nephele's hull.

And now I see the Tienanmen is misspelled, with Tian, which I think is field and not heaven. Easy enough to fix.

Anyway much fun has been had, can't wait for the next batch.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/02/12 16:51:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

More Constitution kit bashes.

First off a TOS answer to the Oberth, complete with a weird split hull and no clear way to get from one to the other. My new head canon is that the saucer section was meant to detach and act as a mobile lab while the engineering section could run off and do other stuff.

Then we have a classic Franz Joseph 70s design, the 1 nacelle scout ship. Along with a carrier and an experimental 3 nacelle ship the USS Liberator under captain Roger Blake. Unfortunately the Liberator's warp field proved unstable causing it to be catapulted into a parallel universe where the Federation was evil and totalitarian.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/02/13 08:03:57

Post by: Lord Borak

Those Stargrave troopers are really cool!

I thought you'd be hyping up for the new Arbite models! Not doing Star Fleet stuff

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/02/13 09:14:13

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Lord Borak wrote:
Those Stargrave troopers are really cool!

I thought you'd be hyping up for the new Arbite models! Not doing Star Fleet stuff

I was lucky/stupid enough to be sitting by my computer hitting refresh so I did actually snag a copy of Soulshackle, but it won't find its way to Egypt for another month or two. So in the meantime, Connies!

I might need 2 more TOS Enterprises, to make an over/under ship (saucer with 2 necks, a nacelle over and under it) and TOS answer to the Constellation Class (4 nacelles).

Maybe I should make a straight up Constitution as well, just as a reference.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/02/20 18:26:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Really enjoying buying StarFrostOathGraveMark models by the sprue.

Starship repairman, he's here to invert your polarity and degauss your phase shifter. Or something. Point his he has a toolbox and a wand so he obviously knows what he's doing.

I didn't like the Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder, mostly because of the guns. But with surplus Stargrave Guns they become a great set of hopeless doomed Green Army Men.

More Faceless Oppressors to join the THUG Corporation (Troopers for Hire by Underworld or Government).

Even painted my 3 Warhammer Battles Banshees turned Daemon Hosts. May have to get the current line of plastic ones they are pretty sweet too.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/02/21 22:53:48

Post by: Meer_Cat

You've been highly productive- nice output!

I like that T*H*U*G- they ought to have a union card and special rates for large events: "Rent-a-THUG" when it absolutely, positively has to be disrupted overnight."

Rock on!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/03/06 21:21:23

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some lazy kitbashes for my Spaceport.

Wargames Atlantic Afghanistan tribes (with a few Stargrave weapons). The hill tribes, they live in the hills, don't bother them and they won't bother you. Unless you have something worth stealing of course, but then that's really on you isn't it?

Still don't like the Cannon Fodder guns, but with Stargrave or Medge Broken arms they're a lot better. 2 low end mercs, and 2 Hazmat wearing repair crews.

Had more fun with these than I should have. Oathmark Elf Light Infantry and various Frostgrave bits, mostly wizards. I imagine they are Acolyes of some good guy temple, kind of the inverse of evil cultists. And they'll no doubt be cut down by the evil dudes pretty fast but that's why you have heroes right?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/03/11 04:32:11

Post by: Camkierhi

They look fantastic. Nice kitbashing. I had forgotten Medge parts, thanks for reminding me. They certainly all look the part.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/03/11 10:01:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

It's the Revenge of the Return of the Wrath of Souvenir Shop Terrain the Final Chapter!

Zeus, Isis and Ozymandias await the saw.

Zeus gets the axe first.

Coming along nicely but I have to pause to get more super glue.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/03/17 22:28:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The Emperor Protects...


Now I wish I had a couple of these. Ah well, Pharaoh and Isis still to come.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/03/25 20:08:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Souvenir shop terrain continues with a little thing I like to call... King of Kings

It's an impressive statue, only a foot high but looks huge on a table.

Emperor's Golden Gonads it was tough to saw through.

I finally took a flat head screwdriver and hammered it into the cut to break the damn thing in half.

But all the work paid off, I now have 3 atmospheric bits of scatter terrain, and a poignant statement on the futility of chasing glory.


By Percy Bysshe Shelley

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/03/26 08:52:30

Post by: Lord Borak

Love the statues!!

Always did wonder about the Emperor on his throne of skulls........ er, I mean brass throne... Golden throne.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/03/28 19:33:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some glamor shots

Never did a proper shot of the Sharp-Dressed Assassins but really I was looking at this...

Sundays at the Cathedral of our Lord of Eternal Suffering

Doesn't look a day over 30,000 really.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/03/31 19:20:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some random works in progress and kit bashes before I finally open ShadowShackleSoulGauntletStorm or whatever it's called.

The one with the Arbites. You know what I mean.

With Cites of Sigmar coming I figure the remaining Empire kits are not long for this world so I picked up 5 more Outriders to make mounted Arbites. Now compatible with the new Codex!

So back in the day... there were these monasteries full of Warrior Monks in the mountains around around the city of Kyoto. And they had nothing to do all day but pray and kick ass, and whenever they felt the people weren't praying hard enough (or paying tithes to them, same difference really) they would come down from the mountains and kick ass.

So that's what I'm keeping in mind for my Acolytes. They live in the hills, and do nothing but mediate and kick ass all day. This being a sci-fantasy sort of world they also have psychic powers.

Oathmark Elf Light Infantry (for the cloaks and hood heads) with Frostgrave Wizard kits.

Man I love compatibility.

Frostgrave wizard+Skitarri bits gives me a weather beaten old bounty hunter. And any old bounty hunter must be a good one, or at least a lucky one. Same difference really.

And lastly some progress on the Zurg ship from Lightyear (note this is the SMALL one, there's also a huge 18" one out there). Need to figure out where to take this, I'm looking to make an Eldar ship that's hanging out in the space port and hoping no one notices.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/04/01 10:15:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

It's Connie time again!

First off 2 destroyers.

The 1 nacelle Saladin class is from the Starfleet Technical Manual so I had to do one out of respect. I thought my over/under version was original but someone already thought of it (no surprising, it's an easy and obvious kit bash) so it's the Akula (Russian for Shark) class.

Blah blah blah, expanding Federation needed cheap and easy to produce ships giving rise to the Saladin and Akula classes. Not suitable to long-range missions they were mainly confined to patrols and defense duties inside Federation Space.

Picard has apparently been full of space ship spotter Easter Eggs including the Pioneer Class from Star Trek On Line.

So here's mine

Long range scout sort of thing.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/04/03 20:47:25

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So kits I regularly wish for are riot cops and security guards. No point in waiting though when we live in the Golden Age of Miniature Wargaming.

Some kitbashes of Stargrave Troopers and Oathmark infantry make some Riot Police.

Shields and cut down spears as batons.

Crew figures with cap heads from WGA cannon fodder.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/04/04 06:24:24

Post by: Guardling

Cool work, it think you've pretty much convinced me to get some Stargrave stuff for conversions...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/04/10 20:14:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I had a sudden desire to paint Star Wars stuff and picked up some of the old West End Games figures.

I think there's been some scale creep since then

So to the bits box to see what I can make. So far a plastic Necromancer/Emperor, some cloaked IG/Crimson Guard, storm troopers of course and an imposing armored dude. Not sure what color I'll paint him.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/04/28 18:14:01

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So, I'm wrapping up my time in Egypt and will move on to my next job this summer.

So I thought I'd announce my next destination in miniatures form. I call it:

Hydra... Bad!

Looking forward to a few years in India's Silicon Valley.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/05/01 02:08:39

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I can't believe you managed to find a way to say Hyderabad in miniature form xD

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/05/01 10:50:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

You kidding? I chose the assignment purely on its ability to be expressed in miniature form!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/05/04 21:26:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some May the 4th kitbashes with more to come.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/05/05 13:08:50

Post by: Viktor von Domm

for the Emperors guard I would have gone for tau heads probably, but that´d be heresy of course

cool idea and good execution...

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/05/05 14:21:16

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The guards were a quick kitbash and I'm not too happy with them. They'll be replaced...but first I have Imperial Storm Troopers to paint

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Some painted Acolytes and their leader (MTG Archangel IIRC)

Three days northwest of Letham, deep in the mountains lies the Fortified Sanctuary of the Filii Solis, or Sons of the Sun. This ancient cult claims to worship the Emperor in his incarnation as the Sun Lord however there is evidence the cult far predates contact with the Imperium. The Acolytes can be seen wandering the wastelands in their white and gold robes in missions only they truly understand. There are persistent rumors they command strange and unnatural powers, and are led by a creature not of this world, but surely if that were so they would have attracted the attention of Witch Hunters long ago?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/05/28 14:19:43

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Return of the Revenge of the Souvenir Shop Terrain Reloaded!

Cheap resin Pharaoh + skull bead that's been in my bits box at least 10 years...

And Emperor Zeus has a lil buddy.

Of course he'll need some Sphinxes to keep him safe.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/05/31 20:51:18

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Putting some old Tallarn loaders to work

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/06/02 13:39:24

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Not sure if I should be impressed or frightened that my bitz box has 6 more loaders I can use for ordnance crews.

It would be easy to make a Nebelwerfer, out of bits, are they any good? Or is the cannon the way to go?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/06/13 16:16:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

(Almost) Completed Inquisitor Palpatine and Librarian Vader

Packing everything away this week See y'all in a few months.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/06/13 17:41:16

Post by: Viktor von Domm

these are actually quite convincing conversions!!!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/06/13 18:50:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The joy of a 20 year + curated bitz box

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/06/14 12:32:37

Post by: Viktor von Domm

yup... a good bitz box is q quality in itself... slight variation on the old Stalin quote

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/06/23 15:32:03

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Packing up for the big move, some GSC stuff I did a while back.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/06/25 05:03:17

Post by: Camkierhi

Love these, a group would make for a hell of a diorama, some evil cult judgement being issued, to some poor captured arbities troopers!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/09/02 17:37:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Just saving a search


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/09/11 17:44:14

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Can't do much modelling till my shipments arrive in India, but I can still buy stuff!

Scale shot of the Jada HISS Tank toy.


Looks about right, I think the Faceless Oppressors will be getting an armor wing.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/09/11 21:58:38

Post by: Meer_Cat

I've always felt there was a lot could be done with the H.I.S.S. vehicle; seeing it with your Mordian Iron Guard makes it look like a proper 'crowd control' police vehicle, complete with water cannon!

And yes, the absence of one's materials should never delay one contributing to the overall economic health of the wargaming and modeling industry.

Rock on!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/09/12 03:49:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Meer_Cat wrote:

And yes, the absence of one's materials should never delay one contributing to the overall economic health of the wargaming and modeling industry.

Where would the economy be if we only bought what we could use?

Nah it was more FOMO who knows when they'll stop making these and they'll become rare collectors items. Some of the Lightyear toys are already up to the unfathomable price of $10!

It looks like one of the IG tank drivers will fit in the turret, not sure what to do about the BIG GLASS CANOPY on the front of the TANK though.

Just cover it in armor?

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/09/12 13:10:09

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It would look nice "angularized" with some welded plates.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/09/12 18:00:57

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Repose some IG into sitting positions and make the front of the vehicle a two seater like with fighter jets.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/09/12 21:14:27

Post by: Meer_Cat

There's a thought: especially if the treads separate from the body, you'd have a JUG-type close air support two-seater with the addition of some wings and the treads to use for a separate project. Or keep the treads on, make the cockpit a two-seater with a top gunner.... or armor it over and install a main gun, or rioter-containment-net-launching device (like a safari truck)..... or.....

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/10/25 15:48:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Made a quick trip to Hong Kong and returned with spices and silks from the bustling bazaars of the exotic orient!

The Joy Toy action figures are well known but I've not seen of the mention of 'Scene in Box'


They're scaled for larger action figures but the set I got can pass for 28mm figures. Looking forward to assembling it.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/10/26 06:52:36

Post by: Tommygun1918


Thanks for that link, I may need to go broke there at some time.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/10/26 14:21:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Tommygun1918 wrote:

Thanks for that link, I may need to go broke there at some time.

OK I thought that was the manufacturer but it's just a toy seller in Malaysia. So search for it in your favorite retail site.

Fresh Retro Scene in a box Fortifications B is the product.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2023/11/12 15:53:01

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I see a Lightyear truck
I want to paint it brown,
no colors anymore
I want then to turn brown

My hobby supplies are still a month out but I thought I'd at least basecoat some of the toys I've been amassing. Four Lightyear trucks, an Armadillo Shuttle, a fighter and two Indian trucks.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/01 17:04:25

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Well, my 185 boxes have caught up with me and the great digging out has begin.

Also this happened...

Also Hexbane's Hunters have found their proper place as Witch Hunter Jacques Faber, greatest Witch Hunter of his age, known for his hounding of the Rogue Trader Midas Bombast. And his droogs, three Assassins.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/01 19:31:26

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Also this happened...

... although let's be real, took you long enough, knowing your predilections

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/01 23:34:58

Post by: Meer_Cat

I hate when boxes of minis fall out of the sky on my head!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/02 00:51:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Boss Salvage wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Also this happened...

... although let's be real, took you long enough, knowing your predilections

I had to wait till GW had them in stock again.

They will become, in time, a counts-as SOB army the Brothers of Law. And they'll be getting six rhinos. The Enforcer cars will probably just be IG.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/02 11:21:19

Post by: PaddyMick

Really hyped for this project mate, great idea

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/02 13:09:27

Post by: PenitentJake

Great project- I've wanted to convert Hexbane's Hunters myself.

Look forward to more.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/14 09:53:03

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Mulling this...

I have my tower of Arbites to start on, but I also feel the call of my metal IG.

This is where they stood in 2016 and it would nice to unbox them and get them into shape.

Of course with Vet squads gone I now need a ton of Tallarn riflemen to replace the illegal plasma gunners.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/16 08:13:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So I looked at the Ole Tallarn army, lots of 5th edition mech-vets with 3 plasma guns and a heavy, all illegal now

Closest match seems to be DKK who can have 3 special weapons, but only 1 plasma and no heavy. So find some riflemen and move my autocannons into a separate unit.

Grenade Launchers seem suddenly useful so maybe squads of 2 GL/1 plasma along with mech squads of 2 melta/1 plasma.

Heaven only knows what I can do with my 4 plasma command squads.

And I just know as soon as I finish this, GW will invalidate it again.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/17 18:55:20

Post by: PaddyMick

It's tough innit mate? i'm dragging my eolian desert fighters back into the fray, and finding all the units I built for 9th are invalid. Good luck!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/02/18 07:47:26

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Finishing a Dorn tank I got last year - mine seems to be missing a hull plate, I have to call customer service - and found that despite having an absurd number of guns it cannot take a hunterkiller missile.

Somehow this bugs me.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/03/17 16:43:55

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

OK, so like in the process of moving from Egypt to India (by way of America) I had failed utterly to find my paints and modeling tools among the 187 boxes. So after two months of looking and checking every box twice I gave up and bought $200 in paint when I was home last month.

I joked that meant I would find them the next day.

I didn't

It took 2 weeks and today they turned up in a box I swear I checked twice.

But don't worry, I am sworn to only use my summoning powers for good and never for evil.

Now where did I leave that canister of anthrax, I sure would hate to have to buy another one.

[Thumb - summoning.jpg]

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/03/25 10:48:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some actual modelling done, a Rogal Dorn tank, 2 shuttles (prison and Inquisition) and 3 Horus Heresy Demios Rhinos for the Brothers of Law.

I am inordinately proud that both the Dorn and Rhino #1 have a Rogue Trader Rhino ammo box. I think it was my last two but I like the old to new hand off.

Those Demios Rhino kits are really good.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/03/31 15:05:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

A lazy evening's conversion, McLaren sports car to flying car.

Hopefully it will look better painted.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/04/14 09:51:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

No painting as yet, even if it's been a month since bought replacements AND also found my paints.

But lots of modelling down.

First off an ebay/bitz box raid to get a better Lord Solar for my Tallarn army.

Old fantasy Al Muktar and bitz and putty.

Then some DA vets into Blade Guard (yeah I know they're not primaris, this is very much a just for fun project)

And finally, celebrating the End of the End and the Death with some Stormcast to Emperor & Horus action. Even with his steps Horus is still a bit short, I'll have to see if I can boost him again.

I build a grand total of one (1) Arbites and it was as I feared. A 10 part model with zero options, even the holstered pistol slides into a slot. Very much NOT FUN to build.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/04/16 09:30:35

Post by: Camkierhi

Flying car looks ace. Lord Solar looks fun. Great work all round.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/04/16 11:32:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Not my work just parking some images for inspiration

Nothing to see here

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/04/16 11:56:21

Post by: Miguelsan

You should be forbidden from posting pics like that. Makes my wife roll her eyes at me.


Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/04/16 15:34:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So I can hardly do the Emperor vs Horus without some Custodes amIrite?


And after. I always liked wrist guns over the spear guns, they just look less awkward. And the new Thin Sigmarines are so so good.

3 more to go. Lets hope the bitz box can continue to provide.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Another project, the long awaited Stormy Giants!

(not to be confused with any Presidential Water Sports Enthusiasts with a similar name)

12 parts, no alternate builds or optional bits. Even the shoulder pad and sword have parts of the body and cannot be omitted.

5.5" (140mm) tall, and just $22

And I have plans for it... oh yes.

But they'll have to wait until an order arrives.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/04/21 10:56:25

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So I finally built this display set I got in Hong Kong.

Took an hour or two, less time than Rebel Moon II-the Moon of Rebellion, I know that.

All parts come clipped and sorted in zip lock bags, no sprues to cut. No glue needed, you can even take it apart and reconfigure it later. No paint either, thought mine will get some.

It's meant for large scale action figures but this set was sufficiently scale agnostic that it works for 28mm/1-56 scale figures I think, it should fit a 1500 point army with little difficulty. It could also work for gaming.

Not sure if they are still in production but found them in a few spots in Hong Kong last Autumn.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Last post for today, two armor cars courtesy of the Marvel Hulkbuster Truck and a deep bitz box.

The bright blue turret is at least 20 years old from an old project to turn a Matchbox cargo plane into a drop ship.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/04/21 20:13:09

Post by: Llamahead

I do really like those armoured cars.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/04/28 07:29:45

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The site is really slow today, apparently we're getting hit with denial of service attacks as various bots scrape data for AI.

Hopefully this works, some WIP terrain.

Ramshackle Church by Renedra (+some GW details). A good size, 6"x4" or so, lots of character. The connection points were not as well designed as I hoped but overall good. My main complaint is the walls are only details on one side, which is an issue when the building has open windows and gaping holes in the walls.

And some souvenir shop terrain left over from Egypt, just additions to my wasteland spaceport. My thought is that on that world computers and communications take the form of massive oracle like statues. Hence the techy bases and keypads.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/03 15:33:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Assembled the first squad of Brothers of Law.

12 models including the drone and Good Boi. 10 will count as Battle Sisters.

The drone as the cherub marker, the doggie will join the Sisters Repentia/K9 squad.

But oh my gosh, so fragging annoying to build. 11-12 parts for an ordinary rifleman! The radio on the back, separate part! The holster on the side, separate part! The pouches on the belt, separate part! And none are optional, they slide into a hole so if you leave them off your dude has a hole in his body.

Squad specialists, sarge, webber/heavy flamer, grenade launcher/melta, festivus pole/icon.

Special weapons dudes have their 'real' weapon on their backs so there's no confusion.

Only 50 more to go!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/03 16:51:25

Post by: Boss Salvage

Sending strength. They look really rad, nice base toppers too. Sisters rules is a smart call as well.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/05 09:54:58

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more modelling done.

5 Stormcast to Adeptus Custodes, I just like this armor better, the Custodes always look too overdone, like how can they move in all that stuff?

And squads 2 and 3 of the Brothers of Law. These stick and board guys count as... whatever the Battle Sister stick and board squads are called. 2 squads of 5 to ride in Immolators with a character.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/05 20:43:46

Post by: inmygravenimage

In love with these conversion. So cool.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/06 02:54:19

Post by: Tommygun1918

That ramshackle church looks nice. I'll have to check out that Renedra web site.
Also those arbitrators squads always have me hearing Sylvester Stallone saying "I am the law".

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/06 06:33:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thanks for the kind words!

Y'know I wasn't planning to get into Horus Heresy, but then I found you can have a squad of badass firemen with their laser fireman axes...

I am so tempted.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/10 18:16:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

"The Emperor Triumphant Over the Daemon Horus" is one of the classic works of sculptor Daniel Storm in the late 38th Millennium. It is still well regarded even after the Pontifex of Dustin demanded the Emperor's head be replaced with a skull as no one should ever try to represent the true features of the Emperor.

Reaper Storm Giant and a Demon called Agramon. The Storm Giant conversion was easy peasy, trimed down the neck and added a 1" plastic skull and some wires.

The Demon has 2 head options and four left hand options. But since I wanted both a fireball and a sword I had to cut up a sword and glue it to the left hand. He'll do.

Terrain for a ruined Imperial temple.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/12 07:31:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Lord Solar Mk 2, the classic model with added horse and officers briefing him. Will get a raised base and the horse will be Grimdarked.

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/12 12:51:44

Post by: inmygravenimage

Loving the oldhammer glory!

Farewell to Empire (Brothers of Law, pg 45) @ 2024/05/19 15:58:24

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Got my Rebel Moon gunship/whatever and for $14 it's a great buy!

About the size of a Baneblade, but skinnier. About 10" long, 6" wide, 4" tall.

The main work it will need is capping the screw holes with some green stuff, maybe snipping the overlong main gun. And gluing the lid shut, this is a popcorn bowl after all.

A more ambitious person might try and replace the turret guns.

Honestly it comes weathered and painted and could be used out of the box for some games.

None of the parts move, turret does no spin, engines do not rotate, but overall it's a good buy and the best thing it can fit any sci-fi universe since, much like Lightyear toys, no one remembers the film and no one will care.

Play us out Ella Fitzgerald!