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Dakka News

Dakka has moved

If you are reading this, then you are on dakka's new server. We have had two servers running at the same time for a while and flicked the switch to send everyone over to this one today. You may experience some minor side effects, namely your URL bar might show 'web2.dakkadakka.com' for a couple of days, and if you have autologin enabled, you may need to log in again as your cookies may have been reset.

The minor glitches will iron themselves out over the next few days as DNS updates, and with our new server dakka will be faster than ever and is better positioned than any time in its history. Any other problems, please mention them in our Nuts and Bolts forum. Enjoy!

By legoburner on 2008-07-26 11:19:07

Dakka Painting Challenge - OLD SCHOOL

It's time for another Dakka Painting Challenge!

This challenge's theme is: "Old School."
Have an old model from back in the day? A model from a project that you never finished way back when? A collectors edition model from days long past that you never had the gumption to paint up? Well it's time to break that bad boy out and get to it! The Challenge is to find an old model from your collection, or just go out and get an old model that's been gathering up dust on the shelves of your local gaming store, and do it justice and finally give it the paint job it deserved all those years ago when it was released!

For full details please check out this thread in the modeling and painting forum for more details.

The winner will be receiving their choice of either twelve of the ultra-rare Dakka Dice or a piece of custom artwork done by GoatboyBBMA, so good luck to all and happy painting!

By yakface on 2008-06-30 21:56:30

I'm a guest

So the guys over at the The D6 Generation had me on their show to talk about the upcoming 5th edition rules of Warhammer 40,000.

If you're looking for a great breakdown of the new rules, I think this (very long) podcast is going to be for you.

Check it out! But be warned it is rather lengthy.

The official Dakka discussion thread for the podcast can be found here.

By yakface on 2008-06-13 23:02:29

Dakka's Milestone and Articles

At time of writing this, dakka is about to hit the nice 250K post milestone. As many of you know, there have been millions of posts on dakka in the past which were unfortunately lost in ancient forum crashes, but since last years upgrade things have been running smoothly and dakka is growing faster than ever before. Many thanks to our dedicated mod team who keep things running smoothly without stifling the freedom of discussion like many other forums.

Using that as an excuse for a news post, we will take this opportunity to highlight dakka's great articles system, based on a wiki that anyone can edit (even without being logged in), we have already got over 130 articles and are growing rapidly thanks to our existing forum mod team and our eager new article mod team (malfred, ifurita, centurian99 and redbeard). You can see the latest updates to the articles system right here on the top right hand side of this page, or you can see the Recent Changes at any time to see what is new or updated. We will also be updating the articles home page every 2 weeks to highlight our favourite articles, images and army profiles and therefore we highly recommend that you check out the articles home page every 2 weeks to see what new wisdom has been added!
By legoburner on 2008-06-02 23:33:57

See You At Adepticon!

Another year has come and gone and its time to head on back out to Chi-town for a weekend of gaming bliss at Adepticon '08.

For those of you not attending, I feel a little sorry for you. You're going to be missing out on one hell of a lot of fun at a pretty unique event.

For those of you who are going to make it, I look forward to seeing and hanging out with everyone. If you haven't met me before look for the really short guy with dark hair sometimes wearing a Sean Connery T-shirt.

The Dakka Detachment team is heading back again trying to bring the national Team Title home. We've done pretty darn good with our Battle Scores the last couple of years but our painting and theme have suffered.

But this year we actually took the time to make a cohesive army, buy some nice looking shirts and we'll even have cool Dakka themed dice to play with, so surely nothing can go wrong with our plans for world domination, right?

Perhaps. But we did go out on a limb and pick an army that pretty much none of the four of us have any real experience playing with. So it may end up being that we lose all our games and fail miserably anyway. . .only time now will tell.

As for what army we're taking, here's a sneak peek of one of our commander models (pre-based):

So wish us luck (for those not playing in the tournie). Those who are traveling, have a safe one and I'll see you soon!

By legoburner on 2008-04-10 11:31:10

Ladies and Gentleman, I am pleased to announce that we have a winner for the "Oi! Whose Da Best!?" Dakka Painting Challenge!

It is none other Grey_Death, Dakka's newest forum moderator, the man behind the curtain who runs the Dakka Painting Challenges and all around stellar painter and modeler.

His winning model was a perfectly appropriate big, mean and nasty Ogryn.

I'd swear the fix was in on this contest if it wasn't for the fact that the prize of a set of Dakka dice is something that Grey_Death already got just for being a moderator!

So although he'll claim the rightful title of a Dakka Painting Challenge Champion the prize of a set of ultra-rare Dakka dice will be passed on to the second place finisher Vengis for his fantastic Tharn Ravager.

A Big thanks to all those who submitted entries and everyone who took the time to vote. If you'd like to see the names of who submitted which model, you can visit THIS thread.

It was a great challenge but even bigger and better things are planned for the next one, so keep an eye out here for details!

By yakface on 2008-04-01 18:20:05

Dakka 5.11

Well after months of hard work, the latest, greatest version of dakka has been released and is what you are looking at now. There are a HUGE number of changes which have occurred and I'll outline a few of them for you here...
  • New articles system - based on wiki software so any of you can start adding wargaming related articles right away!
  • Army profiles have returned - a dakka classic, you can make a dedicated article page describing your army in detail allowing the whole world to see your coolness
  • Full read tracking for the forums - no longer will all posts be marked 'read' when you logout, now you have to manually click 'mark all posts as read' so you wont miss any great discussion. One side effect of this is that all threads since 2 weeks ago will be marked unread, but this is just a one off occurrence as part of this switch.
  • My Subscribed Threads - Now we have a much better thread subscription. Accessible from your profile page, you can make sure you never miss a reply to any of your posts.
  • Ignore/Friend - Now you can ignore users who annoy you. Just click 'Ignore' under any of their posts and all their posts will be hidden in the future. You can 'friend' someone and access their profile easily (with more features to be added in the future).
  • About 80 minor bugs have been squashed too, making dakka run and work better than ever before!
As usual there will be a few bugs I am sure, but many thanks to yakface and our moderator team (especially iorek and grey_death) for their hard work testing this new release and catching a dozen bugs before it went out! If you have any graphical bugs then hold down shift on your keyboard and press your browser refresh button. If you still have errors, then please report them in our Nuts and Bolts forum and we will fix them!

By legoburner on 2008-03-16 14:25:03

Another Dakka Painting Challenge is upon us!

The last Dakka painting challenge was a pretty big success, but we're hoping that this time we can get an even larger turnout of fun models with great paint jobs.

The theme this time is "Oi! Whose Da Best!?" and the goal is to pick yer fav Ork, Orc, Troll, Ogre, Ogryn, Barbarian or other big, mean and nasty model, and give 'im some paint.

For full details please check out this thread in the modeling and painting forum for more details.

The winner will be receiving twelve of the ultra-rare new Dakka Dice, so good luck to all and happy painting!

By yakface on 2008-03-03 06:18:20


Former owner of Dakka, Russ Wakelin has created a podcast discussing gaming of all kinds (minature games, board games, video games, etc).

Basically it just features a bunch of intelligent guys sitting around discussing gaming as they see it, kind of like you and your buddies, but streaming from the internet!

If the first episode is any indication it looks to be a fun resource that can provide you with a nice distraction while you're painting, for example.

If you'd like to check out the podcast, you can just click on the image above or go to his site: http://www.thed6generation.com/

Dakka will be the official home for discussion about the podcast, as Russ will be adding a sticky post to the top of the Dakka Discussions forum with the release of each new episode. so if you'd like to discuss the first episode, check out this thread.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

By yakface on 2008-02-27 02:28:09


Are you a (relatively) new player to the world of Warhammer 40,000? Do you ever wonder about the dark days over twenty (!) years ago when the game was first released by the up-and-coming Games Workshop?

Well, longtime Dakka user Kid_Kyoto has begun reviewing the issues of White Dwarf published long, long ago that introduced the game to the world.

You can check out his first retro review of White Dwarf issue 93 here.

He's also done a review of issue 97 as well.

If you like this kind of thing, be sure to keep an eye on the Dakka Discussions forum as I'm sure he'll be posting more in the future.

By yakface on 2008-02-09 07:34:36


One of the things I want to start doing here on Dakka is every week or two picking out a thread or user in the forums that I find particularly interesting for one reason or another, just to give that thread a little well deserved attention.

With the upcoming release of the Ork codex for Warhammer 40,000 I know some people (myself included) are interested to read good battle reports featuring the new codex.

Well, a relativey new user ED209 stopped by and posted a neat little 1,000 point battle report between his Necrons and his friend's Orks.

The terrain and armies are good looking and the pictures and descriptions are easy to follow.

If you're looking for a quick fun read about the new Orks in battle against Necrons, I recommend checking this thread out.

By yakface on 2008-01-12 07:29:24

Dakka Upgrade Now Active!

Even though the next big Dakka release is still a few months off, legoburner has taken the time to make a few little improvements to Dakka and also fix a few bugs here and there.

Here are just a few of the features implemented in this latest upgrade:

- There is now a high score list on the non-forum pages which shows the users who have posted the most in the last 7 days and the last 30 days.
- You have the option to disable the forum pop-up post previews in your profile.
- You can set your local timezone and date display preferences in your profile.
- The pictures displayed on the front page are now a random set from the last 30 attachments. They will be random each time you reload the page.
- Full UBB code support in sigs.
- Animated avatars are now allowed.
- You can now autologin from multiple locations at once.
- The database is now unicode so you can use all manner of funky text (japanese, chinese,etc).
- When you have a new PM, the notification at the top of the page is more noticable.
- User avatars now click through to the related user profiles.
- Underlining now works in the text editor.

For a full list of upgrades or to ask a question about the upgrade, please visit this thread in the forums.

By legoburner on 2007-12-16 16:34:31

We have a winner in the first Dakka Painting Challenge v2.0!

Much deserved Congratulations go out to Dakka member Wayfarer who gobbled up 39% of the vote with his beautiful Paladin of Mennoth.

If you'd like to see who painted the rest of the entries in this competition, check out this thread.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to paint up a model for the challenge and we'll be doing another one sometime soon, so keep your eyes out on the front page and I'll let you know.

By legoburner on 2007-11-29 10:47:11

Happy Thanksgiving!

Best wishes out to everyone from Dakka. Hopefully your bellies are full and your house is filled with laughter!

By legoburner on 2007-11-22 11:48:55

An Exciting New Feature of Dakka

See these pictures on the right of the screen? ------------------>

If you click on them you'll be taken directly to the post where they are attached so you can see what the picture is all about.

Any pictures attached to posts in most of the Dakka forums will automatically show up on the front page here (it takes an hour or so), so learn to attach your pictures (instead of just linking to them) to get some great exposure for your posts!

By yakface on 2007-11-18 18:47:29

Dakka Painting Challenge v2.0 is underway

We currently have a Dakka painting challenge running, with the "theme" being a basic infantry model of your choice. The Deadline for submission is December 2nd.

If you're interested in participating in the challenge, check out this thread in the modeling and painting forum for more details.

Thanks to Grey_Death for running this!

By yakface on 2007-11-16 03:59:07


If you're having trouble logging into your Dakka profile, click here.

As you may have noticed, Dakka is now powered by shiny new forum software. Behind the scenes, a brand new server that is both much faster and more reliable than the old one will make your visits to the site more enjoyable.

We've been toiling away these last three months to create a custom set of forum software that gives each user an incredible set of fun and useful tools. As a regular Dakka poster, I am very happy that I'll finally be able to use this software to post and navigate around the forums. It really is leaps and bounds better than the previous incarnation.

So what is new?

There are just so many new cool little features, it is hard to list them all (so I won't). Instead, I think the best way for you to find out all the great stuff the new Dakka offers is to jump right into the forums and try things out for yourself.

If you have any questions you can check out the Dakka FAQ and hopefully find an answer. Feel free to post a question in that thread if you can't find an answer. If you just want to discuss the new site in general, visit this thread.

There is one feature that I just can't resist gushing about though: the ability for all posters (not just DCMs) to attach up to 30 files into their forum posts. All files attached this way are then hosted on our fabulous server available for you to link anywhere else on the internet.

In essence, you can now use Dakka as your picture host by attaching pictures directly into your posts. Unlike other forums, pictures attached into posts on Dakka don't appear as tiny little thumbnails, but rather are automatically sized for optimal forum viewing! The only requirement we have is that all files attached to posts must be related to miniature gaming, but beyond that feel free to attach away!

Once you start looking around, you might notice that most of the areas outside of the forums seem a little, well, under-developed. We had a choice to make: either hold off on implementing the new software for months until every part of the site was fully polished or switch to the new forum software when it was ready and continue to work on the rest of the site at the same time. We chose the latter route because in our opinion having a vastly improved forum experience outweighs the temporary rough edges in the other parts of the site.

That means Dakka isn't finished improving, not by a long shot. We will have several feature upgrade 'releases' in the new year. Once all of these upgrades are finished, Dakka will have a pretty incredible set of tools for users to create and view miniature gaming content.

Finally, a big, giant, enormous shout-out to the co-owner of Dakkadakka.com: legoburner, the person who has put the real blood, sweat and tears into making this fabulous new custom forum software. You'll be seeing more of him around the forums so don't forget to take a moment to give him some thanks for all of his tireless work.

Enjoy, and I'll see you all in the forums!

--Jon "yakface" Regul

By yakface on 2007-11-10 22:29:14